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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $Rev$ $Date$
# vcs
# Video Contact Sheet *NIX: Generates contact sheets (previews) of videos
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Toni Corvera
# with patches from Phil Grundig and suggestions/corrections from
# many others (see homepage)
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Author: Toni Corvera <>
# References:
# Mainly pages I've taken snippets from or wrote code based on them; or pages
# containing reference/technical data
# I refer to them in comments as e.g. [[R1]]. [[R1#3]] Means section 3 in R1.
# I also use internal references in the form [x1] (anchor -where to point-)
# and [[x1]] (x-reference -point to what-).
# [R0] getopt-parse.bash example, on Debian systems:
# /usr/share/doc/util-linux/examples/getopt-parse.bash.gz
# [R1] Bash (and other shells) tips
# <>
# [R2] List of officially registered FOURCCs and WAVE Formats (aka wFormatTag)
# <>
# [R3] Unofficial list of FOURCCs
# <>
# [R4] A php module with a list of FOURCCs and wFormatTag's mappings
# <>
# [M1] "[MEncoder-users] Thumbnail creation"
# <>
# [VC1] VC-1 and derived codecs information
# <>
# [FJ] GNU seq’s cousin on FreeBSD is... jot
# <>
# [FNL] Re: Replacing spaces with newlines using awk: msg#00064
# <>
# [FD1] File Descriptors in Bourne shell (sh,ksh,bash).
# <>
# [FD2] Redirection [[Bash Hackers Wiki]
# <>
declare -r VERSION="1.0.100a" # ("1.1.0 RC2")
# History (The full changelog can be found at <>).
# 1.0.100: (Focus on FreeBSD support -and hopefully better POSIX compatibility-)
# * FEATURE: FreeBSD (7.1-RELEASE) support
# - Call bash through env
# - Ensure we're using the correct getopt version
# - Try to use POSIX sed options when appropriate
# - Replaced incompatible sed constructs
# - Use mktemp's common GNU/BSD(/POSIX?) syntax
# - Use jot instead of seq if required and available
# * BUGFIX: Don't fail if tput is unable to change colours
# * BUGFIX: Check for requirements before anything else
# * INTERNAL: Cache tput output
# * FEATURE: Added -R / --randomsource. Mainly useful for debugging,
# also to repeat a set of results and compare outputs on different
# systems
# * Corrected info message in photos mode
set -e
# This might change the way some commands are used.
# Right now it's unused
#declare -i IS_GNU=1
#grep -qi gnu <<<"$OSTYPE" || IS_GNU=0
# {{{ # TODO
# * [[R1#22]] states that not all bc versions understand '<', more info required
# * [[x1]] Find out why the order of ffmpeg arguments breaks some files.
# * [[x2]] Find out if egrep is safe to use or grep -E is more commonplace.
# * Better DVD support (e.g. real detection of aspect ratio)
# * Use ffmpeg's detected length if shorter than mplayer's
# }}} # TODO
# {{{ # Constants
# Configuration file, please, use this file to modify the behaviour of the
# script. Using this allows overriding some variables (see below)
# to your liking. Only lines with a variable assignment are evaluated,
# it should follow bash syntax, note though that ';' can't be used
# currently in the variable values; e.g.:
# # Sample configuration for vcs
# user=myname # Sign all compositions as myname
# bg_heading=gray # Make the heading gray
# There is a total of three configuration files than are loaded if the exist:
# * /etc/vcs.conf: System wide conf, least precedence
# * $CFGFILE (by default ~/.vcs.conf): Per-user conf, second least precedence
# * ./vcs.conf: Per-dir confif, most precedence
# The variables that can be overriden are below the block of constants ahead.
declare -r CFGFILE=~/.vcs.conf
# see $decoder
declare -ri DEC_MPLAYER=1 DEC_FFMPEG=3
# See $timecode_from
declare -ri TC_INTERVAL=4 TC_NUMCAPS=8
# These can't be overriden, modify this line if you feel the need
declare -r PROGRAM_SIGNATURE="Video Contact Sheet *NIX ${VERSION} <>"
# see $safe_rename_pattern
declare -r DEFAULT_SAFE_REN_PATT="%b-%N.%e"
# see $extended_factor
declare -ri DEFAULT_EXT_FACTOR=4
# see $verbosity
declare -ri V_ALL=5 V_NONE=-1 V_ERROR=1 V_WARN=2 V_INFO=3
# see $font_filename and $FONT_MINCHO
declare -ri FF_DEFAULT=5 FF_MINCHO=7
# Indexes in $VID
declare -ri W=0 H=1 FPS=2 LEN=3 VCODEC=4 ACODEC=5 VDEC=6 CHANS=7
# Exit codes, same numbers as /usr/include/sysexits.h
declare -r EX_OK=0 EX_USAGE=64 EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 \
EX_INTERRUPTED=79 # This one is not on sysexits.h
# The context allows the creator to identify which contact sheet it is creating
# (CTX_*) HL: Highlight (-l), STD: Normal, EXT: Extended (-e)
declare -ri CTX_HL=1 CTX_STD=2 CTX_EXT=3
# This is the horizontal padding added to each capture. Changing it might break
# extended set's alignement so keep this in mind if you tinker with it
# When shadows are enabled, 5 is substracted from this value in csheet_montage
# so keep this in mind!
declare -ri HPAD=8
# These are used as constants but will be set from the available system
# programs
# ERESED # see choose_eresed
# SEQ # see choose_seqw
# }}} # End of constants
# {{{ # Override-able variables
# GETOPT must be correctly set or the script will fail.
# It can be set in the configuration files if it isn't in the path or
# the first getopt in the path isn't the right version.
# A check will be made and a warning with details shown if required.
declare GETOPT=getopt
# Set to 1 to print function calls
declare -i DEBUG=0
declare -i DEFAULT_INTERVAL=300
declare -i DEFAULT_NUMCAPS=16
declare -i DEFAULT_COLS=2
# Text before the user name in the signature
declare user_signature="Preview created by"
# By default sign as the system's username (see -u, -U)
declare user=$(id -un)
# Which of the two methods should be used to guess the number of thumbnails
declare -i timecode_from=$TC_INTERVAL
# Which of the two vidcappers should be used (see -F, -M)
# mplayer seems to fail for mpeg or WMV9 files, at least on my system
# also, ffmpeg allows better seeking: ffmpeg allows exact second.fraction
# seeking while mplayer apparently only seeks to nearest keyframe
declare -i decoder=$DEC_FFMPEG
# Options used in imagemagick, these options set the final aspect
# of the contact sheet
declare output_format=png # ImageMagick decides the type from the extension
declare -i output_quality=92 # Output image quality (only affects the final
# image and obviously only in lossy formats)
# Colours, see convert -list color to get the list
declare bg_heading=YellowGreen # Background for meta info (size, codec...)
declare bg_sign=SlateGray # Background for signature
declare bg_title=White # Background for the title (see -T)
declare bg_contact=White # Background of the thumbnails
declare bg_tstamps='#000000aa' # Background for the timestamps box
declare fg_heading=black # Font colour for meta info box
declare fg_sign=black # Font colour for signature
declare fg_tstamps=white # Font colour for timestamps
declare fg_title=Black # Font colour fot the title
# Fonts, see convert -list type to get the list
declare font_tstamps=courier # Used for timestamps over the thumbnails
declare font_heading=helvetica # Used for the heading (meta info box)
declare font_sign=$font_heading # Used for the signature box
# Unlike other font_ variables this doesn't take a font name directly
# but is restricted to the $FF_ values. This is to allow overrides
# from the command line to be placed anywhere, i.e. in
# $ vcs -I file.avi -O 'FONT_MINCHO=whatever'
# as the font is overridden is after requesting its use, it wouldn't be
# affected
# The other font_ variables are only affected by overrides and not command
# line options that's why this one is special.
declare font_filename=$FF_DEFAULT # Used to print only the filename in the heading
declare font_title=$font_heading # Used fot the title (see -T)
# Font sizes, in points
declare -i pts_tstamps=18 # Used for the timestamps
declare -i pts_meta=16 # Used for the meta info box
declare -i pts_sign=11 # Used for the signature
declare -i pts_title=36 # Used for the title (see -T)
# See --shoehorn
declare shoehorned=
# See -E / $end_offset
declare -i DEFAULT_END_OFFSET=60
# If the video is less than this length, end offset won't be used at all
# This can only be changed in the configuration file
# Change it to change the safe renanimg:
# When writing the output file, the input name + output extension is
# used (e.g.: "some video.avi.png"), if it already exists, though,
# a number if appended to the name. This variable dictates where the number is
# placed.
# By default "%b-%N.%e" where:
# %b is the basename (file name without extension)
# %N is the appended number
# %e is the extension
# The default creates outputs like "output.avi-1.png"
# If overridden with an incorrect value it will be silently set to the default
declare safe_rename_pattern="$DEFAULT_SAFE_REN_PATT"
