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Ignore whitespace Rev 589 → Rev 590

55,6 → 55,9
# <>
import lxml._elementpath as _dummy
import gzip # py2exe again
import hashlib # required by newer format
# PBKDF2 stolen from Revelation
import PBKDF2
106,6 → 109,18
# Errors
class Errors(object):
class Error(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class DecryptError(Error):
def __init__(self, msg = 'Failed to decrypt data. Wrong password?'):
self.msg = msg
class DataFormatError(Error):
def __init__(self, msg = 'Incorrect data format'):
self.msg = msg
def printe(s):
' Print to stderr '
309,46 → 324,134
printe('Configuration file (~/.relevation.conf) is not readable!')
return ( fl, pw, mode )
class DataReaderV1(object):
def _decrypt_compressed_data(self, key, cipher_text):
''' Decrypt cipher_text using key.
_decrypt_compressed_data(str, str) -> cleartext (gzipped xml)
class _DataReaderBase(object):
' Common methods for reading data files '
def validate_compressed_padding(self, data):
''' Checks that the gzip-compressed 'data' is padded correctly.
validate_compressed_padding(str) -> bool
padlen = ord(data[-1])
for i in data[-padlen:]:
if ord(i) != padlen:
return False
return True
def validate_cipher_length(self, data):
''' Checks that encrypted 'data' has an appropriate length.
validate_cipher_length(str) -> bool
Encrypted data length must be a multiple of 16
return ( len(data) % 16 == 0 )
def _aes_decrypt_ecb(self, key, data):
''' Decrypt AES cipher text in ECB mode
_aes_decrypt_ecb(str, str) -> str
This function will use the underlying, available, cipher module.
# Old format:
# [0:12) 12B header: "rvl" 0x00, 0x01, 0x00
# [12:28) 16B ECB encrypted CBC IV
# [28:] encrypted data
# Extract IV
c =
iv = c.decrypt(cipher_text[12:28])
# Decrypt data, CBC mode
cleardata = c.decrypt(data)
c = rijndael.Rijndael(key, keySize=len(key), padding=noPadding())
cleardata = c.decrypt(data)
return cleardata
def _aes_decrypt_cbc(self, key, iv, data):
''' Decrypt AES cipher text in CBC mode
_aes_decrypt_ecb(str, str, str) -> str
This function will use the underlying, available, cipher module.
c =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
ct = c.decrypt(cipher_text[28:])
cleardata = c.decrypt(data)
# Extract IV
c = rijndael.Rijndael(key, keySize=len(key), padding=noPadding())
iv = c.decrypt(cipher_text[12:28])
# Decrypt data, CBC mode
bc = rijndael.Rijndael(key, keySize=len(key), padding=noPadding())
c = cbc.CBC(bc, padding=noPadding())
ct = c.decrypt(cipher_text[28:], iv=iv)
return ct
cleardata = c.decrypt(data, iv=iv)
return cleardata
def get_xml(self, data, password):
''' Extract the XML contents from the encrypted and compressed input.
get_xml(str, str) -> str
# Pad password
password += (chr(0) * (32 - len(password)))
class DataReaderV1(_DataReaderBase):
''' Data reading for Revelation data files in the original format.
Old format header:
[0:12) 12B header: "rvl" 0x00, 0x01, 0x00
[12:28) 16B ECB encrypted IV (for CBC-encrypted data)
[28:] CBC encrypted data
def _decrypt_compressed_data(self, password, cipher_text):
''' Decrypt cipher_text using password.
_decrypt_compressed_data(str, str) -> cleartext (gzipped xml)
# Minimum length of header
if len(cipher_text) < 28:
raise Errors.DataFormatError
# Key <= Padded password
key = password
key += (chr(0) * (32 - len(password)))
# Extract IV
iv = self._aes_decrypt_ecb(key, cipher_text[12:28])
# Skip IV
cipher_text = cipher_text[28:]
# Input strings for decrypt must be a multiple of 16 in length
if not self.validate_cipher_length(cipher_text):
raise Errors.DataFormatError
# Decrypt data, CBC mode
return self._aes_decrypt_cbc(key, iv, cipher_text)
def get_xml(self, data, password):
# Decrypt. Decrypted data is compressed
cleardata_gz = self._decrypt_compressed_data(password, data)
# Length of data padding
# Validate padding for decompression
if not self.validate_compressed_padding(cleardata_gz):
raise Errors.DataFormatError
# Decompress actual data (15 is wbits [ref3] DON'T CHANGE, 2**15 is the (initial) buf size)
padlen = ord(cleardata_gz[-1])
# Decompress actual data (15 is wbits [ref3] DON'T CHANGE, 2**15 is the (initial) buf size)
return zlib.decompress(cleardata_gz[:-padlen], 15, 2**15)
class DataReaderV2(_DataReaderBase):
''' Data reading for Revelation data files in the new format.
New format header:
[0:12) 12B header: "rvl" 0x00, 0x02, 0x00
[12:20) 8B salt
[20:36) 16B IV (for CBC-encrypted data)
[36:] CBC encrypted data
The encryption key is derived from the password and salt through the
PBKDF2 module.
def _decrypt_compressed_data(self, password, cipher_text):
# Minimum length of header
if len(cipher_text) < 36:
raise Errors.DataFormatError
salt = cipher_text[12:20]
iv = cipher_text[20:36]
key = PBKDF2.PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations=12000).read(32)
# Skip encryption header
cipher_text = cipher_text[36:]
if not self.validate_cipher_length(cipher_text):
raise Errors.DataFormatError
# Decrypt data (CBC)
decrypted = self._aes_decrypt_cbc(key, iv, cipher_text)
sha256hash = decrypted[0:32]
# Skip hash. decrypted <= Decrypted, Compressed data
decrypted = decrypted[32:]
# Validate hash
if sha256hash != hashlib.sha256(decrypted).digest():
raise Errors.DecryptError
return decrypted
def get_xml(self, data, password):
# Decrypt...
cleardata_gz = self._decrypt_compressed_data(password, data)
# Validate padding for decompression
if not self.validate_compressed_padding(cleardata_gz):
raise Errors.DataFormatError
# Decompress
padlen = ord(cleardata_gz[-1])
return zlib.decompress(cleardata_gz[:-padlen])
class DataReader(object):
''' Interface to read Revelation's data files '''
def __init__(self, filename):
385,6 → 488,8
app_version = header[6:9]
if data_version == '\x01':
self._impl = DataReaderV1()
elif data_version == '\x02':
self._impl = DataReaderV2()
raise IOError('File \'%s\' is in a newer, unsupported, data format' % self._filename)
def get_xml(self, password):