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Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 446 → Rev 447

309,6 → 309,10
# It is executed by create_contact_sheet()
declare CSHEET_DELEGATE=csheet_montage
# Holds a list of captured frames (to avoid recapturing)
# Format <timestamp>:<filename>[NL]<timestamp>:<filename>...
declare CAPTURES=
# Gravity of the timestamp (will be override-able in the future)
declare grav_timestamp=SouthEast
537,7 → 541,7
[[ ! $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*# ]] || continue # Don't feed comments
parse_override "$line"
if [ "$por" ]; then
if [[ $por ]]; then
varname=${por/% *} # Everything up to the first space...
tmp=${por#* } # Rest of string
flag=${tmp/% *}
852,10 → 856,9
## Natural number
is_number() {
# From [[abs]], test if '[ ]' can parse input as numbers.
# Can't use '[[' since parses non-numbers as 0
# Returns 2 for failed test, expected to return 1
[ "$1" -ne 0 -o "$1" -eq 0 ] 2>/dev/null || return 1
# With '[[...]]', strings '-eq'uals 0, test if it's actually 0
#+or otherwise a valid number. Must return 1 on error.
[[ ( $1 == '0' ) || ( $1 -gt 0 ) ]] 2>/dev/null || return 1
## Number > 0
is_positive() { is_number "$1" && [[ $1 -gt 0 ]]; }
889,8 → 892,8
is_fraction() {
local P='^[0-9]+/[0-9]+$'
[[ $1 =~ $P ]] && {
local d=$(echo "$1" | cut -d'/' -f2)
[ "$d" -ne 0 ]
local d=${1#*/} # .../X
[[ $d -ne 0 ]]
## Decoder ($DEC_* constants)
938,8 → 941,8
rtomult() {
local n=$1 d=$2
local r=$(( $n % $d ))
if [ $r -ne 0 ]; then
let 'n += ( d - r )'
if [[ $r -ne 0 ]]; then
(( n += ( d - r ) , 1 ))
echo $n
955,11 → 958,11
-le) op='<=' ;;
-eq) op='==' ;;
-ne) op='!=' ;;
*) assert "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
*) assert "[[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ]] && false" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
# Empty operands
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then
assert "[ \"'$1' '$2' '$3'\" ] && false"
if [[ ( -z $1 ) || ( -z $3 ) ]]; then
assert "[[ \"'$1'\" && \"'$3'\" ]] && false"
awk "BEGIN { if ($1 $op $3) exit 0 ; else exit 1 }"
973,7 → 976,8
# Keep a number of decimals, last decimal rounded to lower
keepdecimals_lower() {
grep -q '\.' <<<"$1" || { echo "$1" ; return ; }
local ERE='\.'
[[ $1 =~ $ERE ]] || { echo "$1" ; return ; }
local D=${1/#*.} # Decimals only
echo ${1/%.*}.${D:0:$2} # Integer part + . + Number of decimals
1000,7 → 1004,7
# converts spaces to newlines in a x-platform way [[FNL]]
# stonl([$1 = string])
stonl() {
if [ "$1" ]; then
if [[ $1 ]]; then
awk '{gsub(" ", "\n");print}' <<<"$1" | egrep -v '^$'
awk '{gsub(" ", "\n");print}' | egrep -v '^$'
1010,7 → 1014,7
# Converts newlines to spaces portably
# nltos([$1 = string])
nltos() {
if [ "$1" ]; then
if [[ $1 ]]; then
awk '{printf "%s ",$0}' <<<"$1" | sed 's/ *//'
awk '{printf "%s ",$0}' | sed 's/ *//'
1025,7 → 1029,8
# Get file extension
filext() {
grep -o '\.[^.]*$' <<<"$1" | cut -d. -f2
#grep -o '\.[^.]*$' <<<"$1" | cut -d. -f2
expr match "$1" '.*\.\(.*\)'
# Wrapper around $RANDOM, not called directly, wrapped again in rand().
1073,7 → 1078,7
local v="$1"
local -i hv=15031
local c=
if [ "$v" ]; then
if [[ $v ]]; then
for i in $(seqr 0 ${#v} ); do
c=$( ord ${v:$i:1} )
hv=$(( ( ( $hv << 1 ) + $c ) % $HASH_LIMIT ))
1152,9 → 1157,10
# Seconds without unit. They must be preceded by h, m or s at this point
local secs=$(echo $s | egrep -o '.?[0-9]*$')
# When preceded by '.', they're ms
[ "$secs" ] && grep -q '\.'<<<"$secs" && secs=
local ERE='\.'
