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Regard whitespace Rev 308 → Rev 307

25,9 → 25,7
# References:
# Pages from I've taken snippets or wrote code based on them.
# I refer to them in comments as e.g. [[R1]]. [[R1#3]] Means section 3 in R1.
# I also use internal references in the form [x1] (anchor -where to point-)
# and [[x1]] (x-reference -point to what-).
# I refer to them in comments as e.g. [[R1]]. [[R1#3]] Means section 3 in R1
# [R1] Bash (and other shells) tips
# <>
# [R2] List of officially registered FOURCCs and WAVE Formats (aka wFormatTag)
79,8 → 77,7
# * Added codec ids for On2's VP3, VP4, VP5 and VP6, TechSmith Screen Capture
# Codec (Camtasia's) and Theora, expanded list of FOURCCs of Indeo's
# codecs.
# * Added -E / --end_offset / $DEFAULT_END_OFFSET, used to eliminate some
# seconds from the end
# * Added $end_offset / -E, used to eliminate some seconds from the end
set -e
87,12 → 84,8
# * [[R1#22]] states that not all bc versions understand '<', more info required
# * [[x1]] Find out why the order of ffmpeg arguments breaks some files.
# * [[x2]] Find out if egrep is safe to use or grep -E is more commonplace.
# {{{ # Constants
# Configuration file, please, use this file to modify the behaviour of the
# script. Using this allows overriding some variables (see below)
# to your liking. Only lines with a variable assignment are evaluated,
111,6 → 104,7
# The variables that can be overriden are below the block of constants ahead.
declare -r CFGFILE=~/.vcs.conf
# Constants {{{
# see $decoder
declare -ri DEC_MPLAYER=1 DEC_FFMPEG=3
# See $timecode_from
125,19 → 119,10
declare -ri V_ALL=5 V_NONE=-1 V_ERROR=1 V_WARN=2 V_INFO=3
# see $font_filename and $FONT_MINCHO
declare -ri FF_DEFAULT=5 FF_MINCHO=7
# Indexes in $VID
declare -ri W=0 H=1 FPS=2 LEN=3 VCODEC=4 ACODEC=5 VDEC=6 CHANS=7
# Exit codes, same numbers as /usr/include/sysexits.h
declare -r EX_OK=0 EX_USAGE=64 EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 \
EX_INTERRUPTED=79 # This one is not on sysexits.h
# The context allows the creator to identify which contact sheet it is creating
# (CTX_*) HL: Highlight (-l), STD: Normal, EXT: Extended (-e)
declare -ri CTX_HL=1 CTX_STD=2 CTX_EXT=3
# }}} # End of constants
# {{{ # Override-able variables
# Override-able variables {{{
declare -i DEFAULT_INTERVAL=300
declare -i DEFAULT_NUMCAPS=16
236,8 → 221,6
# }}} # End of override-able variables
# {{{ # Variables
# Options and other internal usage variables, no need to mess with this!
declare interval=$DEFAULT_INTERVAL # Interval of captures (=numsecs/numcaps)
declare -i numcaps=$DEFAULT_NUMCAPS # Number of captures (=numsecs/interval)
259,14 → 242,20
# go there
# This holds the output of mplayer -identify on the current video
# This holds the parsed values of MPLAYER_CACHE, see also the Indexes in VID
# (defined in the constants block)
# This holds the parsed values of MPLAYER_CACHE...
declare -a VID=
# ...and these are the indexes in $VID
declare -ri W=0 H=1 FPS=2 LEN=3 VCODEC=4 ACODEC=5 VDEC=6 CHANS=7
# Workarounds:
# Exit codes, same codes as /usr/include/sysexits.h
declare -r EX_OK=0 EX_USAGE=64 EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 \
EX_INTERRUPTED=79 # This one is not on sysexits.h
# Workaounds:
# Argument order in FFmpeg is important -ss before or after -i will make
# the capture work or not depending on the file. See -Wo.
# TODO: [x1].
# the capture work or not depending on the file. XXX: I've yet to find why :P
# Anyway, this is used to change the order. See -Wo.
# Admittedly the workaraound is abit obscure: those variables will be added to
# the ffmpeg arguments, before and after -i, replacing spaces by the timestamp.
# e.g.: for second 50 '-ss ' will become '-ss 50' while '' will stay empty
300,14 → 289,13
# The width and height are those of an individual capture
# It is executed by create_contact_sheet()
declare CSHEET_DELEGATE=csheet_montage
# The context allows the creator to identify which contact sheet it is creating
# (CTX_*) HL: Highlight (-l), STD: Normal, EXT: Extended (-e)
declare -ri CTX_HL=1 CTX_STD=2 CTX_EXT=3
# Gravity of the timestamp (will be override-able in the future)
declare grav_timestamp=SouthEast
# }}} # Variables
# {{{ # Configuration handling
# These are the variables allowed to be overriden in the config file,
# please.
# They're REGEXes, they'll be concatenated to form a regex like
393,8 → 381,6
# }}} # Configuration handling
# {{{ # Convenience functions
# Returns true if input is composed only of numbers
659,7 → 645,7
let 'retval++'
