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Regard whitespace Rev 492 → Rev 491

61,10 → 61,6
# * [[x1]] Find out why the order of ffmpeg arguments breaks some files.
# * [[x2]] Find out if egrep is safe to use or grep -E is more commonplace. =>
#+ SUS v2: egrep is deprecated, grep -E replaces it
# * "grep -o" alternative:
# $ sed -n -e 's/\(SEARCH\)/\1\\
# /gp' | sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e 's/.*\(SEARCH\).*/\1/'
# possibly + -e '/^$/d' and -e '/SEARCH/!d'
# * Change default DVD_TITLE to 0
# * Deprecation schedule:
249,9 → 245,6
# When set to 1 the signature won't contain the "Preview created by..." line
declare -i ANONYMOUS_MODE=0
# Profile(s) to load by default
declare PROFILES=
# }}} # End of override-able variables
# {{{ # Variables
575,8 → 568,6
"END_OFFSET:=:=:I" # New, used to have a two-variables assignment before USR_*
"PROFILES:=:meta:P" # New in 1.13
#"noboldfeedback::" # Colour but not bold
746,7 → 737,6
T) checkfn=is_tcfrom ; domain='$TC_INTERVAL or $TC_INTERVAL' ;;
V) checkfn=is_vlevel ; domain='verbosity levels ($V_.*)' ;;
I) checkfn=is_interv_or_percent ; domain='intervals or percentages' ;;
P) checkfn=is_profile_list ; domain='comma-separated profile names' ;;
case "$v" in
807,26 → 797,6
local constraints=$(cut -d':' -f4 <<<"$mapping")
{ [[ $ivar && ( $ivar != '=' ) ]] ; } || ivar="$mvar"
# Evaluate setting names, unlike actual variables they are
#+case-insensitive and can mapped to different names so
#+special handling is required
local token= tokenmap=
for token in $(echo "$varval" | grep -o '\$[[:alnum:]_]*' | sed 's/^\$//') ; do
# Locate the mapping
tokenmap=$(echo "${OVERRIDE_MAP[*]}" | stonl | egrep -i "^$token")
if [[ -z $tokenmap ]]; then
# No mapping, leave intact
tokenmap=$(echo "$tokenmap" | cut -d':' -f2)
if [[ -z $tokenmap ]]; then
# No need to map, but change to uppercase for it to eval correctly
tokenmap=$(tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' <<<"$token")
# Replace all occurences of $token with its mapping
varval=$(echo "$varval" | sed 's/\$'$token'/$'$tokenmap'/g')
# Note using "\$(echo $varval)" would allow a more flexible syntax but
#+enforce special handling of escaping, which with the currently available
#+settings is not worth the effort
855,12 → 825,6
buffered error " Please contact the author if you absolutely need it."
if [[ -n $constraints ]] ; then
if ! check_constraint $ivar "$varval" $varname ; then
buffered error "$ERROR_MSG"
return 0
apply_meta_override "$varname" "$varval"
RESULT="$varname +"
return 0;
921,17 → 885,6
parse_override "BG_TITLE=$2"
parse_override "BG_TSTAMPS=$2"
profiles) # profiles=[,]prof1[,prof2,...], no spaces (TODO: Yet?)
local profiles=${2//,/ } # === sed 's/,/ /g'
local ERE='^[[:space:]]*$'
if [[ $profiles =~ $ERE ]]; then
return 0
local prof=
for prof in ${2//,/ } ; do # ${2//,/ } = sed 's/,/ /g'
load_profile $prof
1036,17 → 989,12
## Time calculation source ($TC_* constants)
is_tcfrom() { [[ $1 == $TC_INTERVAL || $1 == $TC_NUMCAPS ]]; }
## Verbosity level ($V_* constants)
### Verbosity level ($V_* constants)
is_vlevel() {
is_number "$1" && \
[[ ($1 -eq $V_ALL) || ($1 -eq $V_NONE) || ($1 -eq $V_ERROR) || \
($1 -eq $V_WARN) || ($1 -eq $V_INFO) ]]
## List of profiles (comma-separated)
is_profile_list() {
[[ ( -z "$*" ) || ( "$*" =~ $ERE ) ]]