# Controls how many extra captures will be created in the extended mode
# (see -e), 0 is the same as disabling the extended mode
# This number is multiplied by the total number of captures to get
# the number of extra captures. So, e.g. -n2 -e2 leads to 4 extra captures.
declare extended_factor=0
# Options added always to the ones in the command line
# (command line options override them).
# Note using this is a bit tricky :P mostly because I've no clue of how this
# should be done.
# As an example: you want to set always the title to "My Title" and output
# to jpeg: default_options="-T'My Title' -j"
#declare default_options=
# Verbosity level so far from the command line can only be muted (see -q)
# it can be overridden, though
declare -i verbosity=$V_ALL
# When set to 0 the status messages printed by vcs while running
# are coloured if the terminal supports it. Set to 1 if this annoys you.
declare -i plain_messages=0
# Experimental in 1.0.7b:
# Experiment to get international font support
# I'll need to get some help here, so if you use anything beyond a latin
# alphabet, please help me choosing the correct fonts
# To my understanding Ming/Minchō fonts should cover most of Japanse,
# Chinese and Korean
# Apparently Kochi Mincho should include Hangul *and* Cyrillic... which would be
# great :) Although it couldn't write my hangul test, and also the default font
# (helvetica) in my system seems to include cyrillic too, or at least a subset of
# it.
declare FONT_MINCHO=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/kochi/kochi-mincho.ttf
# Output of capturing programs is redirected here
declare stdout=/dev/null stderr=/dev/null
declare -i DVD_MODE=0 DVD_TITLE=1
declare DVD_FILE=
declare -i multiple_input_files=0
# }}} # End of override-able variables
# {{{ # Variables
# Options and other internal usage variables, no need to mess with this!
declare interval=$DEFAULT_INTERVAL # Interval of captures (=numsecs/numcaps)
declare -i numcaps=$DEFAULT_NUMCAPS # Number of captures (=numsecs/interval)
declare title=""
declare fromtime=0 # Starting second (see -f)
declare totime=-1 # Ending second (see -t)
declare -a initial_stamps # Manually added stamps (see -S)
declare -i th_height= # Height of the thumbnails, by default use same as input
declare -i cols=$DEFAULT_COLS # Number of output columns
declare -i manual_mode=0 # if 1, only command line timestamps will be used
declare aspect_ratio=0 # If 0 no transformations done (see -a)
# If -1 try to guess (see -A)
declare -a TEMPSTUFF # Temporal files
declare -a TIMECODES # Timestamps of the video captures
declare -a HLTIMECODES # Timestamps of the highlights (see -l)
declare VCSTEMPDIR= # Temporal directory, all temporal files
# go there
# This holds the output of mplayer -identify on the current video
# This holds the parsed values of MPLAYER_CACHE, see also the Indexes in VID
# (defined in the constants block)
declare -a VID=
# These variables will hold the output of tput, used
# to colourise feedback
declare prefix_err= prefix_inf= prefix_warn= suffix_fback=
# Workarounds:
# Argument order in FFmpeg is important -ss before or after -i will make
# the capture work or not depending on the file. See -Wo.
# TODO: [x1].
# Admittedly the workaraound is abit obscure: those variables will be added to
# the ffmpeg arguments, before and after -i, replacing spaces by the timestamp.
# e.g.: for second 50 '-ss ' will become '-ss 50' while '' will stay empty
# By default -ss goes before -i.
declare wa_ss_af="" wa_ss_be="-ss "
# This number of seconds is *not* captured from the end of the video
declare -i end_offset=$DEFAULT_END_OFFSET
# Transformations/filters
# Operations are decomposed into independent optional steps, this allows
# to add some intermediate steps (e.g. polaroid/photo mode's frames)
# Filters in this context are functions.
# There're two kinds of filters and a delegate:
# * individual filters are run over each vidcap
# * global filters are run over all vidcaps at once (currently deprecated)
# * The contact sheet creator delegates on some function to create the actual
# contact sheet
# Individual filters take the form:
# filt_name( vidcapfile, timestamp in seconds.milliseconds, width, height, [context, [index]] )
# They're executed in order by filter_vidcap()
declare -a FILTERS_IND=( 'filt_resize' 'filt_apply_stamp' 'filt_softshadow' )
# Deprecated: Global filters take the form
# filtall_name( vidcapfile1, vidcapfile2, ... )
# They're executed in order by filter_all_vidcaps
declare -a FILTERS_CS
# The contact sheet creators take the form
# csheet_name( number of columns, context, width, height, vidcapfile1,
# vidcapfile2, ... ) : outputfile
# Context is one of the CTX_* constants (see below)
# The width and height are those of an individual capture
# It is executed by create_contact_sheet()
declare CSHEET_DELEGATE=csheet_montage
# Gravity of the timestamp (will be override-able in the future)
declare grav_timestamp=SouthEast
# When set to 1 the signature won't contain the "Preview created by..." line
declare -i anonymous_mode=0
# See coherence_check for more details
declare -i DISABLE_SHADOWS=0
# Sets which function is used to obtain random numbers valid values are
# bashrand and filerand.
# Setting it manually will break it, calling with -R changes this to filerand.
# See rand() for an explanation
declare RANDFUNCTION=bashrand
# }}} # Variables
# {{{ # Configuration handling
# These are the variables allowed to be overriden in the config file,
# please.
# They're REGEXes, they'll be concatenated to form a regex like
# (override1|override2|...).
# Don't mess with this unless you're pretty sure of what you're doing.
# All this extra complexity is done to avoid including the config
# file directly for security reasons.
# 'default_options'
# Note GETOPT doesn't make sense to be overridden from the command-line
# This is only used to exit when -DD is used
declare -i DEBUGGED=0 # It will be 1 after using -D
# Loads the configuration files if present
# load_config()
load_config() {
local CONFIGS=( /etc/vcs.conf $CFGFILE ./vcs.conf )
for cfgfile in ${CONFIGS[*]} ;do
if [ ! -f "$cfgfile" ]; then continue; fi
while read line ; do # auto variable $line
override "$line" "file $cfgfile" # Feeding it comments should be harmless
done <$cfgfile
# Override-able hack, this won't work with command line overrides, though
# Do an override
# It takes basically an assignment (in the same format as bash)
# to one of the override-able variables (see $ALLOWED_OVERRIDES).
# There are some restrictions though. Currently ';' is not allowed to
# be in the assignment.
# override($1 = bash variable assignment, $2 = source)
override() {
local o="$1"
local src="$2"
local compregex=$( sed 's/ /|/g' <<<${ALLOWED_OVERRIDES[*]} )
# Don't allow ';', FIXME: dunno how secure that really is...
# FIXME: doesn't really work anyway
if ! egrep -q '^[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[^;]*' <<<"$o" ; then
if ! egrep -q "^($compregex)=" <<<"$o" ; then
local varname=$($ERESED 's/^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=.*/\1/'<<<"$o")
local varval=$($ERESED 's/[^=]*=(.*)/\1/'<<<"$o")
# FIXME: Security!
local curvarval=
eval curvarval='$'"$varname"
if [ "$curvarval" == "$varval" ]; then
warn "Ignored override '$varname' (already had same value)"
eval "$varname=\"$varval\""
# FIXME: Only for really overridden ones
warn "Overridden variable '$varname' from $src"
# }}} # Configuration handling
# {{{ # Convenience functions
# Returns true if input is composed only of numbers
# is_number($1 = input)
is_number() {
egrep -q '^[0-9]+$' <<<"$1"
# Returns true if input can be parsed as a floating point number
# Accepted: XX.YY XX. .YY (.24=0.24
# is_float($1 = input)
is_float() {
egrep -q '^([0-9]+\.?([0-9])?+|(\.[0-9]+))$'<<<"$1"
# Returns true if input is a fraction (*strictly*, i.e. "1" is not a fraction)
# Only accepts XX/YY
# is_fraction($1 = input)
is_fraction() {
egrep -q '^[0-9]+/[0-9]+$'<<<"$1"
# Makes a string lowercase
# tolower($1 = string)
tolower() {
tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<<"$1"
# Rounded product
# multiplies parameters and prints the result, rounded to the closest int
# parameters can be separated by commas or spaces
# e.g.: rmultiply 4/3,576 OR 4/3 576 = 4/3 * 576 = 768
# rmultiply($1 = operator1, [$2 = operator2, ...])
# rmultiply($1 = "operator1,operator2,...")
rmultiply() {
local exp=$(sed 's/[ ,]/*/g'<<<"$@") # bc expression
#local f=$(bc -lq<<<"$exp") # exact float value
# division is integer by default (without -l) so it's the smae
# as rounding to the lower int
#bc -q <<<"( $f + 0.5 ) / 1"
bc -q <<<"scale=5; v=( ($exp) + 0.5 ) ; scale=0 ; v/1"
# Like rmultiply() but always rounded upwards
ceilmultiply() {
local exp=$(sed 's/[ ,]/*/g'<<<"$@") # bc expression
local f=$(bc -lq<<<"$exp") # exact float value
bc -q <<<"( $f + 0.999999999 ) / 1"
# Round to a multiple
# Rounds a number ($1) to a multiple of ($2)
# rtomult($1 = number, $2 = divisor)
rtomult() {
local n=$1 d=$2
local r=$(( $n % $d ))
if [ $r -ne 0 ]; then
let 'n += ( d - r )'
echo $n
# numeric test eqivalent for floating point
# fptest($1 = op1, $2 = operator, $3 = op2)
fptest() {
local op=
case $2 in
-gt) op='>' ;;
-lt) op='<' ;;
-ge) op='>=' ;;
-le) op='<=' ;;
-eq) op='==' ;;
-ne) op='!=' ;;
*) error "Internal error" && return $EX_SOFTWARE
[ '1' == "$(bc -q <<<"$1 $op $3")" ]
# converts spaces to newlines in a x-platform way [[FNL]]
# stonl($1 = string)
stonl() {
# Not pretty, but seems to be standard ('\n' works in GNU
# but not in e.g. FreeBSD)
sed 's/ /\
/g' <<<"$1"
# bash version of ord() [[ORD]]
# prints the ASCII value of a character
ord() {
printf '%d' "'$1"