[[ $secs && ( $secs =~ $ERE ) ]] && secs=
# Quote and addition. Note BSD grep/egrep wants the anchor ($) or won't match
[ "$secs" ] && secs=" \"$(egrep -o '[0-9]*$'<<<"$secs")\" + "
[[ $secs ]] && secs=" \"$(egrep -o '[0-9]*$'<<<"$secs")\" + "
t=${t//h/ * 3600 + }
t=${t//m/ * 60 + }
t=${t//s/ + }
1163,7 → 1169,7
r=$(awkexf "$t" 2>/dev/null)
# Negative and empty intervals
assert "[ '$r' -a '$t' ]"
assert "[[ '$r' && '$t' ]]"
assert "fptest $r -gt 0"
echo $r
1372,7 → 1378,7
FFMPEG=$(type -pf ffmpeg) || true
# Test we can actually use FFmpeg
[ "$FFMPEG" ] && {
[[ $FFMPEG ]] && {
# Newer FF has -codecs, -formats, -protocols, older has only -formats
#+png is a codec so it's on different lists on newer and older
if ! "$FFMPEG" -formats 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'EV.* png' && \
1383,7 → 1389,7
# Same for Mplayer
[ "$MPLAYER" ] && {
[[ $MPLAYER ]] && {
if ! "$MPLAYER" -vo help 2>&1 | grep -q 'png' ; then
warn "MPlayer can't output to png, won't be able to use it."
1391,17 → 1397,17
[ "$MPLAYER" ] || [ "$FFMPEG" ] || {
[[ ( -n $MPLAYER ) || ( -n $FFMPEG ) ]] || {
local pngwarn=
[ $nopng -eq 1 ] && pngwarn=', with PNG output support,'
[[ $nopng -eq 1 ]] && pngwarn=', with PNG output support,'
error "mplayer and/or ffmpeg$pngwarn are required!"
let 'retval++,1'
(( retval++ ,1 ))
if [ $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ] && [ -z "$FFMPEG" ]; then
if [[ ( $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ) && ( -z $FFMPEG ) ]]; then
elif [ $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ] && [ -z "$MPLAYER" ]; then
elif [[ ( $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ) && ( -z $MPLAYER ) ]]; then
1409,13 → 1415,13
for prog in convert montage identify mktemp grep egrep cut sed awk ; do
if ! type -pf "$prog" ; then
error "Required program $prog not found!"
let 'retval++,1'
(( retval++ ,1 ))
fi >/dev/null
# TODO: [[x2]]
# Early exit
[ $retval -eq 0 ] || return $EX_UNAVAILABLE
[[ $retval -eq 0 ]] || return $EX_UNAVAILABLE
# ImageMagick version. 6 is a must, I'm probably using some
# features that require a higher minor version
1424,7 → 1430,7
local ver
ver=$(identify -version | head -n1 | grep -o 'ImageMagick[[:space:]]*[^ ]*' |\
cut -f 2 -d' ')
if [ "$ver" ]; then
if [[ $ver ]]; then
local verx=${ver//-/.}.0 # Extra .0 in case rev doesn't exist
local major=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<"$verx")
local minor=$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<<"$verx")
1431,22 → 1437,22
local micro=$(cut -d'.' -f3 <<<"$verx")
local rev=$(cut -d'.' -f4 <<<"$verx")
local serial=$(( $major * 100000 + $minor * 10000 + $micro * 100 + $rev))
if [ "$serial" -lt 630507 ]; then
if [[ $serial -lt 630507 ]]; then
error "ImageMagick 6.3.5-7 or higher is required. Found $ver." ;
let 'retval++,1'
(( retval++ ,1 ))
error "Failed to check ImageMagick version."
let 'retval++,1'
(( retval++ ,1 ))
[ $retval -eq 0 ] || return $EX_UNAVAILABLE
[[ $retval -eq 0 ]] || return $EX_UNAVAILABLE
# Test wether $GETOP is a compatible version; try to choose an alternate if
# possible
choose_getopt() {
if ! type -pf $GETOPT ; then
if ! type -pf "$GETOPT" ; then
# getopt not in path
error "Required program getopt not found!"