#### }}}} # End of type checkers
1300,35 → 1248,6
# Split into lines of time + unit:
# Newer(-er) parsing code: replaces units by a product
# and feeds the resulting string to awk for evaluation
# Note leading zeroes will lead awk to believe they are octal numbers
# as a quick and dirty fix I'm just wrapping them in quotes, forcing awk
# to re-evaluate them, which appears to be enough to make them decimal.
# This is the only place where leading zeroes have no meaning.
# sed expressions:
# 1: quote numbers with units (leading-zeroes workaround)
# 2: quote
# 3: quote
# 4: quote secs at end of string
# ...
NEWCODETEST=$(echo $s | sed -r \
-e 's/([0-9]*)([hms])/"\1"\2/g' \
-e 's/([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)/"\1"/g' \
-e 's/(([0-9][0-9]*)s?\.([0-9][0-9])*)$/"\2"s"\3"/' \
-e 's/([0-9][0-9]*)$/"\1"s/' )
# ... now add the products and additions
# 5: h * 3600
# 6: m * 60
# 7: s (* 1)
# 8: strip trailing, empty, addition
NEWCODETEST=$(echo "$NEWCODETEST" | sed -r \
-e 's/h/ * 3600 + /g' \
-e 's/m/ * 60 + /g' \
-e 's/s/ + /g' \
-e 's/ \+ $//g' \
for item in $(echo "$s" | grep -o '[0-9]*[hms]') ;do
n="\"$(echo $item | grep -o '[0-9]*')\"" # Number, quoted
t=$t$n$(echo $item | grep -o '[hms]') # + Number + Unit
1351,10 → 1270,6
t=${t/% + /} # Strip empty addition
r=$(awkexf "$t" 2>/dev/null)
local NEWR=$(awkexf "$NEWCODETEST" 2>/dev/null)
echo "$r =? $NEWR" >&2
assert "[[ '$NEWR' == '$r' ]]"
# Negative and empty intervals
assert "[[ '$r' && '$t' ]]"
assert "fptest $r -gt 0"
1811,7 → 1726,7
c=${c% *} # <num> <func>
local LIN=${c% *} FN=${c#* }
eval "$@" || {
error "Internal error at $FN():$LIN: $@"
error "Internal error at $FN:$LIN: $@"
local cal=$(caller 1)
[[ $level ]] && error " Stack trace:"
local level=2
2610,7 → 2525,7
#local rw=$(rmultiply $w,0.08) # 8% width
local rw=51
local rh=29
local vspad=10 # Vertical padding between sprocket holes
local vspad=5 # Vertical padding between sprocket holes
# Temporary files
local reel_strip=$(new_temp_file -reel.png)
local sprocket_mask=$(new_temp_file -smask.png)
2627,10 → 2542,9
# a parenthesised expression won't work, probably due to -alpha interactions
# First step: Create a mask: Black border, rounded-corners transparent rectangle
# (Source:
local r=4 # 8 -> much more rounded, still mostly rectangular
convert -size ${rw2}x${rh2} 'xc:black' \
\( +clone -alpha extract \
-draw "fill black polygon 0,0 0,$r $r,0 fill white circle $r,$r $r,0" \
-draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,8 8,0 fill white circle 8,8 8,0' \
\( +clone -flip \) -compose Multiply -composite \
\( +clone -flop \) -compose Multiply -composite \
\) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite \
4655,13 → 4569,11
error "Wrong override format, it should be variable=value. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
two=$(tolower "$2")
if [[ $two =~ $RE ]] ; then # getopt=
if [[ $2 =~ 'GETOPT=' ]] ; then
# If we're here, getopt has already been found and works, so it makes no
# sense to override it; on the other hand, if it hasn't been correctly
# set/detected we won't reach here
warn "Setting 'getopt' can't be overridden from the command line."
warn "GETOPT can't be overridden from the command line."
cmdline_override "$2"
POST_GETOPT_HOOKS=( "${POST_GETOPT_HOOKS[@]}" 1:cmdline_overrides_flush )