# Wrapper around $RANDOM, not called directly, wrapped again in rand().
# See rand() for an explanation.
bashrand() {
echo $RANDOM
# Prepares for "filerand()" calls
# File descriptor 7 is used to keep a file open, from which data is read
# and then transformed into a number.
# init_filerand($1 = filename)
init_filerand() { # [[FD1]], [[FD2]]
test -r "$1"
exec 7<"$1"
# closed in exithdlr
# Produce a (not-really-)random number from a file, not called directly wrapped
# in rand()
# Note that once the file end is reached, the random values will always
# be the same (hash_string result for an empty string)
filerand() {
local b=
# "read 5 bytes from file descriptor 7 and put them in $b"
read -n5 -u7 b
hash_string "$b"
# Produce a random number
# $RANDFUNCTION defines wich one to use (bashrand or filerand).
# Since functions using random values are most often run in subshells
# setting $RANDOM to a given seed has not the desired effect.
# filerand() is used to that effect; it keeps a file open from which bytes
# are read and not-so-random values generated; since file descriptors are
# inherited, subshells will "advance" the random sequence.
# Argument -R enables the filerand() function
rand() {
# produces a numeric value from a string
hash_string() {
local HASH_LIMIT=65536
local v="$1"
local -i hv=15031
local c=
if [ "$v" ]; then # seqw 0 0 would be catastrophic if SEQ==jot
for i in $(seqw 0 $(( ${#v}-1 ))); do
c=$( ord ${v:$i:1} )
hv=$(( ( ( $hv << 1 ) + $c ) % $HASH_LIMIT ))
echo $hv
# Applies the Pythagorean Theorem
# pyth_th($1 = cathetus1, $2 = cathetus2)
pyth_th() {
bc -ql <<<"sqrt( $1^2 + $2^2)"
# Prints the width correspoding to the input height and the variable
# aspect ratio
# compute_width($1 = height) (=AR*height) (rounded)
compute_width() {
rmultiply $aspect_ratio,$1
# Parse an interval and print the corresponding value in seconds
# returns something not 0 if the interval is not recognized.
# The current code is a tad permissive, it allows e.g. things like
# 10m1h (equivalent to 1h10m)
# 1m1m (equivalent to 2m)
# I don't see reason to make it more anal, though.
# get_interval($1 = interval)
get_interval() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
if is_number "$1" ; then echo $1 ; return 0 ; fi
local s=$(tolower "$1") t r
# Only allowed characters
if ! egrep -qi '^[0-9smh.]+$' <<<"$s"; then
return $EX_USAGE;
# New parsing code: replaces units by a product
# and feeds the resulting string to bc
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9]+)h/ ( \1 * 3600 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9]+)m/ ( \1 * 60 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$(sed 's/s/ + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9])\./\1 + ./g' <<<"$t") # seconds followed by ms, with no "S"
t=$($ERESED 's/\.\.+/./g'<<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/\.([0-9]+)/0.\1 + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/\+ ?$//g' <<<$t)
r=$(bc -lq <<<$t 2>/dev/null) # bc parsing fails with correct return code
if [ -z "$r" ]; then
return $EX_USAGE
# Negative interval
if [ "-" == ${r:0:1} ]; then
return $EX_USAGE
echo $r
# Pads a string with zeroes on the left until it is at least
# the indicated length
# pad($1 = minimum length, $2 = string)
pad() {
# printf "%0${1}d\n" "$2" # [[R1#18]] # Can't be used with non-numbers
local str=$2
while [ "${#str}" -lt $1 ]; do
echo $str
# Get Image Width
# imw($1 = file)
imw() {
identify -format '%w' "$1"
# Get Image Height
# imh($1 = file)
imh() {
identify -format '%h' "$1"
# Prints a number of seconds in a more human readable form
# e.g.: 3600 becomes 1:00:00
# pretty_stamp($1 = seconds)
pretty_stamp() {
if ! is_float "$1" ; then return $EX_USAGE ; fi
local t=$1
#local h=$(( $t / 3600 ))
# bc's modulus seems to *require* not using the math lib (-l)
local h=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 3600")
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 3600")
local m=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 60")
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 60")
local s ms
if grep -q '\.' <<<"$t" ; then
# Have ms
s=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<$t)
ms=$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<<$t)
local R=""
if [ $h -gt 0 ]; then
# Unreproducible bug reported by wdef: Minutes printed as hours
# fixed with "else R="00:""
R="$R$(pad 2 "$m"):$(pad 2 $s)"
# Milliseconds, only supported by ffmpeg, not printed otherwise
if [ $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ]; then
# Right pad of decimal seconds
if [ ${#ms} -lt 2 ]; then
# Trim (most) decimals
$ERESED 's/\.([0-9][0-9]).*/.\1/'<<<$R
# Prints a given size in human friendly form
get_pretty_size() {
local bytes=$1
local size=
if [ "$bytes" -gt $(( 1024**3 )) ]; then
local gibs=$(( $bytes / 1024**3 ))
local mibs=$(( ( $bytes % 1024**3 ) / 1024**2 ))
size="${gibs}.${mibs:0:2} GiB"
elif [ "$bytes" -gt $(( 1024**2)) ]; then
local mibs=$(( $bytes / 1024**2 ))
local kibs=$(( ( $bytes % 1024**2 ) / 1024 ))
size="${mibs}.${kibs:0:2} MiB"
elif [ "$bytes" -gt 1024 ]; then
local kibs=$(( $bytes / 1024 ))
bytes=$(( $bytes % 1024 ))
size="${kibs}.${bytes:0:2} KiB"
size="${bytes} B"
echo $size
# Prints the size of a file in a human friendly form
# The units are in the IEC/IEEE/binary format (e.g. MiB -for mebibytes-
# instead of MB -for megabytes-)
# get_pretty_file_size($1 = file)
get_pretty_file_size() {
local f="$1"
local bytes=$(get_file_size "$f")
get_pretty_size "$bytes"
# Rename a file, if the target exists, try with appending numbers to the name
# And print the output name to stdout
# See $safe_rename_pattern
# safe_rename($1 = original file, $2 = target file)
# XXX: Note it fails if target has no extension
safe_rename() {
local from="$1"
local to="$2"
# Output extension
local ext=$($ERESED 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
# Input extension
local iext=$($ERESED 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
# Input filename without extension
local b=${to%.$iext}
# safe_rename_pattern is override-able, ensure it has a valid value:
if ! grep -q '%e' <<<"$safe_rename_pattern" ||
! grep -q '%N' <<<"$safe_rename_pattern" ||
! grep -q '%b' <<<"$safe_rename_pattern" ; then
local n=1
while [ -f "$to" ]; do # Only executes if $2 exists
to=$(sed "s#%b#$b#g" <<<"$safe_rename_pattern")
to=$(sed "s#%N#$n#g" <<<"$to")
to=$(sed "s#%e#$ext#g" <<<"$to")
let 'n++';
mv -- "$from" "$to"
echo "$to"
# Gets the file size in bytes
# get_file_size($1 = filename)
# du can provide bytes or kilobytes depending on the version used. The difference
# can be notorius...
# At least the busybox implementation is a real world du in usage that doesn't allow
# using --bytes. Note that using "ls -H" is not an option either for the same reason.
get_file_size() {
# First, try the extended du arguments:
local bytes
bytes=$(du -L --bytes "$1" 2>/dev/null) || {
echo $(( 1024 * $(du -Lk "$1" | cut -f1) ))
# Getting to here means the first du worked correctly
cut -f1 <<<"$bytes"
# Gets the size of a block device
get_blockdev_size() {
# This is something I've never done so I'm still looking for the right
# way to do it portably.
# Alternatives:
# * fdisk -s (no need for privileged access, read-only)
# Prints the number of blocks (only in GNU's version?, FreeBSD's
# doesn't, so probably POSIX in general doesn't either).
# In Linux blocks are always 1024 AFAICT, but I'm not sure about
# other unices (the -in disk- block size for DVDs is 2048).
# * hal
# hal-find-by-property --key block.device --string <(REAL)DEVICE>
# hal-get-property --udi <DEVICEID> --key volume.disc.capacity
# Gets byte size but HAL is far from standard (only Linux
# and FreeBSD have it AFAIK. DBUS, on which it relies, wasn't
# enabled byb default on my FreeBSD install).
# FreeBSD has no block devices either.
# * sysfs
# cat /sys/block/<(KERNEL)DEVICE>/size
# Size is given in sectors (512 blocks). Linux only. *BSD has
# sysctl of which I've no clue.
local dev="$1"
# Only GNU systems with block devices are compatible with the current code
if [ ! -b "$1" ] || grep -q gnu <<<"$OSTYPE" ; then
echo "?"
local numblocks=$(/sbin/fdisk -s "$dev" 2>"$stderr")
# FIXME: When fdisk is replaced by a better alternative this should go away
if is_number "$numblocks" ; then
get_pretty_size $(( 1024 * $numblocks ))
echo "?"
