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Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 438 → Rev 439

2,6 → 2,9
* BUGFIX: Actually handle --ffmpeg and --mplayer [#169]
- Fix printing of remaining options on command-line error
- Switch to a minimum of bash 3.1
- Use of Bash's 'caller' in 'assert' and 'trace'
1.12.2 (2010-08-24):
* BUGFIX: Fix cleanup of temporary files (regression since 1.11.2). [#167]
796,7 → 796,7
# cmdline_override($1 = override assignment)
#+e.g. cmdline_override 'decoder=$DEC_FFMPEG'
cmdline_override() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
parse_override "$1"
local r=$RESULT
[ "$r" ] || return 0
827,7 → 827,7
# Print the list of command-line overrides
cmdline_overrides_flush() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
if [ "$CMDLINE_OVERRIDES" ]; then
inf "Overridden settings from command line:$NL ${CMDLINE_OVERRIDES:2}"
947,11 → 947,11
-le) op='<=' ;;
-eq) op='==' ;;
-ne) op='!=' ;;
*) assert $LINENO "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
*) assert "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
# Empty operands
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then
assert $LINENO "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false"
assert "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false"
awk "BEGIN { if ($1 $op $3) exit 0 ; else exit 1 }"
1110,7 → 1110,7
# I don't see reason to make it more anal, though.
# get_interval($1 = interval)
get_interval() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# eval it even if it's numeric to strip leading zeroes. Note the quoting
if is_number "$1" ; then awkexf "\"$1\"" ; return 0 ; fi
1157,8 → 1157,8
r=$(awkexf "$t" 2>/dev/null)
# Negative and empty intervals
assert $LINENO "[ '$r' ] && [ '$t' ]"
assert $LINENO "fptest $r -gt 0"
assert "[ '$r' -a '$t' ]"
assert "fptest $r -gt 0"
echo $r
1200,7 → 1200,7
# e.g.: 3600 becomes 1:00:00
# pretty_stamp($1 = seconds)
pretty_stamp() {
assert $LINENO "is_float '$1'"
assert "is_float '$1'"
# Fully implemented in AWK to discard bc.
# As a bonus now it's much faster and compact
awk "BEGIN {
1283,7 → 1283,7
# safe_rename($1 = original file, $2 = target file)
# XXX: Note it fails if target has no extension
safe_rename() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local from="$1"
local to="$2"
1555,12 → 1555,11
# trace($1 = function name = $FUNCNAME, function arguments...)
# trace(... = function arguments)
trace() {
if [ "$DEBUG" -ne "1" ]; then return; fi
echo "[TRACE]: $@" >&2
[[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] || return 0
echo "[TRACE]: $(caller 0 | cut -d' ' -f2) $*" >&2
# Print an error message and exit
1648,16 → 1647,16
awk "BEGIN { for (i=$from;i<=$to;i+=$inc) print i }"
# assertion operator
# assert($1 = line, $* = code)
# assert(... = code)
# TODO: Limit usage to values that will expand correctly always (i.e. not with quotes)
assert() {
[ $RELEASE -eq 1 ] && return
local LINE=$1
[[ $RELEASE -eq 1 ]] && return
local c=$(caller 0) # <num> <func> <file>
c=${c% *} # <num> <func>
local LIN=${c% *} FN=${c#* }
eval "$@" || {
error "Internal error at line $LINE: $@"
error "Internal error at $FN:$LIN: $@"
1669,7 → 1668,7
# Creates a new temporary directory
# create_temp_dir()
create_temp_dir() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
[ "$VCSTEMPDIR" ] && return 0
1699,7 → 1698,7
# Create a new temporal file and print its filename
# new_temp_file($1 = suffix)
new_temp_file() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local r=$(env TMPDIR="$VCSTEMPDIR" mktemp "$VCSTEMPDIR/vcs-XXXXXX")
if [ ! -f "$r" ]; then
error "Failed to create temporary file"
