Subversion Repositories pub

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 56 → Rev 58

26,12 → 26,57
// $Id$
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
* Provides the environment for {@link net.outlyer.plugins.Sandbox}es.
public abstract class PluginEnvironment {
public class PluginEnvironment {
static class UnsupportedAPIException extends PluginException {
public UnsupportedAPIException(int providedApi) {
super("Plugin has unsupported API ("+providedApi+")");
static class UnsupportedTypeException extends PluginException {
public UnsupportedTypeException(String pluginType) {
super("Plugin has unsupported type ("+pluginType+")");
private final Map<String, Object> exportedObjects;
private BasePluginObject pluginObject;
private StringBuilder boilerPlate;
private List<String> acceptedTypes = null;
private int maxApi=API.REVISION;
// Since these lines are evaluated they'll be executed twice
// so the lower the number the better to reduce unexpected side effects
private static int linesToCheckForSupport = 1;
static final String EXPORTED_SANDBOX_VARIABLE = "$net.outlyer.runtime.sandbox";
exportedObjects = new HashMap();
pluginObject = null;
boilerPlate = new StringBuilder();
// Public interface
* Creates a sandbox associated to the script found in uri
* @param uri Plugin uri
38,8 → 83,34
* @return Sandbox associated to uri
* @throws net.outlyer.plugins.PluginException
abstract public Sandbox createSandbox(final URI uri) throws PluginException;
public Sandbox createSandbox(final URI forUri) throws PluginException {
final ScriptEngine rhino = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("rhino");
final PluginProperties pp = checkForSupport(forUri);
if (null == pluginObject) {
pluginObject = new PluginObject();
try {
final PluginObject po = (PluginObject) pluginObject.clone();
final Bindings bindings = rhino.createBindings();
for (final String objectName : exportedObjects.keySet()) {
bindings.put(objectName, exportedObjects.get(objectName));
bindings.put("plugin", po);
enableSandboxAccess("plugin", po);
return new SandboxImpl(forUri, bindings, pp, boilerPlate.toString());
catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
assert false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect implementation");
* Makes an object accessible from the plugin.
* Note the object will be shared amongst any sandboxes created after
47,17 → 118,23
* @param name Name with which to access the object
* @param object Object to export
abstract public void exportGlobalObject(final String name, final Object object);
public void exportGlobalObject(final String name, final Object object) {
if (null == name) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't export an object with" +
"a null name");
if (name.equals("plugin")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't export an object named " +
"plugin, use setPluginObject() instead");
exportedObjects.put(name, object);
if (object instanceof SandboxAccessor) {
enableSandboxAccess(name, (SandboxAccessor)object);
* Restricts the set of supported plugins to the ones with the given plugin
* type (by default no restriction is applied).
* @see PluginProperties#type
* @param pluginTypes Set of types to allow; use null to allow all types
abstract public void setAcceptedTypes(final String... pluginTypes);
* Defines the object to be exported as <code>plugin</code>.
* The <code>plugin</code> object is the only one exported by default.
* If none is set, a default one will be provided.
66,9 → 143,147
* shared amongst sandboxes, a clone of the one provided will be used.
* @param pluginObject Object to export, set to null to use a default one.
abstract public void setPluginObject(final BasePluginObject pluginObject);
public void setPluginObject(BasePluginObject pObject) {
pluginObject = pObject;
public static PluginEnvironment create() {
return new PluginEnvironmentImpl();
* Restricts the set of supported plugins to the ones with the given plugin
* type (by default no restriction is applied).
* @see PluginProperties#type
* @param pluginTypes Set of types to allow; use null to allow all types
public void setAcceptedTypes(final String ... pluginTypes) {
if (null != pluginTypes) {
for (final String type : pluginTypes) {
if (null == type) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The set of plugin types" +
" must be either null, or a set of non-null values");
acceptedTypes = Arrays.asList(pluginTypes);
// Non-public interface
private void enableSandboxAccess(final String name, final SandboxAccessor sa) {
try {
Field f = sa.getClass().getField("_getSandbox");
catch (final NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("object " + name + " must comply " +
"with the contract of SandboxAccessor");
final String callback = name + "._getSandbox";
boilerPlate.append(callback).append("=function() {")
.append(" return ")
PluginProperties checkForSupport(final URI uri) throws PluginException {
assert null != uri;
final PluginProperties pp = fetchPluginProperties(uri);
if (null == pp) {
throw new PluginExecutionException("Failed while inspecting plugin "+uri);
if (null != acceptedTypes) {
if (!acceptedTypes.contains(pp.type)) {
throw new UnsupportedTypeException(pp.type);
if (pp.apiVersion > maxApi) {
throw new UnsupportedAPIException(pp.apiVersion);
return pp;
// TODO: ? Possibly cache this, so that the first line is only eval'ed
// once more than the # of executions
static PluginProperties fetchPluginProperties(final URI uri) {
assert null != uri;
final ScriptEngine rhino = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("rhino");
try {
// Define a Plugin object with a field named type
rhino.eval("var plugin={ type: null, apiVersion: null };");
catch (ScriptException e) {
assert false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown error encountered");
// First of all check the script for support
Object type = null, name = null;
Object apiVersion = null;
// Try to eval each line, since it executes in a sandbox this is
// *relatively* safe
String line;
try {
final LineNumberReader script = new LineNumberReader(new PluginReader(uri));
try {
while ((null == type || null == apiVersion || null == name) &&
(null != (line = script.readLine())) &&
script.getLineNumber() <= linesToCheckForSupport) {
try {
// Note that undefined doesn't convert to null!
if (null == type) {
rhino.eval("$_1_$ = (undefined===plugin.type)?null:plugin.type;");
type = rhino.get("$_1_$");
if (null == apiVersion) {
rhino.eval("$_1_$ = (undefined===plugin.apiVersion)?null:plugin.apiVersion;");
apiVersion = rhino.get("$_1_$");
if (null == name) {
rhino.eval("$_1_$ = (;");
name = rhino.get("$_1_$");
catch (final ScriptException e) {
// Exceptions are to be expected since none of the guaranteed
// plugin tools are provided in this context they'll try to
// access unexisting objects
finally {
catch (final IOException e) {
// XXX: Evil silent failure
return null;
if (null == type) {
type = "";
if (null == apiVersion) {
apiVersion = 0;
// name can be null
final PluginProperties pp = new PluginProperties();
try {
pp.apiVersion = Double.valueOf(apiVersion.toString()).intValue();
pp.type = type.toString(); = (null != name) ? name.toString(): null;
catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
// XXX: Evil silent failure
return null;
return pp;