# Tests the presence of all required programs
# test_programs()
test_programs() {
local retval=0 last=0
for prog in mplayer convert montage identify bc \
ffmpeg mktemp sed grep egrep cut $SEQ ; do
if ! type -pf "$prog" ; then
error "Required program $prog not found!"
let 'retval++'
fi >/dev/null
# TODO: [x2]
return $retval
# Test wether $GETOP is a compatible version; try to choose an alternate if
# possible
choose_getopt() {
if ! type -pf $GETOPT ; then
# getopt not in path
error "Required program getopt not found!"
fi >/dev/null
local goe= gor=0
# Try getopt. If there's more than one in the path, try all of them
for goe in $(type -paf $GETOPT) ; do
"$goe" -T || gor=$?
if [ $gor -eq 4 ]; then
# Correct getopt found
done >/dev/null
if [ $gor -ne 4 ]; then
error "No compatible version of getopt in path, can't continue."
error " For details on how to correct this problems, see <>"
return 0
# Set the correct argument to pass to sed
# The argument to enable extended regular expressions is different in GNU (-r)
# and POSIX (-E), try to detect it
choose_eresed() {
if [ "a" == "$(sed -r 's/A/a/' 2>/dev/null<<<'A')" ]; then
ERESED='sed -r'
elif [ "a" == "$(sed -E 's/A/a/' 2>/dev/null<<<'A')" ]; then
ERESED='sed -E'
error "The version of sed in the system is not supported.
Please, contact the author"
# Choose seq or jot, fail if none is present
# The actual program is wrapped in seqw()
choose_seqw() {
if type -pf seq ; then
elif type -pf jot ; then
error "Either seq or jot are required"
fi >/dev/null
# Remove any temporal files
# Does nothing if none has been created so far
# cleanup()
cleanup() {
if [ -z $TEMPSTUFF ]; then return 0 ; fi
inf "Cleaning up..."
rm -rf ${TEMPSTUFF[*]}
unset TEMPSTUFF ; declare -a TEMPSTUFF
# Exit callback. This function is executed on exit (correct, failed or
# interrupted)
# exithdlr()
exithdlr() {
# I don't think that's really required anyway
if [ "$RANDFUNCTION" == "filerand" ]; then
7<&- # Close FD 7
# Feedback handling, these functions are use to print messages respecting
# the verbosity level
# Optional color usage added from explanation found in
# <>
# error($1 = text)
error() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_ERROR ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_err
# sgr0 is always used, this way if
# a) something prints inbetween messages it isn't affected
# b) if plain_messages is overridden colour stops after the override
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
# It is important to redirect both tput and echo to stderr. Otherwise
# n=$(something) wouldn't be coloured
# Print a non-fatal error or warning
# warning($1 = text)
warn() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_WARN ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_warn
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
# Print an informational message
# inf($1 = text)
inf() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]; then
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_inf
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
# Same as inf but with no colour ever.
# infplain($1 = text)
infplain() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]; then
echo "$1" >&2
# trace($1 = function name = $FUNCNAME, function arguments...)
trace() {
if [ "$DEBUG" -ne "1" ]; then return; fi
echo "[TRACE]: $@" >&2
# Tests if the filter chain contains the provided filter
# has_filter($1 = filtername)
has_filter() {
local filter= ref=$1
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]} ; do
[ "$filter" == "$ref" ] || continue
return 0
return 1
# Initialises the variables affecting coloured feedback
init_feedback() {
# If tput isn't found simply ignore tput commands
# (no colour support)
if ! type -pf tput >/dev/null ; then
# XXX: Are nested functions supported by older versions?
tput() { cat >/dev/null <<<"$1"; }
elif ! tput bold || # If tput can't tinker with the color, no need to continue
! tput setaf 0 >/dev/null ||
! tput sgr0 ;
prefix_err= prefix_inf= prefix_warn=
else # tput doesn't fail to change colors
prefix_err=$(tput bold; tput setaf 1)
prefix_warn=$(tput bold; tput setaf 3)
prefix_inf=$(tput bold; tput setaf 2)
suffix_fback=$(tput sgr0)
# seq wrapper/replacement
# seq($1 = from, $2 = to)
seqw() {
if [ "$SEQ" == "seq" ]; then
seq $1 $2
elif [ "$SEQ" == "jot" ]; then
jot $(( 1 + $2 - $1 )) $1
error "'$SEQ' is not supported, please change the value of \$SEQ"
# }}} # Convenience functions
# {{{ # Core functionality
# Creates a new temporary directory
# create_temp_dir()
create_temp_dir() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Try to use /dev/shm if available, this provided a very small
# benefit on my system but me of help for huge files. Or maybe won't.
# Passing a full path template is more x-platform than using
# -t / -p
if [ -d /dev/shm ] && [ -w /dev/shm ]; then
VCSTEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/vcs.XXXXXX)
[ "$TMPDIR" ] || TMPDIR="/tmp"
if [ ! -d "$VCSTEMPDIR" ]; then
error "Error creating temporary directory"
# Create a new temporal file and print its filename
# new_temp_file($1 = suffix)
new_temp_file() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local r=$(env TMPDIR="$VCSTEMPDIR" mktemp "$VCSTEMPDIR/vcs-XXXXXX")
if [ ! -f "$r" ]; then
error "Failed to create temporary file"
r=$(safe_rename "$r" "$r$1") || {
error "Failed to create temporary file"
TEMPSTUFF+=( "$r" )
echo "$r"
# Randomizes the colours and fonts. The result won't be of much use
# in most cases but it might be a good way to discover some colour/font
# or colour combination you like.
# randomize_look()
randomize_look() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local mode=f lineno
if [ "f" == $mode ]; then # Random mode
# There're 5 rows of extra info printed
local ncolours=$(( $(convert -list color | wc -l) - 5 ))
randcolour() {
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $(rand) % $ncolours ) ))
convert -list color | sed -n "${lineno}p" | cut -d' ' -f1 # [[R1#19]]
else # Pseudo-random mode, WIP!
randccomp() {
# colours are in the 0..65535 range, while RANDOM in 0..32767
echo $(( $(rand) + $(rand) + ($(rand) % 1) ))
randcolour() {
echo "rgb($(randccomp),$(randccomp),$(randccomp))"
local nfonts=$(( $(convert -list type | wc -l) - 5 ))
randfont() {
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $(rand) % $nfonts )))
convert -list type | sed -n "${lineno}p" | cut -d' ' -f1 # [[R1#19]]
inf "Randomization result:
Chosen backgrounds:
'$bg_heading' for the heading
'$bg_sign' for the signature
'$bg_title' for the title
'$bg_contact' for the contact sheet
Chosen font colours:
'$fg_heading' for the heading
'$fg_sign' for the signature
'$fg_title' for the title
'$fg_tstamps' for the timestamps,
Chosen fonts:
'$font_heading' for the heading
'$font_sign' for the signature
'$font_title' for the title
'$font_tstamps' for the timestamps"
unset -f randcolour randfound randccomp
# Add to $TIMECODES the timecodes at which a capture should be taken
# from the current video
# compute_timecodes($1 = timecode_from, $2 = interval, $3 = numcaps)
compute_timecodes() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local st=0 end=${VID[$LEN]} tcfrom=$1 tcint=$2 tcnumcaps=$3 eo=0
# globals: fromtime, totime, timecode_from, TIMECODES, end_offset
if fptest $st -lt $fromtime ; then
if fptest $totime -gt 0 && fptest $end -gt $totime ; then
if fptest $totime -le 0 ; then # If no totime is set, use end_offset
local runlen=$( bc <<<"$end - $st" )
if fptest "$runlen" -lt $(get_interval "$MIN_LENGTH_FOR_END_OFFSET") ; then
# Min length to use end offset not met, it won't be used
inf "End offset won't be used, video too short."
elif fptest "($end-$eo-$st)" -le 0 ; then
if fptest "$eo" -gt 0 && fptest "$eo" -eq "$DEFAULT_END_OFFSET" ; then
warn "Default end offset was too high for the video, ignoring it."
error "End offset too high, use e.g. '-E0'."
local inc=
if [ "$tcfrom" -eq $TC_INTERVAL ]; then
elif [ "$tcfrom" -eq $TC_NUMCAPS ]; then
# Numcaps mandates: timecodes are obtained dividing the length
# by the number of captures
if [ $tcnumcaps -eq 1 ]; then # Special case, just one capture, center it
inc=$( bc -lq <<< "scale=3; ($end-$st)/2 + 1" )
#inc=$(( ($end-$st) / $tcnumcaps ))
# FIXME: The last second is avoided (-1) to get the correct caps number
inc=$( bc -lq <<< "scale=3; ($end-$eo-$st)/$tcnumcaps" )
error "Internal error"
if fptest $inc -gt ${VID[$LEN]}; then
error "Interval is longer than video length, skipping $f"
return $EX_USAGE
local stamp=$st
local -a LTC
while fptest $stamp -le $(bc -q <<<"$end-$eo"); do
if fptest $stamp -lt 0 ; then
error "Internal error, negative timestamp calculated!"