1718,7 → 1717,7
# or colour combination you like.
# randomize_look()
randomize_look() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local mode=f lineno
if [ "f" == $mode ]; then # Random mode
1784,7 → 1783,7
# from the current video
# compute_timecodes($1 = timecode_from, $2 = interval, $3 = numcaps)
compute_timecodes() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local st=0 end=${VID[$LEN]} tcfrom=$1 tcint=$2 tcnumcaps=$3 eo=0
local eff_eo= # Effective end_offset (for percentages)
1845,7 → 1844,7
local bound=$(awkexf "$end - $eo")
local last=
while fptest $stamp -le "$bound"; do
assert $LINENO fptest $stamp -ge 0
assert fptest $stamp -ge 0
LTC=( "${LTC[@]}" "$stamp" )
stamp=$(keepdecimals_lower $(awkexf "$stamp + $inc") 3)
1859,7 → 1858,7
# known values (e.g. VCD resolution turns into 4/3)
# guess_aspect($1 = width, $2 = height)
guess_aspect() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local w=$1 h=$2 ar
case "$w" in
1904,7 → 1903,7
# Capture a frame with ffmpeg
# capture_ffmpeg($1 = inputfile, $2 = outputfile, $3 = timestamp[, $4 = extra opts])
capture_ffmpeg() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local f=$1
local o=$2
local ts=$3
1920,7 → 1919,7
# Capture a frame with mplayer
# capture_mplayer($1 = inputfile, $2 = UNUSED, $3 = timestamp[, $4 = extra opts])
capture_mplayer() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# Note mplayer CAN'T set the output filename, newer mplayer can set output
#+dir though.
local f="$1"
1949,7 → 1948,7
# Capture a frame
# capture($1 = filename, $2 = second)
capture() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local f=$1 stamp=$2
local VIDCAPFILE=00000005.png
# globals: $shoehorned $decoder
1975,7 → 1974,7
# Applies all individual vidcap filters
# filter_vidcap($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height, $5 = context, $6 = index[1..])
filter_vidcap() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# For performance purposes each filter simply prints a set of options
# to 'convert'. That's less flexible but enough right now for the current
# filters.
1996,7 → 1995,7
filt_resize() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local f="$1" t=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Note the '!', required to change the aspect ratio
2006,7 → 2005,7
# Draw a timestamp in the file
# filt_apply_stamp($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height, $5 = context, $6 = index)
filt_apply_stamp() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local filename=$1 timestamp=$2 width=$3 height=$4 context=$5 index=$6
local pts=$pts_tstamps
2034,7 → 2033,7
# Taken from <>
# filt_photoframe($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_photoframe() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Tweaking the size gives a nice effect too
# w=$(( $w - ( $RANDOM % ( $w / 3 ) ) ))
2057,7 → 2056,7
# Based on filt_photoframe(), with a bigger lower border
# filt_polaroid($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_polaroid() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 )) # Read filt_photoframe for details
[ $border -lt 7 ] || border=6
2071,7 → 2070,7
# Taken from <>
# filt_randrot($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_randrot() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# Rotation angle [-18..18]
local angle=$(( ($(rand) % 37) - 18 ))
echo "-background none -rotate $angle "
2080,7 → 2079,7
# This one requires much more work, the results are pretty rough, but ok as
# a starting point / proof of concept
filt_film() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Base reel dimensions
local rw=$(rmultiply $w,0.08) # 8% width
2122,7 → 2121,7
# create_contact_sheet($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5...$# = vidcaps) : output
create_contact_sheet() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
2130,7 → 2129,7
# csheet_montage($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = vidcaps) : output
csheet_montage() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4 output=$(new_temp_file .png)
shift 4
# Padding is no longer dependant upong context since alignment of the
2159,7 → 2158,7
# csheet_overlap($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = $vidcaps) : output
csheet_overlap() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4
# globals: $VID
shift 4
2263,7 → 2262,7
# Sorts timestamps and removes duplicates
# clean_timestamps($1 = space separated timestamps)
clean_timestamps() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# Note AFAIK sort only sorts lines, that's why I replace spaces by newlines
local s=$1
stonl "$s" | sort -n | uniq
2292,7 → 2291,7
assert $LINENO false
assert false
rm -f "$tempfile"
2303,7 → 2302,7
# starting point
# safe_length_measure($1 = filename)
safe_length_measure() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local f="$1"
local len=${VID[$LEN]}
local tempfile=
2531,7 → 2530,7
# the actual values. See identify_video()
# mplayer_identify($1 = file)
mplayer_identify() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
[ "$MPLAYER" ] || return
local f="$1"
local mi=( )
2592,11 → 2591,11
# the actual values. See identify_video()
# mplayer_identify($1 = file)
ffmpeg_identify() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
[ "$FFMPEG" ] || return
local f="$1"
# DVD Devices *MUST* be mounted for the identifying process to even start
assert $LINENO "[ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ] || [ '$DVD_MOUNTP' ]"
assert "[ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ] || [ '$DVD_MOUNTP' ]"
[ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ] && {
if [ ! -r "$vfile" ]; then
2712,7 → 2711,7
# 4: Failed to detect width or height
# identify_video($1 = file)
identify_video() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
[ "$MPLAYER" ] && mplayer_identify "$1"