1455,13 → 1461,13
# Try getopt. If there's more than one in the path, try all of them
for goe in $(type -paf $GETOPT) ; do
"$goe" -T || gor=$?
if [ $gor -eq 4 ]; then
if [[ $gor -eq 4 ]]; then
# Correct getopt found
done >/dev/null
if [ $gor -ne 4 ]; then
if [[ $gor -ne 4 ]]; then
error "No compatible version of getopt in path, can't continue."
error " For details on how to correct this problems, see <>"
1473,7 → 1479,7
# Does nothing if none has been created so far
# cleanup()
cleanup() {
if [ -z $TEMPSTUFF ]; then return 0 ; fi
if [[ -z $TEMPSTUFF ]]; then return 0 ; fi
inf "Cleaning up..."
rm -rf "${TEMPSTUFF[@]}"
1485,7 → 1491,7
# exithdlr()
exithdlr() {
# I don't think that's really required anyway
if [ "$RANDFUNCTION" == "filerand" ]; then
if [[ $RANDFUNCTION == 'filerand' ]]; then
7<&- # Close FD 7
1498,8 → 1504,8
# error($1 = text)
error() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_ERROR ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n "$prefix_err"
if [[ $verbosity -ge $V_ERROR ]]; then
[[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]] && echo -n "$prefix_err"
# sgr0 is always used, this way if
# a) something prints inbetween messages it isn't affected
# b) if plain_messages is overridden colour stops after the override
1512,8 → 1518,8
# Print a non-fatal error or warning
# warning($1 = text)
warn() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_WARN ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n "$prefix_warn"
if [[ $verbosity -ge $V_WARN ]]; then
[[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]] && echo -n "$prefix_warn"
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
1521,8 → 1527,8
# Print an informational message
# inf($1 = text)
inf() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n "$prefix_inf"
if [[ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]]; then
[[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]] && echo -n "$prefix_inf"
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
1531,7 → 1537,7
# Same as inf but with no colour ever.
# infplain($1 = text)
infplain() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]; then
if [[ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]]; then
echo "$1" >&2
1544,7 → 1550,6
# buffered($1 = feedback function, $2 = arguments)
buffered() {
local grab=$( $1 "$2" 2>&1 )
# BUFFER=( "${BUFFER[@]}" -- "$grab" )
1552,7 → 1557,7
# Print buffered feedback to stderr
# flush_buffered([$1 = indentation])
flush_buffered() {
[ "${BUFFER[*]}" ] || return 0
[[ ${BUFFER[*]} ]] || return 0
echo "$BUFFER" | sed -e '$d' -e "s/^/$1/g" >&2 # sed: delete last line, indent with $1
1570,9 → 1575,9
# If no exit_code is provided, use $ERROR_CODE
die() {
local m=$1 ec=$2
[ "$ec" ] || ec=$ERROR_CODE
[ "$ec" ] || ec=1
[ "$m" ] || m=$ERROR_MSG
[[ $ec ]] || ec=$ERROR_CODE
[[ $ec ]] || ec=1
[[ $m ]] || m=$ERROR_MSG
error "$m"
exit $ec
1583,7 → 1588,7
has_filter() {
local filter= ref=$1
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]} ; do
[ "$filter" == "$ref" ] || continue
[[ $filter == $ref ]] || continue
return 0
return 1
1618,7 → 1623,7
fi >/dev/null
if [ -z "$HAS_COLORS" ]; then
if [[ -z $HAS_COLORS ]]; then
# tput was not an option, let's try ANSI escape codes instead [[AEC]]
# TODO: Detect support
# Alternatively: $ perl -e 'print "\e[31m\e[1m"'
1632,7 → 1637,7
# Finally, if there's no colour support, use prefixes instead
if [ -z "$HAS_COLORS" ]; then
if [[ -z $HAS_COLORS ]]; then
1645,7 → 1650,7
# seqr($1 = from, $2 = to, $3 = increment)
seqr() {
local from=$1 to=$2 inc=$3
[ "$inc" ] || inc=1
[[ $inc ]] || inc=1
awk "BEGIN { for (i=$from;i<=$to;i+=$inc) print i }"
1828,7 → 1833,7
local runlen=$(awkexf "$end - $st")
if fptest "($end-$eo-$st)" -le 0 ; then
if fptest "$eo" -gt 0 && [ -z "$USR_end_offset" ] ; then
if fptest "$eo" -gt 0 && [[ -z $USR_end_offset ]] ; then
warn "Default end offset was too high for the video, ignoring it."