LTC+=( $stamp )
stamp=$(bc -q <<<"$stamp+$inc")
unset LTC[0] # Discard initial cap (=$st)
# Tries to guess an aspect ratio comparing width and height to some
# known values (e.g. VCD resolution turns into 4/3)
# guess_aspect($1 = width, $2 = height)
guess_aspect() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# mplayer's ID_ASPECT seems to be always 0 ¿?
local w=$1 h=$2 ar
case "$w" in
if [ $h -eq 288 ] || [ $h -eq 240 ]; then
# Ambiguous, could perfectly be 16/9
# VCD / DVD @ VCD Res. / Half-D1 / CVD
elif [ $h -eq 576 ] || [ $h -eq 480 ]; then
# Ambiguous, could perfectly be 16/9
# Half-D1 / CVD
if [ $h -eq 576 ] || [ $h -eq 480 ]; then # DVD / DVB
# Ambiguous, could perfectly be 16/9
if [ $h -eq 576 ] || [ $h -eq 480 ]; then # SVCD
if [ -z "$ar" ]; then
if [ $h -eq 720 ] || [ $h -eq 1080 ]; then # HD
# TODO: Is there a standard for PAL yet?
if [ -z "$ar" ]; then
warn "Couldn't guess aspect ratio."
ar="$w/$h" # Don't calculate it yet
echo $ar
# Capture a frame
# capture($1 = filename, $2 = second)
capture() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local f=$1 stamp=$2
local VIDCAPFILE=00000005.png
# globals: $shoehorned $decoder
if [ $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ]; then
# Capture 5 frames and drop the first 4, fixes a weird bug/feature of mplayer ([M1])
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]; then
mplayer -sws 9 -ao null -benchmark -vo "png:z=0" -quiet \
-frames 5 -ss $stamp $shoehorned -dvd-device "$DVD_FILE" \
mplayer -sws 9 -ao null -benchmark -vo "png:z=0" -quiet \
-frames 5 -ss $stamp $shoehorned "$f"
} >"$stdout" 2>"$stderr"
rm -f 0000000{1,2,3,4}.png # Remove the first four
elif [ $decoder -eq $DEC_FFMPEG ]; then
# XXX: It would be nice to show a message if it takes too long
# See wa_ss_* declarations at the start of the file for details
ffmpeg -y ${wa_ss_be/ / $stamp} -i "$f" ${wa_ss_af/ / $stamp} -an \
-dframes 1 -vframes 1 -vcodec png \
-f rawvideo $shoehorned $VIDCAPFILE
# Used to test bogus files (e.g. to test codec ids)
#convert -size 1x xc:black $VIDCAPFILE
} >"$stdout" 2>"$stderr"
error "Internal error!"
fi || {
local retval=$?
error "The capturing program failed!"
return $retval
if [ ! -f "$VIDCAPFILE" ] || [ "0" == "$(du "$VIDCAPFILE" | cut -f1)" ]; then
error "Failed to capture frame (at second $stamp)"
return 0
# Applies all individual vidcap filters
# filter_vidcap($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height, $5 = context, $6 = index[1..])
filter_vidcap() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# For performance purposes each filter simply prints a set of options
# to 'convert'. That's less flexible but enough right now for the current
# filters.
local cmdopts=
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]}; do
cmdopts="$cmdopts $( $filter "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" ) -flatten "
local t=$(new_temp_file .png)
eval "convert '$1' $cmdopts '$t'"
# If $t doesn't exist returns non-zero
[ -f "$t" ] && mv "$t" "$1"
# Applies all global vidcap filters
#filter_all_vidcaps() {
# # TODO: Do something with "$@"
# true
filt_resize() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local f="$1" t=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Note the '!', required to change the aspect ratio
echo " \( -geometry ${w}x${h}! \) "
# Draw a timestamp in the file
# filt_apply_stamp($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height, $5 = context, $6 = index)
filt_apply_stamp() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local filename=$1 timestamp=$2 width=$3 height=$4 context=$5 index=$6
local pts=$pts_tstamps
if [ $height -lt 200 ]; then
pts=$(( $pts_tstamps / 3 ))
elif [ $height -lt 400 ]; then
pts=$(( $pts_tstamps * 2 / 3 ))
# If the size is too small they won't be readable at all
if [ $pts -le 8 ]; then
if [ $index -eq 1 ] && [ $context -ne $CTX_EXT ]; then
warn "Beware, using very small timestamps to accomodate smaller captures,\
you might prefer using -dt to disable them"
# The last -gravity None is used to "forget" the previous gravity (otherwise it would
# affect stuff like the polaroid frames)
echo -n " \( -box '$bg_tstamps' -fill '$fg_tstamps' -pointsize '$pts' "
echo -n " -gravity '$grav_timestamp' -stroke none -strokewidth 3 -annotate +5+5 "
echo " ' $(pretty_stamp $stamp) ' \) -flatten -gravity None "
# Apply a framed photo-like effect
# Taken from <>
# filt_photoframe($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_photoframe() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Tweaking the size gives a nice effect too
# w=$(( $w - ( $RANDOM % ( $w / 3 ) ) ))
# The border is relative to the input size (since 1.0.99), with a maximum of 6
# Should probably be bigger for really big frames
# Note that only images below 21600px (e.g. 160x120) go below a 6px border
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 ))
[ $border -lt 7 ] || border=6
echo -n "-bordercolor white -border $border -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 "
filt_softshadow() {
# Before this was a filter, there was the global (montage) softshadow (50x2+10+10) and the
# photoframe inline softshadow 60x4+4+4
echo -n "\( -background black +clone -shadow 50x2+4+4 -background none \) +swap -flatten -trim +repage "
# Apply a polaroid-like border effect
# Based on filt_photoframe(), with a bigger lower border
# filt_polaroid($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_polaroid() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 )) # Read filt_photoframe for details
[ $border -lt 7 ] || border=6
echo -n "-bordercolor white -mattecolor white -frame ${border}x${border} "
# FIXME: This is rather ugly (double-flipping) there's sure a better way
echo -n "\( -flip -splice 0x$(( $border*5 )) \) "
echo "-flip -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 +repage"
# Applies a random rotation
# Taken from <>
# filt_randrot($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_randrot() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Rotation angle [-18..18]
local angle=$(( ($(rand) % 37) - 18 ))
echo "-background none -rotate $angle "
# This one requires much more work, the results are pretty rough, but ok as
# a starting point / proof of concept
filt_film() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Base reel dimensions
local rw=$(rmultiply $w,0.08) # 8% width
local rh=$(( $rw / 2 ))
# Ellipse center
local ecx=$(( $rw / 2 )) ecy=0
# Ellipse x, y radius
local erx=$(( (rw/2)*60/100 )) # 60% halt rect width
local ery=$(( $erx / 2))
local base_reel=$(new_temp_file .png) reel_strip=$(new_temp_file .png)
# Create the reel pattern...
convert -size ${rw}x${rh} 'xc:black' \
-fill white -draw "ellipse $ecx,$ecy $erx,$ery 0,360" -flatten \
\( +clone -flip \) -append \
-fuzz '40%' -transparent white \
# FIXME: Error handling
# Repeat it until the height is reached and crop to the exact height
local sh=$(imh "$base_reel") in=
local repeat=$( ceilmultiply $h/$sh)
while [ $repeat -gt 1 ]; do
in+=" '$base_reel' "
let 'repeat--'
eval convert "$base_reel" $in -append -crop $(imw "$base_reel")x${h}+0+0 \
# As this options will be appended to the commandline we cannot
# order the arguments optimally (eg: reel.png image.png reel.png +append)
# A bit of trickery must be done flipping the image. Note also that the
# second strip will be appended flipped, which is intended.
echo -n "'$reel_strip' +append -flop '$reel_strip' +append -flop "
# Creates a contact sheet by calling the delegate
# create_contact_sheet($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5...$# = vidcaps) : output
create_contact_sheet() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# This is the standard contact sheet creator
# csheet_montage($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = vidcaps) : output
csheet_montage() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4 output=$(new_temp_file .png)
shift 4
# Padding is no longer dependant upong context since alignment of the
# captures was far trickier then
local hpad= vpad= splice=
# The shadows already add a good amount of padding
if has_filter filt_softshadow ; then
hpad=$(( $HPAD-5 ))
montage -background Transparent "$@" -geometry +$hpad+$vpad -tile "$cols"x "$output"
# With the shadows moved to a filter, there's not enough spacing to header
convert "$output" -background Transparent -splice $splice "$output"
# FIXME: Error handling
echo $output
# Polaroid contact sheet creator: it overlaps vidcaps with some randomness
# csheet_overlap($1 = columns, $2 = context, $3 = width, $4 = height,
# $5... = $vidcaps) : output
csheet_overlap() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local cols=$1 ctx=$2 width=$3 height=$4
# globals: $VID
shift 4
# TBD: Handle context
# Explanation of how this works:
# On the first loop we do what the "montage" command would do (arrange the
# images in a grid) but overlapping each image to the one on their left,
# creating the output row by row, each row in a file.
# On the second loop we append the rows, again overlapping each one to the
# one before (above) it.
# XXX: Compositing over huge images is quite slow, there's probably a
# better way to do it
# Offset bounds, this controls how much of each snap will be over the
# previous one. Note it is important to work over $width and not $VID[$W]
# to cover all possibilities (extended mode and -H change the vidcap size)
local maxoffset=$(( $width / 3 ))
local minoffset=$(( $width / 6 ))
# Holds the files that will form the full contact sheet
# each file is a row on the final composition
local -a rowfiles
# Dimensions of the canvas for each row, it should be big enough
# to hold all snaps.
# My trigonometry is pretty rusty but considering we restrict the angle a lot
# I believe no image should ever be wider/taller than the diagonal (note the
# ceilmultiply is there to simply round the result)
local diagonal=$(ceilmultiply $(pyth_th $width $height) 1)
# XXX: The width, though isn't guaranteed (e.g. using filt_film it ends wider)
# adding 3% to the diagonal *should* be enough to compensate
local canvasw=$(( ( $diagonal + $(rmultiply $diagonal,0.3) ) * $cols ))
local canvash=$(( $diagonal ))
# The number of rows required to hold all the snaps
local numrows=$(ceilmultiply ${#@},1/$cols) # rounded division
# Variables inside the loop
local col # Current column
local rowfile # Holds the row we're working on
local offset # Random offset of the current snap [$minoffset..$maxoffset]
local accoffset # The absolute (horizontal) offset used on the next iteration
local cmdopts # Holds the arguments passed to convert to compose the sheet
local w # Width of the current snap
for row in $(seqw 1 $numrows) ; do
rowfile=$(new_temp_file .png)
rowfiles+=( "$rowfile" )
cmdopts= # This command is pretty time-consuming, let's make it in a row
# Base canvas # Integrated in the row creation since 1.0.99
# Step through vidcaps (col=[0..cols-1])
for col in $(seqw 0 $(( $cols - 1 ))); do
# More cols than files in the last iteration (e.g. -n10 -c4)
if [ -z "$1" ]; then break; fi
w=$(imw "$1")
# Stick the vicap in the canvas
cmdopts="$cmdopts '$1' -geometry +${accoffset}+0 -composite "
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $(rand) % $maxoffset ) ))
let 'accoffset=accoffset + w - offset'
inf "Composing overlapped row $row/$numrows..."