2785,7 → 2784,7
# So far I know of no weird results. Yet.
assert $LINENO 'false'
assert 'false'
# Ensure sanity of the most important values
2826,7 → 2825,7
[ $reqs -ge 3 ] && reqs=" -WS" || { # Third try => Recommend -WS
[ $reqs -eq 1 ] && reqs=" -Ws" || reqs=" -Ws$reqs"
assert $LINENO 'fptest "$QUIRKS_MAX_REWIND" -gt 0'
assert 'fptest "$QUIRKS_MAX_REWIND" -gt 0'
local offby=$(pretty_stamp $QUIRKS_MAX_REWIND)
warn " Capturing won't work, video is at least $offby shorter than reported."
local dname='ffmpeg'
2846,7 → 2845,7
dump_idinfo() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
[ "$MPLAYER" ] && echo "Mplayer: $MPLAYER"
[ "$FFMPEG" ] && echo "FFmpeg: $FFMPEG"
[ "$MPLAYER" ] && cat <<-EODUMP
2906,7 → 2905,7
# Try to pick some font capable of handling non-latin text
set_extended_font() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# This selection includes japanese fonts
local candidates=$(identify -list font | grep 'Font: ' | \
egrep -io '[a-z-]*(kochi|mincho|sazanami|ipafont)[a-z-]*')
2932,7 → 2931,7
#+together. When an incoherence is found, sets some sane values if reasonable
#+or fails otherwise.
coherence_check() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# If -m is used then -S must be used
if [ $manual_mode -eq 1 ] && [ -z $initial_stamps ]; then
error "You must provide timestamps (-S) when using manual mode (-m)"
3034,7 → 3033,7
# If the OS hasn't registered TTF fonts with IM, try to use a saner value
#+*only* for fonts not overridden
sanitise_fonts() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
# Any default font in use? If all of them are overridden, return
if [ "$USR_font_heading" -a "$USR_font_title" -a "$USR_font_tstamps" -a "$USR_font_sign" ]; then
3075,7 → 3074,7
# Creates the contact sheet.
# process($1 = file)
process() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
trace $@
local f=$1
local numcols=
3342,18 → 3341,18
local csw=$(imw "$output") exw= hlw=
local width=$csw
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ] || [ "$extended_factor" != "0" ]; then
if [[ -n $HLTIMECODES || ( $extended_factor != '0' ) ]]; then
inf "Merging contact sheets..."