# TODO: [x2]
# XXX: Is egrep universal enough ?
return $retval
1591,117 → 1577,6
# }}} # Core functionality
# {{{ # Debugging helpers
# Tests integrity of some operations.
# Used to test internal changes for consistency.
# It helps me to identify incorrect optimizations.
# unit_test()
unit_test() {
local t op val ret comm retval=0
# Textual tests, compare output to expected output
# Tests are in the form "operation arguments correct_result #Description"
local TESTS=(
"rmultiply 1,1 1 #Identity"
"rmultiply 16/9,1 2 #Rounding" # 1.77 rounded 2
"rmultiply 4/3 1 #Rounding" # 1.33 rounded 1
"rmultiply 1,16/9 2 #Commutative property"
"rmultiply 1.7 2 #Alternate syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1,1 1 #"
"ceilmultiply 4/3 2 #" # 1.33 rounded 2
"ceilmultiply 7,1/2 4 #" # 3.5 rounded 4
"ceilmultiply 7/2 4 #Alternative syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1/2,7 4 #Commutative property"
"pad 10 0 0000000000 #Padding"
"pad 1 20 20 #Unneeded padding"
"pad 5 23.3 023.3 #Floating point padding"
"guess_aspect 720 576 4/3 #DVD AR Guess"
"guess_aspect 1024 576 1024/576 #Unsupported Wide AR Guess"
"tolower ABC abc #lowercase conversion"
"pyth_th 4 3 5 #Integer pythagorean theorem"
"pyth_th 16 9 18.35755975068581929849 #FP pythagorean theorem"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}" ; do
# Note the use of ! as separator, this is because # and / are used in
# many of the inputs
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
ret=$($op) || true
if [ "$ret" != "$val" ] && fptest "$ret" -ne "$val" ; then
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op $val'. Got result '$ret'."
let 'retval++,1' # The ,1 ensures let doesn't fail
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op $val'."
# Returned value tests, compare return to expected return
local TESTS=(
# Don't use anything with a RE meaning
# Floating point numeric "test"
"fptest 3 -eq 3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 3.2 -gt 1 0 #FP test"
"fptest 1/2 -le 2/3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 6.34 -gt 6.34 1 #FP test"
"fptest 1>0 -eq 1 0 #FP -logical- test"
"is_number 3 0 #Numeric recognition"
"is_number '3' 1 #Quoted numeric recognition"
"is_number 3.3 1 #Non-numeric recognition"
"is_float 3.33 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 3 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 1/3 1 #Non-float recognition"
"is_fraction 1/1 0 #Fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1 1 #non-fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1.1 1 #Non-fraction recognition"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}"; do
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
$op || {
if [ $val -eq $ret ]; then
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'."
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'. Returned '$ret'"
let 'retval++,1'
return $retval
# }}} # Debugging helpers
# {{{ # Help / Info
# Prints the program identification to stderr
show_vcs_info() { # Won't be printed in quiet modes
inf "Video Contact Sheet *NIX v${VERSION}, (c) 2007 Toni Corvera" "sgr0"
1813,8 → 1688,114
# }}} # Help / Info
# }}} # Core functionality
# {{{ # Debugging helpers
# Tests integrity of some operations.
# Used to test internal changes for consistency.
# It helps me to identify incorrect optimizations.
# unit_test()
unit_test() {
local t op val ret comm retval=0
# Textual tests, compare output to expected output
# Tests are in the form "operation arguments correct_result #Description"
local TESTS=(
"rmultiply 1,1 1 #Identity"
"rmultiply 16/9,1 2 #Rounding" # 1.77 rounded 2
"rmultiply 4/3 1 #Rounding" # 1.33 rounded 1
"rmultiply 1,16/9 2 #Commutative property"
"rmultiply 1.7 2 #Alternate syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1,1 1 #"
"ceilmultiply 4/3 2 #" # 1.33 rounded 2
"ceilmultiply 7,1/2 4 #" # 3.5 rounded 4
"ceilmultiply 7/2 4 #Alternative syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1/2,7 4 #Commutative property"
"pad 10 0 0000000000 #Padding"
"pad 1 20 20 #Unneeded padding"
"pad 5 23.3 023.3 #Floating point padding"
"guess_aspect 720 576 4/3 #DVD AR Guess"
"guess_aspect 1024 576 1024/576 #Unsupported Wide AR Guess"
"tolower ABC abc #lowercase conversion"
"pyth_th 4 3 5 #Integer pythagorean theorem"
"pyth_th 16 9 18.35755975068581929849 #FP pythagorean theorem"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}" ; do
# Note the use of ! as separator, this is because # and / are used in
# many of the inputs
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
ret=$($op) || true
if [ "$ret" != "$val" ] && fptest "$ret" -ne "$val" ; then
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op $val'. Got result '$ret'."
let 'retval++,1' # The ,1 ensures let doesn't fail
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op $val'."
# Returned value tests, compare return to expected return
local TESTS=(
# Don't use anything with a RE meaning
# Floating point numeric "test"
"fptest 3 -eq 3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 3.2 -gt 1 0 #FP test"
"fptest 1/2 -le 2/3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 6.34 -gt 6.34 1 #FP test"
"fptest 1>0 -eq 1 0 #FP -logical- test"
"is_number 3 0 #Numeric recognition"
"is_number '3' 1 #Quoted numeric recognition"
"is_number 3.3 1 #Non-numeric recognition"
"is_float 3.33 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 3 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 1/3 1 #Non-float recognition"
"is_fraction 1/1 0 #Fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1 1 #non-fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1.1 1 #Non-fraction recognition"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}"; do
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
$op || {
if [ $val -eq $ret ]; then
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'."
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'. Returned '$ret'"
let 'retval++,1'
return $retval
# }}} # Debugging helpers
#### Execution starts here ####
# If tput isn't found simply ignore tput commands
2096,4 → 2077,4
# }}} # Command line parsing
# vim:set ts=4 ai foldmethod=marker: #
# vim:set ts=4 ai: #