2551,31 → 2556,31
# For some reason my (one track) samples have two ..._NCH, first one 0
#+Also multichannel is detected as 2 ch
mi[$CHANS]=$(grep ID_AUDIO_NCH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| grep -v '=0' | cut -d'=' -f2|head -1)
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ]; then
if [[ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ]]; then
# For DVDs it prints ID_DVD_TITLE_x_LENGTH and ID_LENGTH.
#+Both appear valid.
mi[$LEN]=$(grep ID_DVD_TITLE_${DVD_TITLE}_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| cut -d'=' -f2)
[ "${mi[$LEN]}" ] || mi[$LEN]=$(grep ID_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| head -1 | cut -d'=' -f2)
[[ ${mi[$LEN]} ]] || mi[$LEN]=$(grep ID_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| head -1 | cut -d'=' -f2)
mi[$LEN]=$(grep ID_DVD_TITLE_${DVD_TITLE}_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| head -1 | cut -d'=' -f2)
# Voodoo :P Remove (one) trailing zero
if [ "${mi[$FPS]:$(( ${#mi[$FPS]} - 1 ))}" == "0" ]; then
if [[ "${mi[$FPS]:$(( ${#mi[$FPS]} - 1 ))}" == '0' ]]; then
mi[$FPS]="${mi[$FPS]:0:$(( ${#mi[$FPS]} - 1 ))}"
mi[$ASPECT]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_ASPECT <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | egrep -v '^0.0000$' | cut -d'=' -f2 | tail -1)
# If none set, delete it
[ "${mi[$ASPECT]}" ] && fptest "${mi[$ASPECT]}" -eq 0.0 && mi[$ASPECT]=''
[[ ${mi[$ASPECT]} ]] && fptest "${mi[$ASPECT]}" -eq 0.0 && mi[$ASPECT]=''
mi[$VCNAME]=$(get_vcodec_name "${mi[$VCODEC]}")
if [ "${mi[$VDEC]}" == "ffodivx" ] && [ "${mi[$VCNAME]}" != "MPEG-4" ]; then
if [[ ( ${mi[$VDEC]} == 'ffodivx' ) && ( ${mi[$VCNAME]} != 'MPEG-4' ) ]]; then
mi[$VCNAME]="${mi[$VCNAME]} (MPEG-4)"
elif [ "${mi[$VDEC]}" == "ffh264" ]; then # At least two different fourccs use h264, maybe more
elif [[ ${mi[$VDEC]} == 'ffh264' ]]; then # At least two different fourccs use h264, maybe more
mi[$VCNAME]="${mi[$VCNAME]} (h.264)"
mi[$ACNAME]=$(get_acodec_name "${mi[$ACODEC]}")
if [ "${mi[$ACODEC]}" == "samr" ] ; then
if [[ ${mi[$ACODEC]} == 'samr' ]] ; then
local adec=$(grep ID_AUDIO_CODEC <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | head -1 | cut -d'=' -f2)
if [ "$adec" == "ffamrnb" ]; then
if [[ $adec == 'ffamrnb' ]]; then
2679,7 → 2684,7
# Newer CHANS and some older...
fi[$CHANS]=$(egrep -o '[0-9]* channels' <<<"$as" | cut -d' ' -f1)
# ...fallback for older
if [ -z "${fi[$CHANS]}" ]; then
if [[ -z ${fi[$CHANS]} ]]; then
local chans=$(egrep -o 'Hz, [^,]*' <<<"$as" | cut -d' ' -f2)
case $chans in
mono) fi[$CHANS]=1 ;;
2698,11 → 2703,11
# can be re-calculated.
fi[$FPS]=$(egrep -o '[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*k? tb(r|\(r\))' <<<"$vs" | cut -d' ' -f1)
# Let's convert e.g. 23.98 into 23.976...:
if [ "${fi[$FPS]}" ] && grep -q '\.' <<<"${fi[$FPS]}" ; then
if [[ ${fi[$FPS]} ]] && grep -q '\.' <<<"${fi[$FPS]}" ; then
# Decimals, see if we got better values available
local vsobs=$(grep "stream $vsid" <<<"$obs")
# Observations regarding video stream found
if [ "$vsobs" ] && grep -q " -> ${fi[$FPS]} (.*)" <<<"$vsobs" ; then
if [[ $vsobs ]] && grep -q " -> ${fi[$FPS]} (.*)" <<<"$vsobs" ; then
# FPS candidate
local newfps=$(egrep -o -- '-> [^ ]* \([0-9]*/[0-9]*' <<<"$vsobs" | cut -d'(' -f2)
is_fraction $newfps && fi[$FPS]=$(keepdecimals "$newfps" 3)
2710,17 → 2715,17
# ...fallback for older. The older version I tried seems to round further, i.e.
# 23.976 became 24 so no fix for this one
if [ -z "${fi[$FPS]}" ]; then
if [[ -z ${fi[$FPS]} ]]; then
# No k suffix here, 1000 is 1000
fi[$FPS]=$(egrep -o '[0-9]*\.?[0-9]* fps' <<<"$vs" | cut -d' ' -f1)
# Be consistent with mplayer's output: at least two decimals
[ "${fi[$FPS]}" ] && {
[[ ${fi[$FPS]} ]] && {
fi[$FPS]=$(keepdecimals "${fi[$FPS]}" 3)
fi[$FPS]=${fi[$FPS]/%0} # Strip 0$
fi[$LEN]=$(egrep -o 'Duration: [^,]*' <<<"$FFMPEG_CACHE" | cut -d' ' -f2)
if [ "${fi[$LEN]}" == "N/A" ]; then # It might be unable to detect
if [[ ${fi[$LEN]} == 'N/A' ]]; then # It might be unable to detect
fi[$LEN]=$( get_interval $(echo "${fi[$LEN]}" | sed -e 's/:/h/' -e 's/:/m/') )
2729,7 → 2734,7
# TODO: Replace tail -1 with some better option (see the double DAR example above)
fi[$ASPECT]=$(egrep -o 'DAR [0-9]*:[0-9]*'<<<"$FFMPEG_CACHE" | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed 's#:#/#')
# Due to calling ffmpeg on a single VOB when in DVD Device mode, the length will be partial
[ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ] || fi[$LEN]=''
[[ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ]] || fi[$LEN]=''
fi[$VCNAME]=$(get_vcodec_name $(translate_ffmpeg_vcodec_id "${fi[$VCODEC]}"))
fi[$ACNAME]=$(get_acodec_name $(translate_ffmpeg_acodec_id "${fi[$ACODEC]}"))
2845,7 → 2850,7
if [[ $FFMPEG ]]; then
# FPS at least with two decimals
if [ $(awkex "int(${VID[$FPS]})") == ${VID[$FPS]} ]; then
if [[ $(awkex "int(${VID[$FPS]})") == ${VID[$FPS]} ]]; then
3980,12 → 3985,12
case "$t" in
[ $v -eq $TC_NUMCAPS ] || x='$TC_INTERVAL'
[[ $v -eq $TC_NUMCAPS ]] || x='$TC_INTERVAL'
[ $v -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ] || x='$DEC_MPLAYER'
[[ $v -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ]] || x='$DEC_MPLAYER'