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Regard whitespace Rev 309 → Rev 308

28,8 → 28,6
# I refer to them in comments as e.g. [[R1]]. [[R1#3]] Means section 3 in R1.
# I also use internal references in the form [x1] (anchor -where to point-)
# and [[x1]] (x-reference -point to what-).
# [R0] getopt-parse.bash example, on Debian systems:
# /usr/share/doc/util-linux/examples/getopt-parse.bash.gz
# [R1] Bash (and other shells) tips
# <>
# [R2] List of officially registered FOURCCs and WAVE Formats (aka wFormatTag)
83,13 → 81,10
# codecs.
# * Added -E / --end_offset / $DEFAULT_END_OFFSET, used to eliminate some
# seconds from the end
# * SHOWSTOPPER: Extended mode + polaroid doesn't overlap
set -e
# {{{ # TODO
# * [[R1#22]] states that not all bc versions understand '<', more info required
# * [[x1]] Find out why the order of ffmpeg arguments breaks some files.
96,8 → 91,6
# * [[x2]] Find out if egrep is safe to use or grep -E is more commonplace.
# }}} # TODO
# {{{ # Constants
# Configuration file, please, use this file to modify the behaviour of the
123,7 → 116,7
# See $timecode_from
declare -ri TC_INTERVAL=4 TC_NUMCAPS=8
# These can't be overriden, modify this line if you feel the need
declare -r PROGRAM_SIGNATURE="Video Contact Sheet *NIX ${VERSION} <>"
declare -r PROGRAM_SIGNATURE="with Video Contact Sheet *NIX ${VERSION} <>"
# see $safe_rename_pattern
declare -r DEFAULT_SAFE_REN_PATT="%b-%N.%e"
# see $extended_factor
222,7 → 215,7
# should be done.
# As an example: you want to set always the title to "My Title" and output
# to jpeg: default_options="-T'My Title' -j"
#declare default_options=
declare default_options=
# Verbosity level so far from the command line can only be muted (see -q)
# it can be overridden, though
declare -i verbosity=$V_ALL
249,8 → 242,8
declare interval=$DEFAULT_INTERVAL # Interval of captures (=numsecs/numcaps)
declare -i numcaps=$DEFAULT_NUMCAPS # Number of captures (=numsecs/interval)
declare title=""
declare fromtime=0 # Starting second (see -f)
declare totime=-1 # Ending second (see -t)
declare -i fromtime=0 # Starting second (see -f)
declare -i totime=-1 # Ending second (see -t)
declare -a initial_stamps=( ) # Manually added stamps (see -S)
declare -i th_height= # Height of the thumbnails, by default use same as input
declare -i cols=$DEFAULT_COLS # Number of output columns
311,9 → 304,6
# Gravity of the timestamp (will be override-able in the future)
declare grav_timestamp=SouthEast
# When set to 1 the signature won't contain the "Preview created by..." line
declare -i anonymous_mode=0
# }}} # Variables
# {{{ # Configuration handling
341,7 → 331,7
# 'default_options'
847,25 → 837,20
compute_timecodes() {
local st=0 end=${VID[$LEN]} tcfrom=$1 tcint=$2 tcnumcaps=$3 eo=0
# globals: fromtime, totime, timecode_from, TIMECODES, end_offset
if fptest $st -lt $fromtime ; then
if [ $st -lt $fromtime ]; then
if fptest $totime -gt 0 && fptest $end -gt $totime ; then
if [ $totime -gt 0 ] && [ $end -gt $totime ]; then
if fptest $totime -le 0 ; then # If no totime is set, use end_offset
if [ $totime -le 0 ]; then # If no totime is set, use end_offset
if fptest "($end-$eo-$st)" -le 0 ; then
if fptest "$eo" -gt 0 && fptest "$eo" -eq "$DEFAULT_END_OFFSET" ; then
warn "Default end offset was too high, ignoring it."
if fptest 0 -ne "($end-$st-$eo)<0" ; then
error "End offset too high, use e.g. '-E0'."
local inc=
if [ "$tcfrom" -eq $TC_INTERVAL ]; then
892,10 → 877,6
local LTC=( ) stamp=$st
while fptest $stamp -le $end; do
if fptest $stamp -lt 0 ; then
error "Internal error, negative timestamp calculated!"
LTC+=( $stamp )
stamp=$(bc -q <<<"$stamp+$inc")
1508,18 → 1489,14
# Let's add meta inf and signature
inf "Adding header and footer..."
# Newer method, incremental construction of the heading:
# FIXME: Height guessing could be better...
local meta2="Dimensions: ${VID[$W]}x${VID[$H]}
Format: $vcodec / $acodec
FPS: ${VID[$FPS]}"
local signature
if [ $anonymous_mode -eq 0 ]; then
signature="$user_signature $user
signature="Created with $PROGRAM_SIGNATURE"
local signature="$user_signature $user
local headwidth=$(identify "$output" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'x' -f1)
# TODO: Use a better height calculation
local headheight=$(($pts_meta * 4 ))
local heading=$(new_temp_file .png)
# Add the title if any
1857,15 → 1834,16
# {{{ # Command line parsing
# TODO: Find how to do this correctly (this way the quoting of $@ gets messed):
# Based on getopt-parse.bash example.
# On debian systems see </usr/share/doc/util-linux/examples/getopt-parse.bash.gz>
# TODO: use no name at all with -u noarg
#eval set -- "${default_options} ${@}"
# [[R0]]
TEMP=$(getopt -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:jhFMH:c:ma:l:De::U::qAO:I::k:W:E: \
TEMP=$(getopt -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:jhFMH:c:ma:l:De::UqAO:I::k:W:E: \
--long "interval:,numcaps:,username:,title:,from:,to:,stamp:,jpeg,help,"\
"extended::,fullname,anonymous,quiet,autoaspect,override:,mincho,funky:,end_offset:" \
"extended::,fullname,quiet,autoaspect,override:,mincho,funky:,end_offset:" \
-n $0 -- "$@")
eval set -- "$TEMP"
1899,25 → 1877,12
-u|--username) user="$2" ; shift ;;
# -U accepts an optiona argument, 0, to make an anonymous signature
# --fullname accepts no argument
if [ "$2" ]; then # With argument, special handling
if [ "$2" != "0" ]; then
error "Use '-U0' to make an anonymous contact sheet or '-u \"My Name\"'"
error " to sign as My Name. Got -U$2"
exit $EX_USAGE
else # No argument, default handling (try to guess real name)
user=$(grep ^$(id -un): /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f5 |sed 's/,.*//g')
if [ -z "$user" ]; then
user=$(id -un)
error "No fullname found, falling back to default ($user)"
--anonymous) anonymous_mode=1 ;; # Same as -U0
-T|--title) title="$2" ; shift ;;
if ! fromtime=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
1927,10 → 1892,11
if ! end_offset=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
if ! totime=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "End offset must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE