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Ignore whitespace Rev 296 → Rev 297

237,11 → 237,14
# They're executed in order by filter_all_vidcaps
declare -a FILTERS_CS=( )
# The contact sheet creators take the form
# csheet_name( number of columns, context, vidcapfile1, vidcapfile2, ... ) : outputfile
# csheet_name( number of columns, context, width, height, vidcapfile1,
# vidcapfile2, ... ) : outputfile
# Context is one of the CTX_* constants (see below)
# The width and height are those of an individual capture
# It is executed by create_contact_sheet()
declare CSHEET_DELEGATE=csheet_montage
# The context allows the creator to identify which contact sheet it is creating
# (CTX_*) HL: Highlight (-l), STD: Normal, EXT: Extended (-e)
# It is executed by create_contact_sheet()
declare CSHEET_DELEGATE=csheet_montage
declare -ri CTX_HL=1 CTX_STD=2 CTX_EXT=3
# Gravity of the timestamp (will be override-able in the future)
376,6 → 379,12
bc -q <<<"( $f + 0.999999999 ) / 1"
# Applies the Pythagorean Theorem
# pyth_th($1 = cathetus1, $2 = cathetus2)
pyth_th() {
bc -ql <<<"sqrt( $1^2 + $2^2)"
# Prints the width correspoding to the input height and the variable
# aspect ratio
# compute_width($1 = height) (=AR*height) (rounded)
791,8 → 800,8
# filt_polaroid($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_polaroid() {
local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Rotation angle [-9..18]
local angle=$(( ($RANDOM % 19) - 9 ))
# Rotation angle [-18..18]
local angle=$(( ($RANDOM % 37) - 18 ))
# Tweaking the size gives a nice effect too
# w=$(( $w - ( $RANDOM % ( $w / 3 ) ) ))
# -geometry ${w}x \
806,16 → 815,18
# Creates a contact sheet by calling the delegate
# create_contact_sheet($1 = columns, $2... = vidcaps) : output
# create_contact_sheet($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5...$# = vidcaps) : output
create_contact_sheet() {
# This is the standard contact sheet creator
# csheet_montage($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3... = vidcaps) : output
# csheet_montage($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = vidcaps) : output
csheet_montage() {
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 output=$(new_temp_file .png)
shift ; shift
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4 output=$(new_temp_file .png)
shift 4
case $ctx in
$CTX_STD|$CTX_HL) hpad=10 vpad=5 ;;
$CTX_EXT) hpad=5 vpad=2 ;;
832,11 → 843,12
# Polaroid contact sheet creator: it overlaps vidcaps with some randomness
# csheet_polaroid($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3... = $vidcaps) : output
# csheet_polaroid($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = $vidcaps) : output
csheet_polaroid() {
local cols=$1 ctx=$2
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4
# globals: $VID
shift ; shift
shift 4
# TBD: Handle context
850,19 → 862,23
# better way to do it
# Offset bounds, this controls how much of each snap will be over the
# previous one
local maxoffset=$(( ${VID[$W]} / 3 )) # ~ Vid width / 3
local minoffset=$(( $maxoffset / 2 )) # ~ Vid Width / 6
# previous one. Note it is important to work over $width and not $VID[$W]
# to cover all possibilities (extended mode and -H change the vidcap size)
local maxoffset=$(( $width / 3 ))
local minoffset=$(( $width / 6 ))
# Holds the files that will form the full contact sheet
# each file is a row on the final composition
local -a rowfiles=( )
# Dimensions of the canvas for each row, this should be enough
# to hold all snaps (not the snaps are rotated so width and height
# aren't necessarily the same as the video)
local canvasw=$(( ${VID[$W]} * ( $cols + 1 ) ))
local canvash=$(( ${VID[$H]} * 2 ))
# Dimensions of the canvas for each row, it should be big enough
# to hold all snaps.
# My trigonometry is pretty rusty but considering we restrict the angle a lot
# I believe no image should ever be wider/taller than the diagonal (note the
# ceilmultiply is there to simply round the result)
local diagonal=$(ceilmultiply $(pyth_th $width $height) 1)
local canvasw=$(( $diagonal * $cols ))
local canvash=$(( $diagonal ))
# The number of rows required to hold all the snaps
local numrows=$(ceilmultiply ${#@},1/$cols) # rounded division
887,6 → 903,8
# Step through vidcaps (col=[0..cols-1])
for col in $(seq 0 $(( $cols - 1 ))); do
# More cols than files in the last iteration (e.g. -n10 -c4)
if [ -z "$1" ]; then break; fi
w=$(imw "$1")
# Stick the vicap in the canvas
1053,7 → 1071,7
info "Composing highlights contact sheet..."
hlfile=$( create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_HL "${capfiles[@]}" )
hlfile=$( create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_HL $vidcap_width $vidcap_height "${capfiles[@]}" )
unset hlcapfile pretty n capfiles
unset n
1082,7 → 1100,7
filter_all_vidcaps "${capfiles[@]}"
info "Composing standard contact sheet..."
output=$(create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_STD "${capfiles[@]}")
output=$(create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_STD $vidcap_width $vidcap_height "${capfiles[@]}")
unset capfile capfiles pretty n
# Extended mode
1111,7 → 1129,7
let 'n++'
info "Composing extended contact sheet..."
extoutput=$( csheet_montage $(($numcols * 2)) $CTX_EXT "${capfiles[@]}" )
extoutput=$( create_contact_sheet $(($numcols * 2)) $CTX_EXT $w $h "${capfiles[@]}" )
unset w h capfile pretty n
fi # Extended mode