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
if [[ -n $HLTIMECODES ]]; then
local hlw=$(imw "$hlfile")
if [ $hlw -gt $width ]; then width=$hlw ; fi
if [[ $hlw -gt $width ]]; then width=$hlw ; fi
if [ "$extended_factor" != "0" ]; then
if [[ $extended_factor != '0' ]]; then
local exw=$(imw $extoutput)
if [ $exw -gt $width ]; then width=$exw ; fi
if [[ $exw -gt $width ]]; then width=$exw ; fi
if [ $csw -lt $width ]; then
if [[ $csw -lt $width ]]; then
local csh=$(imh "$output")
# Expand the standard set to the maximum width of the sets by padding both sides
# For some reason the more obvious (to me) convert command-lines lose
3364,7 → 3363,7
# If there were highlights then mix them in
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
if [[ $HLTIMECODES ]]; then
# For some reason adding the background also adds padding with:
# convert \( -background LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -flatten \) \
# \( "$output" \) -append "$output"
3381,10 → 3380,10
unset hlh
# Extended captures
if [ "$extended_factor" != 0 ]; then
if [[ $extended_factor != 0 ]]; then
# Already set local exw=$(imw "$extoutput")
local exh=$(imh "$extoutput")
if [ $exw -lt $width ]; then
if [[ $exw -lt $width ]]; then
# Expand the extended set to be the correct size
convert \( -size $(( ($width - $exw) / 2 ))x$exh xc:transparent \) "$extoutput" \
\( -size $(( ($width - $exw) / 2 ))x$exh xc:transparent \) +append "$extoutput"
3394,7 → 3393,7
# Add the background; -trim added in 1.11. I'm unsure of why but whithout trimmin extra blank
#+space is added at the top
local dotrim=
[ $DISABLE_SHADOWS -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$HLTIMECODES" ] && dotrim=-trim
[[ ( $DISABLE_SHADOWS -eq 1 ) && ( -z $HLTIMECODES ) ]] && dotrim=-trim
convert -background "$bg_contact" "$output" -flatten $dotrim "$output"
3413,7 → 3412,7
local headwidth=$(imw "$output") headheight=
local heading=$(new_temp_file .png)
# Add the title if any
if [ "$title" ]; then
if [[ $title ]]; then
local tlheight=$(line_height "$font_title" "$pts_title")
convert \
\( \
3470,12 → 3469,12
local filesize_label="File size"
local filename_value=
local filesize_value=
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]; then
if [[ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]]; then
# lsdvd is guaranteed to be installed if DVD mode is enabled
local dvd_label=$(lsdvd "$f" 2>/dev/null | grep -o 'Disc Title: .*' | cut -d' ' -f3-)
# There's no guarantee that titles are on separate VTS, I have no idea
# how to compute the actual title size
if [ "$DVD_MOUNTP" ]; then
if [[ $DVD_MOUNTP ]]; then
filename_label="Disc label"
filesize_label="Titleset size"
3529,7 → 3528,7
unset signature meta2 headwidth headheight heading fn_font signheight signlh
local wanted_name=${OUTPUT_FILES[$FILEIDX]}
[ "$wanted_name" ] && \
[[ -n $wanted_name ]] && \
if egrep -q '\.[^\.]+$' <<<"$wanted_name" ; then
output_format=$(filext "$wanted_name")
inf "Output format set from output filename"
3536,7 → 3535,7
else # No file extension in wanted_name
[ "$wanted_name" ] || wanted_name="$(basename "$f").$output_format"
[[ -n $wanted_name ]] || wanted_name="$(basename "$f").$output_format"
if [ $output_format != "png" ]; then
local newout="$(dirname "$output")/$(basename "$output" .png).$output_format"
3551,7 → 3550,7
inf "Done. Output wrote to $output_name"
let 'FILEIDX++,1' #,1 so that it's always ok
[ "$UNDFLAG_HANG" ] && read -p 'Main loop paused, hit Enter key to continue... '
[[ $UNDFLAG_HANG ]] && read -p 'Main loop paused, hit Enter key to continue... '
# Re-set variables (for multi-file input)
4016,8 → 4015,8