eval convert -size ${canvasw}x${canvash} xc:transparent -geometry +0+0 "$cmdopts" -trim +repage "'$rowfile'" >&2
inf "Merging overlapped rows..."
output=$(new_temp_file .png)
local h
for row in "${rowfiles[@]}" ; do
w=$(imw "$row")
h=$(imh "$row")
minoffset=$(( $h / 8 ))
maxoffset=$(( $h / 4 ))
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $(rand) % $maxoffset ) ))
# The row is also offset horizontally
cmdopts="$cmdopts '$row' -geometry +$(( $(rand) % $maxoffset ))+$accoffset -composite "
let 'accoffset=accoffset + h - offset'
# After the trim the image will be touching the outer borders and the heading and footer,
# older versions (prior to 1.0.99) used -splice 0x10 to correct the heading spacing, 1.0.99
# onwards uses -frame to add spacing in all borders + splice to add a bit more space on the
# upper border. Note splice uses the background colour while frame uses the matte colour
eval convert -size ${canvasw}x$(( $canvash * $cols )) xc:transparent -geometry +0+0 \
$cmdopts -trim +repage -bordercolor Transparent -background Transparent -mattecolor Transparent \
-frame 5x5 -splice 0x5 "$output" >&2
# FIXME: Error handling
echo $output
# Sorts timestamps and removes duplicates
# clean_timestamps($1 = space separated timestamps)
clean_timestamps() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Note AFAIK sort only sorts lines, that's why I replace spaces by newlines
local s=$1
stonl "$s" | sort -n | uniq
# Fills the $MPLAYER_CACHE and $VID variables with the video data
# identify_video($1 = file)
identify_video() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local f=$1
# Meta data extraction
# Note to self: Don't change the -vc as it would affect $vdec
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ]; then
MPLAYER_CACHE=$(mplayer -benchmark -ao null -vo null -identify -frames 0 \
-quiet "$f" 2>/dev/null | grep ^ID)
# Used as fallback. Introduced in 1.0.99 so expect it to fail :P
FFMPEG_CACHE=$(ffmpeg -i "$f" -dframes 0 -vframes 0 /dev/null 2>&1 | grep Stream)
MPLAYER_CACHE=$(mplayer -benchmark -ao null -vo null -identify -frames 0 \
-quiet -dvd-device $DVD_FILE dvd://$DVD_TITLE \
2>/dev/null | grep ^ID)
VID[$VCODEC]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_FORMAT <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2) # FourCC
VID[$ACODEC]=$(grep ID_AUDIO_FORMAT <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2)
VID[$VDEC]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_CODEC <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2) # Decoder (!= Codec)
VID[$W]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_WIDTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2)
VID[$H]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2)
VID[$FPS]=$(grep ID_VIDEO_FPS <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE" | cut -d'=' -f2)
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 0 ]; then
VID[$LEN]=$(grep ID_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| cut -d'=' -f2)
VID[$LEN]=$(grep ID_DVD_TITLE_${DVD_TITLE}_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| cut -d'=' -f2)
# For some reason my (one track) samples have two ..._NCH, first one 0
VID[$CHANS]=$(grep ID_AUDIO_NCH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"|cut -d'=' -f2|head -2|tail -1)
# Upon consideration:
#if grep -q '\.[0-9]*0$' <<<${VID[$FPS]} ; then
# # Remove trailing zeroes...
# VID[$FPS]=$(sed -r 's/(\.[1-9]*)0*$/\1/' <<<${VID[$FPS]})
# # ...And trailing decimal point
# VID[$FPS]=$(sed 's/\.$//'<<<${VID[$FPS]})
# Voodoo :P Remove (one) trailing zero
if [ "${VID[$FPS]:$(( ${#VID[$FPS]} - 1 ))}" == "0" ]; then
VID[$FPS]="${VID[$FPS]:0:$(( ${#VID[$FPS]} - 1 ))}"
# Fallback for values known to fail often
if [ "$FFMPEG_CACHE" ]; then
# FPS=1000.00 happens often for WMV
if [ "${VID[$FPS]}" == "1000.00" ]; then
local fps2=$(grep Stream <<<"$FFMPEG_CACHE" | grep Video | head -1 | \
egrep -o ', [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ' | egrep -o '[0-9]+.*[0-9]')
if is_float "$fps2" ; then
unset fps2
# Number of channels 0 happens for WMA in non-x86
# Mplayer seems to default to 2 for >2, so ffmpeg might be a better default option
# if [ "${VID[$CHANS]}" ] && ( ! is_number "${VID[$CHANS]}" || [ ${VID[$CHANS]} -eq 0 ] ) ; then
local ch2=$(grep Stream <<<"$FFMPEG_CACHE" | grep Audio | head -1 | cut -d, -f3 | sed 's/^ //')
if [ "$ch2" ]; then
case $ch2 in
mono) VID[$CHANS]=1 ;;
stereo) VID[$CHANS]=2 ;;
5.1) VID[$CHANS]=6 ;;
*) ;;
# fi
# Check sanity of the most important values
is_number "${VID[$W]}" && is_number "${VID[$H]}" && is_float "${VID[$LEN]}"
# Checks if the provided arguments make sense and are allowed to be used
# together
coherence_check() {
# If -m is used then -S must be used
if [ $manual_mode -eq 1 ] && [ -z $initial_stamps ]; then
error "You must provide timestamps (-S) when using manual mode (-m)"
return $EX_USAGE
# Currently it's not allowed to use dvd mode with more than one input
# "file" (in this mode, input files are actually dvd titles of the file
# provided in -V)
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ] ; then
if [ $multiple_input_files -eq 1 ]; then
error "Only an input file is allowed in DVD mode"
# DVD Mode only works with mplayer, the decoder is changed when
# the DVD mode option is found, so if it's ffmpeg at this point,
# it's by user request (i.e. -F after -V)
if [ $decoder -ne $DEC_MPLAYER ]; then
warn "DVD mode requires the use of mplayer, falling back to it"
local filter=
if [ $DISABLE_TIMESTAMPS -eq 0 ] &&
local filts=( )
has_filter filt_polaroid && has_filter filt_apply_stamp ; then
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]} ; do
if [ "$filter" == "filt_polaroid" ]; then
filts+=( $filter )
filts+=( filt_apply_stamp )
elif [ "$filter" == "filt_apply_stamp" ]; then
filts+=( $filter )
FILTERS_IND=( ${filts[*]} )
unset filts
# The shoftshadow and randrot filters must be in the correct place
# or they will affect the image incorrectly.
# Additionally the default filters can be disabled from the command
# line (with --disable), they're removed from the filter chain here
local filts=( ) end_filts=( )
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]} ; do
case "$filter" in
# Note the newer soft shadows code (1.0.99 onwards) behaves slightly
# differently. On previous versions disabling shadows only affected
# the montage shadow (but e.g. the polaroid mode preserved them),
# this is no longer true
if [ $DISABLE_SHADOWS -ne 1 ]; then
if [ $DISABLE_TIMESTAMPS -ne 1 ]; then
filts+=( "$filter" )
filt_randrot) end_filts[200]="filt_randrot" ;;
*) filts+=( "$filter" ) ;;
FILTERS_IND=( ${filts[*]} ${end_filts[*]} )
# Main function.
# Creates the contact sheet.
# process($1 = file)
process() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local f=$1
local numcols=
# XXX: Some of this should be moved to coherence_check
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]; then # DVD Mode
local dvdn="$f"
if [ -b "$dvdn" ]; then
elif [ -c "$dvdn" ]; then
if grep -q bsd <<<"$OSTYPE"; then
inf "Warning: DVD support is even more experimental in *BSD"
warn "DVD device is a character device"
elif [ ! -f "$dvdn" ]; then
error "File \"$dvdn\" doesn't exist"
return $EX_NOINPUT
inf "Processing $dvdn..."
unset dvdn
if ! is_number "$1" ; then
error "DVD Title must be a number (e.g.: \$ vcs -V /dev/dvd 1)"
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ $DVD_TITLE -eq 0 ]; then
local dt="$(lsdvd "$DVD_FILE" | grep 'Longest track:' | \
cut -d' ' -f3- | sed 's/^0*//')"
if ! is_number "$dt" ; then
error "Failed to autodetect longest DVD title"
unset dt
inf "Using DVD Title #$DVD_TITLE"
if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then
error "File \"$f\" doesn't exist"
return $EX_NOINPUT
inf "Processing $f..."
identify_video "$f" || {
error "Found unsupported value while identifying video. Can't continue."
# Vidcap/Thumbnail height
local vidcap_height=$th_height
if ! is_number "$vidcap_height" || [ "$vidcap_height" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "0" == "$aspect_ratio" ]; then
aspect_ratio=$(bc -lq <<< "${VID[$W]} / ${VID[$H]}")
elif [ "-1" == "$aspect_ratio" ]; then
aspect_ratio=$(guess_aspect ${VID[$W]} ${VID[$H]})
inf "Aspect ratio set to $($ERESED 's/(\.[0-9]{2}).*/\1/g'<<<$aspect_ratio)"
local vidcap_width=$(compute_width $vidcap_height)
local numsecs=$(grep ID_LENGTH <<<"$MPLAYER_CACHE"| cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d. -f1)
local nc=$numcaps
# Compute the stamps (if in auto mode)...
if [ $manual_mode -eq 1 ]; then
# Note TIMECODES must be set as an array to get the correct count in
# manual mode; in automatic mode it will be set correctly inside
# compute_timecodes()
TIMECODES=( ${initial_stamps[@]} )
compute_timecodes $timecode_from $interval $numcaps || {
return $?
local base_montage_command="montage -font $font_tstamps -pointsize $pts_tstamps \
-gravity SouthEast -fill white "
local output=$(new_temp_file '-preview.png')
local VIDCAPFILE=00000005.png
# If the temporal vidcap already exists, abort
if [ -f $VIDCAPFILE ]; then
error "File $VIDCAPFILE exists and would be overwritten, move it out before running."
# mplayer will re-write also 00000001.png-00000004.png
if [ $decoder -eq $DEC_MPLAYER ]; then
for f_ in 1 2 3 4; do
if [ -f "0000000${f_}.png" ]; then
error "File 0000000${f_}.png exists and would be overwritten, move it out before running."
# Highlights
local hlfile n=1 # hlfile Must be outside the if!
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
local hlcapfile= pretty=
local -a capfiles
for stamp in $(clean_timestamps "${HLTIMECODES[*]}"); do
if fptest $stamp -gt $numsecs ; then let 'n++' && continue ; fi
pretty=$(pretty_stamp $stamp)
inf "Generating highlight #${n}/${#HLTIMECODES[*]} ($pretty)..."
capture "$f" $stamp || return $?
filter_vidcap "$VIDCAPFILE" $pretty $vidcap_width $vidcap_height $CTX_HL $n || {
local r=$?
error "Failed to apply transformations to the capture."
return $r
hlcapfile=$(new_temp_file "-hl-$(pad 6 $n).png")
mv "$VIDCAPFILE" "$hlcapfile"
capfiles+=( "$hlcapfile" )
let 'n++'
let 'n--' # There's an extra inc
if [ "$n" -lt "$cols" ]; then
inf "Composing highlights contact sheet..."
hlfile=$( create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_HL $vidcap_width $vidcap_height "${capfiles[@]}" )
unset hlcapfile pretty n capfiles numcols
unset n
# Normal captures
# TODO: Don't reference $VIDCAPFILE
local capfile pretty n=1
unset capfiles ; local -a capfiles
for stamp in $(clean_timestamps "${TIMECODES[*]}"); do
pretty=$(pretty_stamp $stamp)
inf "Generating capture #${n}/${#TIMECODES[*]} ($pretty)..."
capture "$f" $stamp || return $?
filter_vidcap "$VIDCAPFILE" $pretty $vidcap_width $vidcap_height $CTX_STD $n || return $?
# identified by capture number, padded to 6 characters
capfile=$(new_temp_file "-cap-$(pad 6 $n).png")
mv "$VIDCAPFILE" "$capfile"
capfiles+=( "$capfile" )
let 'n++' # $n++
#filter_all_vidcaps "${capfiles[@]}"
let 'n--' # there's an extra inc
if [ "$n" -lt "$cols" ]; then
inf "Composing standard contact sheet..."
output=$(create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_STD $vidcap_width $vidcap_height "${capfiles[@]}")
unset capfile capfiles pretty n # must carry on to the extended caps: numcols
# Extended mode
local extoutput=
if [ "$extended_factor" != 0 ]; then
# Number of captures. Always rounded to a multiplier of *double* the
# number of columns (the extended caps are half width, this way they
# match approx with the standard caps width)
local hlnc=$(rtomult "$(( ${#TIMECODES[@]} * $extended_factor ))" $((2*$numcols)))
unset TIMECODES # required step to get the right count
declare -a TIMECODES # Note the manual stamps are not included anymore
compute_timecodes $TC_NUMCAPS "" $hlnc
unset hlnc
local n=1 w= h= capfile= pretty=
unset capfiles ; local -a capfiles
# The image size of the extra captures is 1/4, adjusted to compensante the padding
let 'w=vidcap_width/2-HPAD, h=vidcap_height*w/vidcap_width'
for stamp in $(clean_timestamps "${TIMECODES[*]}"); do
pretty=$(pretty_stamp $stamp)
inf "Generating capture from extended set: ${n}/${#TIMECODES[*]} ($pretty)..."
capture "$f" $stamp || return $?
filter_vidcap "$VIDCAPFILE" $pretty $w $h $CTX_EXT $n || return $?
capfile=$(new_temp_file "-excap-$(pad 6 $n).png")
mv "$VIDCAPFILE" "$capfile"
capfiles+=( "$capfile" )
let 'n++'
let 'n--' # There's an extra inc
if [ $n -lt $(( $cols * 2 )) ]; then
numcols=$(( $cols * 2 ))
inf "Composing extended contact sheet..."
extoutput=$( create_contact_sheet $numcols $CTX_EXT $w $h "${capfiles[@]}" )
unset w h capfile pretty n numcols
fi # Extended mode
# Video codec "prettyfication", see [[R2]], [[R3]], [[R4]]
local vcodec= acodec=
case "${VID[$VCODEC]}" in
0x10000001) vcodec="MPEG-1" ;;
0x10000002) vcodec="MPEG-2" ;;
0x00000000) vcodec="Raw RGB" ;; # How correct is this?
avc1) vcodec="MPEG-4 AVC" ;;
DIV3) vcodec="DivX ;-) Low-Motion" ;; # Technically same as mp43
DX50) vcodec="DivX 5" ;;
FMP4) vcodec="FFmpeg" ;; # XXX: Would LAVC be a better name?
I420) vcodec="Raw I420 Video" ;; # XXX: Officially I420 is Indeo 4 but it is mapped to raw ¿?
MJPG) vcodec="M-JPEG" ;; # XXX: Actually mJPG != MJPG
MPG4) vcodec="MS MPEG-4 V1" ;;
MP42) vcodec="MS MPEG-4 V2" ;;
MP43) vcodec="MS MPEG-4 V3" ;;
RV10) vcodec="RealVideo 1.0/5.0" ;;
RV20) vcodec="RealVideo G2" ;;
RV30) vcodec="RealVideo 8" ;;
RV40) vcodec="RealVideo 9/10" ;;
SVQ1) vcodec="Sorenson Video 1" ;;
SVQ3) vcodec="Sorenson Video 3" ;;
theo) vcodec="Ogg Theora" ;;
tscc) vcodec="TechSmith Screen Capture Codec" ;;
VP6[012]) vcodec="On2 Truemotion VP6" ;;
WMV1) vcodec="WMV7" ;;
WMV2) vcodec="WMV8" ;;
WMV3) vcodec="WMV9" ;;
WMVA) vcodec="WMV9 Advanced Profile" ;; # Not VC1 compliant. Deprecated by Microsoft.
XVID) vcodec="Xvid" ;;
# These are known FourCCs that I haven't tested against so far
WVC1) vcodec="VC-1" ;;
DIV4) vcodec="DivX ;-) Fast-Motion" ;;
DIVX|divx) vcodec="DivX" ;; # OpenDivX / DivX 5(?) / Project Mayo
IV4[0-9]) vcodec="Indeo Video 4" ;;
IV50) vcodec="Indeo 5.0" ;;
VP3[01]) vcodec="On2 VP3" ;;
VP40) vcodec="On2 VP4" ;;
VP50) vcodec="On2 VP5" ;;
# Legacy(-er) codecs (haven't seen files in these formats in awhile)
IV3[0-9]) vcodec="Indeo Video 3" ;;
MSVC) vcodec="Microsoft Video 1" ;;
MRLE) vcodec="Microsoft RLE" ;;
*) # If not recognized show FOURCC
if [ "${VID[$VDEC]}" == "ffodivx" ]; then
vcodec+=" (MPEG-4)"
elif [ "${VID[$VDEC]}" == "ffh264" ]; then
vcodec+=" (h.264)"
# Audio codec "prettyfication", see [[R4]]
case $(tolower ${VID[$ACODEC]} ) in
85) acodec='MPEG Layer III (MP3)' ;;
80) acodec='MPEG Layer I/II (MP1/MP2)' ;; # Apparently they use the same tag
mp4a) acodec='MPEG-4 AAC' ;; # LC and HE, apparently
352) acodec='WMA7' ;; # =WMA1
353) acodec='WMA8' ;; # =WMA2 No idea if lossless can be detected
354) acodec='WMA9' ;; # =WMA3
8192) acodec='AC3' ;;
# 1 is standard PCM (apparently all sample sizes)
# 65534 seems to be multichannel PCM
acodec='Linear PCM' ;;
# 22127 = Vorbis in AVI (with ffmpeg) DON'T!
# vrbs = Vorbis in Matroska, probably other sane containers
qdm2) acodec="QDesign" ;;
"") acodec="no audio" ;;
# Following not seen by me so far, don't even know if mplayer would
# identify them
355) acodec="WMA9 Lossless" ;;
10) acodec="WMA9 Voice" ;;
*) # If not recognized show audio id tag
if [ "${VID[$CHANS]}" ] && is_number "${VID[$CHANS]}" &&[ ${VID[$CHANS]} -ne 2 ]; then
if [ ${VID[$CHANS]} -eq 0 ]; then
# This happens e.g. in non-i386 when playing WMA9 at the time of
# this writing
warn "Detected 0 audio channels."
warn " Does this version of mplayer support the audio codec ($acodec)?"
elif [ ${VID[$CHANS]} -eq 1 ]; then
acodec+=" (mono)"
acodec+=" (${VID[$CHANS]}ch)"
local csw=$(imw "$output") exw= hlw=
local width=$csw
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ] || [ "$extended_factor" != "0" ]; then
inf "Merging contact sheets..."
