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Ignore whitespace Rev 303 → Rev 302

393,22 → 393,6
bc -q <<<"( $f + 0.999999999 ) / 1"
# numeric test eqivalent for floating point
# fptest($1 = op1, $2 = operator, $3 = op2)
fptest() {
local op=
case $2 in
-gt) op='>' ;;
-lt) op='<' ;;
-ge) op='>=' ;;
-le) op='<=' ;;
-eq) op='==' ;;
-ne) op='!=' ;;
*) error "Internal error" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
[ '1' == $(bc -q <<<"$1 $op $3") ]
# Applies the Pythagorean Theorem
# pyth_th($1 = cathetus1, $2 = cathetus2)
pyth_th() {
492,18 → 476,13
# e.g.: 3600 becomes 1:00:00
# pretty_stamp($1 = seconds)
pretty_stamp() {
if ! is_float "$1" ; then return $EX_USAGE ; fi
if ! is_number "$1" ; then return $EX_USAGE ; fi
# For the time being simply ignore below seconds
local in=$(sed 's/\..*//' <<<$1)
local t=$1
#local h=$(( $t / 3600 ))
# bc's modulus seems to *require* not using the math lib (-l)
local h=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 3600")
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 3600")
local m=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 60")
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 60")
local h=$(( $t / 3600 ))
t=$(( $t % 3600 ))
local m=$(( $t / 60 ))
t=$(( $t % 60 ))
local s=$t
local R=""
513,8 → 492,7
R+=$(pad 2 "$m"):$(pad 2 $s)
# Trim (most) decimals
sed -r 's/\.([0-9][0-9]).*/.\1/'<<<$R
echo $R
# Prints the size of a file in a human friendly form
785,11 → 763,9
# Numcaps mandates: timecodes are obtained dividing the length
# by the number of captures
if [ $tcnumcaps -eq 1 ]; then # Special case, just one capture, center it
inc=$( bc -lq <<< "($end-$st)/2 + 1" )
inc=$(( ($end-$st) / 2 + 1))
#inc=$(( ($end-$st) / $tcnumcaps ))
# FIXME: The last second is avoided (-1) to get the correct caps number
inc=$( bc -lq <<< "($end-$st-1)/$tcnumcaps" )
inc=$(( ($end-$st) / $tcnumcaps ))
error "Internal error"
796,15 → 772,14
if fptest $inc -gt ${VID[$LEN]}; then
if [ $inc -gt ${VID[$LEN]} ]; then
error "Interval is longer than video length, skipping $f"
return $EX_USAGE
local LTC=( ) stamp=$st
while fptest $stamp -le $end; do
local LTC=( ) stamp=
for stamp in $(seq $st $inc $end); do
LTC+=( $stamp )
stamp=$(bc -q <<<"$stamp+$inc")
unset LTC[0] # Discard initial cap (=$st)
1250,7 → 1225,7
# Note that it must be checked against numsecs and not endsec, to allow
# the user manually setting stamps beyond the boundaries
# This shouldn't occur automatically anymore with the new code.
if fptest $stamp -gt $numsecs ; then let 'n++' && continue; fi
if [ $stamp -gt $numsecs ]; then let 'n++' && continue; fi
info "Generating capture #${n}/${#TIMECODES[*]} ($pretty)..."
1275,7 → 1250,6
# Number of captures. Always rounded to a multiplier of 2
# TODO: Round it to a multiplier of the number of columns
local hlnc=$(bc -q <<<"( (${#TIMECODES[*]} * $extended_factor) / 2 * 2)")
unset TIMECODES # required step to get the right count
compute_timecodes $TC_NUMCAPS "" $hlnc
1643,7 → 1617,6
# TODO: use no name at all with -u noarg
#eval set -- "${default_options} ${@}"
TEMP=$(getopt -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:jhFMH:c:ma:l:De::UqAO:I::k:W: \
--long "interval:,numcaps:,username:,title:,from:,to:,stamp:,jpeg,help,"\
1757,6 → 1730,7
-m|--manual) manual_mode=1 ;;
-D) echo "Command line: $0 $*" && title="$0 $*" ; ;;
# Optional argument quirks: $2 is always present, set to '' if unused
# from the commandline it MUST be directly after the -e (-e2 not -e 2)
1853,7 → 1827,6
-D) echo "Command line: $0 $ARGS" && title="$(basename "$0") $ARGS" ; ;;
--) shift ; break ;;
*) error "Internal error! (remaining opts: $@)" ; exit $EX_SOFTWARE ;