# -U accepts an optional argument, 0, to make an anonymous signature
# --fullname accepts no argument
if [ "$2" ]; then # With argument, special handling
if [ "$2" != "0" ]; then
if [[ $2 ]]; then # With argument, special handling
if [[ $2 != '0' ]]; then
error "Use '-U0' to make an anonymous contact sheet or '-u \"My Name\"'"
error " to sign as My Name. Got -U$2"
exit $EX_USAGE
4046,7 → 4045,7
check_constraint 'end_offset' "$2" "$1" || die
is_percentage "$2" || is_p=''
if [ "$is_p" ]; then
if [[ $is_p ]]; then
end_offset=$(get_interval "$2")
4088,9 → 4087,9
if [ "$2" ]; then # Arg is optional, 2 is for JPEG 2000
if [[ $2 ]]; then # Arg is optional, 2 is for JPEG 2000
# 2000 is also accepted
if [ "$2" != "2" ] && [ "$2" != "2000" ]; then
if [[ $2 != '2' && $2 != '2000' ]]; then
error "Use -j for jpeg output or -j2 for JPEG 2000 output. Got '-j$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
4133,7 → 4132,7
# Optional argument quirks: $2 is always present, set to '' if unused
# from the commandline it MUST be directly after the -e (-e2 not -e 2)
# the long format is --extended=VAL
if [ "$2" ]; then
if [[ $2 ]]; then
check_constraint 'extended_factor' "$2" "$1" || die
4144,7 → 4143,7
# Unlike -I, --nonlatin does not accept a font name
if [ -z "$USR_FONT_MINCHO" ]; then
if [[ -z $USR_FONT_MINCHO ]]; then
4157,7 → 4156,7
# -Ij: Try to pick automatically a CJK font. Might fail and abort
# -Ij='Font name or file': Set font manually
if [ "$2" ] ; then
if [[ $2 ]] ; then
# If an argument is passed, test it is one of the known ones
case "$2" in
k|j|k=*|j=*) ;;
4207,7 → 4206,7
# Twice: Disable prefixes too
[ "$UNDFLAG_NOPREFIX" ] && plain_messages=1
[[ -n $UNDFLAG_NOPREFIX ]] && plain_messages=1
# Double length of video probed in safe measuring
4317,7 → 4316,7
if echo "$2" | grep -q '^:' ; then
if [ $2 = ':pwd' ]; then
if [[ $2 = ':pwd' ]]; then
error "Configuration names starting with ':' are reserved."
4326,7 → 4325,7
[ -f "$cfg" ] || {
[[ -f $cfg ]] || {
error "Configuration file '$cfg' not found"
exit $EX_USAGE
4426,13 → 4425,13
# ffmpeg path
FFMPEG=$(realpathr "$(cut -d'=' -f2<<<"$2")")
assert $LINENO 'test -x "$FFMPEG"'
assert 'test -x "$FFMPEG"'
# mplayer path
MPLAYER=$(realpathr "$(cut -d'=' -f2<<<"$2")")
assert $LINENO 'test -x "$MPLAYER"'
assert 'test -x "$MPLAYER"'
# Ignore one of the players
4439,13 → 4438,13
warn "FFmpeg disabled"
assert $LINENO "[ '$MPLAYER' ] || [ '$FFMPEG' ]"
assert "[[ '$MPLAYER' -o '$FFMPEG' ]]"
warn "Mplayer disabled"
assert $LINENO "[ '$MPLAYER' ] || [ '$FFMPEG' ]"
assert "[[ '$MPLAYER' -o '$FFMPEG' ]]"
# This is an old option from the first versions when the script
4491,9 → 4490,9
-D) # Repeat to just test consistency
if [ $DEBUGGED -gt 0 ]; then
[ $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ] && d='mplayer'
[ $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ] && d='ffmpeg'
if [[ $DEBUGGED -gt 0 ]]; then
[[ $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ]] && d='mplayer'
[[ $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ]] && d='ffmpeg'
infplain '[ svn $Rev$ ]'
cat >&2 <<-EOD
=== Setup ===
4526,13 → 4525,13
# Avoid coherence_check if there's no arguments and no cmdline post
# processing
[ "$1" -o "$POST_GETOPT_HOOKS" ] || {
[ $verbosity -eq $V_NONE ] || show_help
[[ -n $1 || -n $POST_GETOPT_HOOKS ]] || {
[[ $verbosity -eq $V_NONE ]] || show_help
exit $EX_USAGE
# More than one argument...
if [ "$2" ]; then
if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
# }}} # Command line parsing
4547,8 → 4546,8
# Remaining arguments
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
[ $verbosity -eq $V_NONE ] || show_help
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
[[ $verbosity -eq $V_NONE ]] || show_help
exit $EX_USAGE