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Ignore whitespace Rev 182 → Rev 183

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""" crypto.cipher.ccm
CCM block cipher mode
The CCM class can wrap any BlockCipher to create a 'CCM' mode
that provides encryption with a strong integrity check. The
integrity check can optionally include unencrypted 'addAuthData'.
CCM requires a nonce that MUST NEVER repeat for a given key.
Copyright © (c) 2002 by Paul A. Lambert
Read LICENSE.txt for license information.
from crypto.cipher.base import BlockCipherWithIntegrity, noPadding
from crypto.common import xor
from struct import unpack, pack
from crypto.errors import InitCryptoError, EncryptError, DecryptError, IntegrityCheckError
class CCM(BlockCipherWithIntegrity):
""" The CCM class wraps block ciphers to provide integrity and encryption.
CCM provides both encryption and a strong integrity check. The
integrity check can optionally include "additional authentication
data" that is included in the message integrity check, but is not encrypted.
CCM is composed of two passes of the same base cipher, first
the instance calculates a CBC Message Authentication Check,
and then the same algorithm instance is used for the CTR
(counter) mode encryption.
This algorithm mode does NOT support streams of data (moreData flag)
since a full packet must be available for the two pass CBC_MAC
and CTR encryption process.
When decrypting, a 'DecryptIntegrityError' exception is raised
if the integrity check fails.
>> aes_ccm = CCM(AES(key))
>> cipherText = aes_ccm.encrypt(plainText, nonce)
>> try:
>> decryptedText = aes_ccm.decrypt(cipherText, nonce)
>> except IntegrityCheckError:
>> print 'failed integrity check'
or ...
>> cipherText = aes_ccm.encrypt(plainText, nonce, addAuthData=header)
>> try:
>> decryptedText = aes_ccm.decrypt(cipherText, nonce, addAuthData=header)
>> except IntegrityCheckError:
>> print 'failed integrity check'
def __init__(self, blockCipherInstance, autoNonce=None, macSize=8, nonceSize=13):
""" CCM algorithms are created by initializing with a BlockCipher instance
blockCipherInstance -> typically AES_ECB
autoNonce -> sets the intial value of a nonce for automatic nonce
creation (not available yet)
macSize -> size of MAC field can be = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16
nonceSize -> size of nonce in bytes (default 13)
the counter size is blockSize-nonceSize-1
self.baseCipher = blockCipherInstance = + '_CCM'
self.blockSize = self.baseCipher.blockSize
self.keySize = self.baseCipher.keySize
self.baseCipher.padding = noPadding() # baseCipher should NOT pad!!
self.M = macSize # Number of octets
if not((3 < self.M < 17) and (macSize%2==0)) :
raise InitCryptoError, 'CCM, M (size of auth field) is out of bounds'
self.nonceSize = nonceSize
self.L = self.baseCipher.blockSize - self.nonceSize - 1
if not(1 < self.L < 9) :
raise InitCryptoError, 'CCM, L (size of length field) is out of bounds'
def setKey(self, key):
# Overload to reset both CCM state and the wrapped baseCipher
def resetEncrypt(self):
BlockCipherWithIntegrity.resetEncrypt(self) # reset CCM encrypt state (super class)
self.baseCipher.resetEncrypt() # reset base cipher encrypt state
def resetDecrypt(self):
BlockCipherWithIntegrity.resetDecrypt(self) # reset CBC state (super class)
self.baseCipher.resetEncrypt() # CCM uses encryption of base cipher to decrypt!
def encrypt(self, plainText, nonce, addAuthData=''):
""" CCM encryption of plainText
nonce must be unique for each encryption, if set to none
it will maintain it's own nonce creation
addAuthData is optional """
# construct authentication block zero
# flag byte fields
Adata = ((len(addAuthData))>0) << 6 # bit 6 is 1 if auth
Mfield = ((self.M-2)/2) << 3 # bits 5,4,3 encode macSize
Lfield = self.L-1 # bits 2,1,0 encode L size = blockSize-nonceSize-1
flagsByte = chr(Adata^Mfield^Lfield)
if len(nonce) != self.nonceSize :
raise EncryptError, 'wrong sized nonce'
lenMessage = len(plainText)
if lenMessage >= 1L<<(8*self.L):
raise EncryptError, 'CCM plainText too long for given L field size'
packedLenMessage = pack('!Q', lenMessage)[-self.L:] # pack and truncate to L bytes
blockZero = flagsByte+nonce+packedLenMessage
if len(blockZero) != self.baseCipher.blockSize:
raise EncryptError, 'CCM bad size of first block'
authLengthField = self._encodeAuthLength(len(addAuthData))
cbcInput = blockZero+authLengthField+addAuthData
authPadSize = self.baseCipher.blockSize-((len(cbcInput)-1)%self.baseCipher.blockSize)-1
cbcInput = cbcInput + authPadSize*chr(0) # pad to block size with zeros
cbcInput = cbcInput + plainText
cbcEndPad = chr(0x00)*((self.blockSize-((len(cbcInput))%self.blockSize))%self.blockSize)
cbcInput = cbcInput + cbcEndPad
# Calculate CBC_MAC
numCbcBlocks,extra = divmod(len(cbcInput),self.blockSize)
assert (extra==0), 'bad block size on cbc_mac calculation'
cbcMicValue = self.blockSize*chr(0x00)
for i in range(numCbcBlocks) :
cbcBlock = cbcInput[i*self.blockSize:(i+1)*self.blockSize]
cbcMicValue = self.baseCipher.encrypt( xor(cbcMicValue, cbcBlock) )
counter = 0L
# the counter mode preload with counter starting at zero
ctrModePl = chr(self.L-1)+ nonce + pack('>Q', counter)[-self.L:]
ccmMIC = xor(self.baseCipher.encrypt(ctrModePl),cbcMicValue)[:self.M] # first M bytes of xor
ct = ''
numCtrBlocks,extra = divmod(len(plainText)+self.blockSize,self.blockSize)
while counter < numCtrBlocks :
counter = counter + 1L
ctrModePl = chr(self.L-1) + nonce + pack('>Q', counter)[-self.L:]
ct = ct + xor(self.baseCipher.encrypt(ctrModePl), plainText[(counter-1)*16:counter*16] )
ct = ct + ccmMIC
return ct
def decrypt(self, cipherText, nonce, addAuthData=''):
""" CCM decryption of cipherText
nonce must be unique for each encryption, if set to none
it will maintain it's own nonce creation
the nonce is then included in the cipher text
addAuthData is option """
# construct authentication block zero
# flag byte fields
Adata = ((len(addAuthData))>0) << 6 # bit 6 is 1 if auth
Mfield = ((self.M-2)/2) << 3 # bits 5,4,3 encode macSize
Lfield = self.L-1 # bits 2,1,0 encode L size = blockSize-nonceSize-1
flagsByte = chr(Adata^Mfield^Lfield)
if len(nonce) != self.nonceSize :
raise DecryptError, 'wrong sized nonce'
lenMessage = len(cipherText)-self.M
if lenMessage >= 1L<<(8*self.L):
raise DecryptError, 'CCM cipherText too long for given L field size'
if lenMessage < 0 :
raise DecryptError, 'Too small of cipherText for MIC size'
packedLenMessage = pack('!Q', lenMessage)[-self.L:] # pack and truncate to L bytes
pt = ''
ct = cipherText[:-self.M] # trim of MIC field
numCtrBlocks,extra = divmod(len(ct)+self.blockSize,self.blockSize)
for counter in range(1, numCtrBlocks+1) :
ctrModePl = chr(self.L-1) + nonce + pack('>Q', counter)[-self.L:]
ctr = self.baseCipher.encrypt(ctrModePl)
ctBlock = ct[(counter-1)*self.blockSize:counter*self.blockSize]
pt = pt + xor( ctr, ctBlock )
#------- CBC Mac Calculation
blockZero = flagsByte+nonce+packedLenMessage
if len(blockZero) != self.baseCipher.blockSize:
raise DecryptError, 'CCM bad size of first block'
authLengthField = self._encodeAuthLength(len(addAuthData))
cbcInput = blockZero+authLengthField+addAuthData
authPadSize = self.baseCipher.blockSize-((len(cbcInput)-1)%self.baseCipher.blockSize)-1
cbcInput = cbcInput + authPadSize*chr(0) # pad to block size with zeros
cbcInput = cbcInput + pt
cbcEndPad = chr(0x00)*((self.blockSize-((len(cbcInput))%self.blockSize))%self.blockSize)
cbcInput = cbcInput + cbcEndPad
# Calculate CBC_MAC
numCbcBlocks,extra = divmod(len(cbcInput),self.blockSize)
assert (extra==0), 'bad block size on cbc_mac calculation'
cbcMicValue = self.blockSize*chr(0x00)
for i in range(numCbcBlocks) :
cbcBlock = cbcInput[i*self.blockSize:(i+1)*self.blockSize]
cbcMicValue = self.baseCipher.encrypt( xor(cbcMicValue, cbcBlock) )
ctrModePl0 = chr(self.L-1)+ nonce + pack('>Q', 0)[-self.L:]
ccmMIC = xor(self.baseCipher.encrypt(ctrModePl0),cbcMicValue)[:self.M] # first 8 bytes of xor
if ccmMIC != cipherText[-self.M:] :
raise IntegrityCheckError, 'CCM Integrity check failed on decrypt'
return pt
def _encodeAuthLength(self, length):
""" construct byte string representing length, returns 2 to 10 bytes """
if length < 0 :
raise EncryptError, 'CCM illegal length value'
elif 0 <= length < 0xFF00:
byteString = pack('!H', length) # pack into two bytes
elif 0xFF00 <= length < 0x100000000L:
byteString = pack('!HI',0xFFFE, length) # pack into 0xFFFE + four bytes
elif 0x100000000L <= length < 0x10000000000000000L:
byteString = pack('!HQ',0xFFFF, length) # pack into 0xFFFF + eigth bytes
raise EncryptError, 'CCM length error'
return byteString
def _decodeAuthLength(self, byteString):
""" decode byte string representing length, returns length
Only the first 2 to 10 bytes of the byte string are examined """
firstTwoOctets == unpack('!H',bytesString[0:2]) # two bytes used for length
if firstTwoOctets == 0:
raise DecryptError, 'CCM auth length zero with auth bit set'
elif 0 < firstTwoOctets < 0xFEFF:
messageLength == firstTwoOctets
elif 0xFEFF < firstTwoOctets < 0xFFFE:
raise DecryptError, 'CCM auth length illegal values'
elif firstTwoOctets == 0xFFFE:
messageLength = unpack('!I',byteString[2:6]) # four bytes used for length
elif firstTwoOctets == 0xFFFF:
messageLength = unpack('!Q',byteString[2:10]) # eight bytes used for length
raise DecryptError, 'CCM auth length error'
return messageLength