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
local hlw=$(imw "$hlfile")
if [ $hlw -gt $width ]; then width=$hlw ; fi
if [ "$extended_factor" != "0" ]; then
local exw=$(imw $extoutput)
if [ $exw -gt $width ]; then width=$exw ; fi
if [ $csw -lt $width ]; then
local csh=$(imh "$output")
# Expand the standard set to the maximum width of the sets by padding both sides
# For some reason the more obvious (to me) convert command-lines lose
# the transparency
convert \( -size $(( ($width - $csw) / 2 ))x$csh xc:transparent \) "$output" \
\( -size $(( ($width - $csw) / 2 ))x$csh xc:transparent \) +append "$output"
unset csh
# If there were highlights then mix them in
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
# For some reason adding the background also adds padding with:
# convert \( -background LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -flatten \) \
# \( "$output" \) -append "$output"
# replacing it with a "-composite" operation apparently works
# Expand the highlights to the correct size by padding
local hlh=$(imh "$hlfile")
if [ $hlw -lt $width ]; then
convert \( -size $(( ($width - $hlw) / 2 ))x$hlh xc:transparent \) "$hlfile" \
\( -size $(( ($width - $hlw) / 2 ))x$hlh xc:transparent \) +append "$hlfile"
convert \( -size ${width}x${hlh} xc:LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -composite \) \
\( -size ${width}x1 xc:black \) \
"$output" -append "$output"
unset hlh
# Extended captures
if [ "$extended_factor" != 0 ]; then
# Already set local exw=$(imw "$extoutput")
local exh=$(imh "$extoutput")
if [ $exw -lt $width ]; then
# Expand the extended set to be the correct size
convert \( -size $(( ($width - $exw) / 2 ))x$exh xc:transparent \) "$extoutput" \
\( -size $(( ($width - $exw) / 2 ))x$exh xc:transparent \) +append "$extoutput"
convert "$output" -background Transparent "$extoutput" -append "$output"
# Add the background
convert -background "$bg_contact" "$output" -flatten "$output"
# Let's add meta inf and signature
inf "Adding header and footer..."
local meta2="Dimensions: ${VID[$W]}x${VID[$H]}
Format: $vcodec / $acodec
FPS: ${VID[$FPS]}"
local signature
if [ $anonymous_mode -eq 0 ]; then
signature="$user_signature $user
signature="Created with $PROGRAM_SIGNATURE"
local headwidth=$(imw "$output")
# TODO: Use a better height calculation
local headheight=$(($pts_meta * 4 ))
local heading=$(new_temp_file .png)
# Add the title if any
if [ "$title" ]; then
# TODO: Use a better height calculation
convert \
\( \
-size ${headwidth}x$(( $pts_title + ($pts_title/2) )) "xc:$bg_title" \
-font "$font_title" -pointsize "$pts_title" \
-background "$bg_title" -fill "$fg_title" \
-gravity Center -annotate 0 "$title" \
\) \
-flatten \
"$output" -append "$output"
local fn_font= # see $font_filename
case $font_filename in
$FF_DEFAULT) fn_font="$font_heading" ;;
$FF_MINCHO) fn_font="$FONT_MINCHO" ;;
warn "\$font_filename was overridden with an incorrect value, using default."
# Talk about voodoo... feel the power of IM... let's try to explain what's this:
# It might technically be wrong but it seems to work as I think it should
# (hence the voodoo I was talking)
# Parentheses restrict options inside them to only affect what's inside too
# * Create a base canvas of the desired width and height 1. The width is tweaked
# because using "label:" later makes the text too close to the border, that
# will be compensated in the last step.
# * Create independent intermediate images with each row of information, the
# filename row is split in two images to allow changing the font, and then
# they're horizontally appended (and the font reset)
# * All rows are vertically appended and cropped to regain the width in case
# the filename is too long
# * The appended rows are appended to the original canvas, the resulting image
# contains the left row of information with the full heading width and
# height, and this is the *new base canvas*
# * Draw over the new canvas the right row with annotate in one
# operation, the offset compensates for the extra pixel from the original
# base canvas. XXX: Using -annotate allows setting alignment but it breaks
# vertical alignment with the other rows' labels.
# * Finally add the border that was missing from the initial width, we have
# now the *complete header*
# * Add the contact sheet and append it to what we had.
# * Start a new image and annotate it with the signature, then append it too.
local filename_label="Filename"
local filesize_label="File size"
local filename_value=
local filesize_value=
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]; then
local is_dev=0
( test -b "$DVD_FILE" || test -c "$DVD_FILE" ) && is_dev=1
local dvd_label=$(lsdvd "$DVD_FILE" | grep -o 'Disc Title: .*' | cut -d' ' -f3-)
# lsdvd is guaranteed to be installed if DVD mode is enabled
if [ $is_dev -eq 1 ]; then # This is a real DVD, not an iso
filename_label="Disc label"
filesize_label="Disc size"
filesize_value="$(get_blockdev_size "$DVD_FILE")"
filename_value="$(basename "$DVD_FILE") $filename_value (DVD Label: $dvd_label)"
filesize_value="$(get_pretty_file_size "$f")"
filename_value="$(basename "$f")"
filesize_value="$(get_pretty_file_size "$f")"
convert \
\( \
-size $(( ${headwidth} -18 ))x1 "xc:$bg_heading" +size \
-font "$font_heading" -pointsize "$pts_meta" \
-background "$bg_heading" -fill "$fg_heading" \
\( \
-gravity West \
\( label:"$filename_label: " \
-font "$fn_font" label:"$filename_value" +append \
\) \
-font "$font_heading" \
label:"$filesize_label: $filesize_value" \
label:"Length: $(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<$(pretty_stamp ${VID[$LEN]}))" \
-append -crop ${headwidth}x${headheight}+0+0 \
\) \
-append \
\( \
-size ${headwidth}x${headheight} \
-gravity East -fill "$fg_heading" -annotate +0-1 "$meta2" \
\) \
-bordercolor "$bg_heading" -border 9 \
\) \
"$output" -append \
\( \
-size ${headwidth}x34 -gravity Center "xc:$bg_sign" \
-font "$font_sign" -pointsize "$pts_sign" \
-fill "$fg_sign" -annotate 0 "$signature" \
\) \
-append \
unset signature meta2 headwidth headheight heading fn_font
if [ $output_format != "png" ]; then
local newout="$(dirname "$output")/$(basename "$output" .png).$output_format"
convert -quality $output_quality "$output" "$newout"
output_name=$( safe_rename "$output" "$(basename "$f").$output_format" ) || {
error "Failed to write the output file!"
inf "Done. Output wrote to $output_name"
# }}} # Core functionality
# {{{ # Debugging helpers
# Tests integrity of some operations.
# Used to test internal changes for consistency.
# It helps me to identify incorrect optimizations.
# unit_test(). Running with -D triggers this.
unit_test() {
local t op val ret comm retval=0
# Textual tests, compare output to expected output
# Tests are in the form "operation arguments correct_result #Description"
local TESTS=(
#"stonl ..."
"rmultiply 1,1 1 #Identity"
"rmultiply 16/9,1 2 #Rounding" # 1.77 rounded 2
"rmultiply 4/3 1 #Rounding" # 1.33 rounded 1
"rmultiply 1,16/9 2 #Commutative property"
"rmultiply 1.7 2 #Alternate syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1,1 1 #"
"ceilmultiply 4/3 2 #" # 1.33 rounded 2
"ceilmultiply 7,1/2 4 #" # 3.5 rounded 4
"ceilmultiply 7/2 4 #Alternative syntax"
"ceilmultiply 1/2,7 4 #Commutative property"
"pad 10 0 0000000000 #Padding"
"pad 1 20 20 #Unneeded padding"
"pad 5 23.3 023.3 #Floating point padding"
"guess_aspect 720 576 4/3 #DVD AR Guess"
"guess_aspect 1024 576 1024/576 #Unsupported Wide AR Guess"
"tolower ABC abc #lowercase conversion"
"pyth_th 4 3 5 #Integer pythagorean theorem"
"pyth_th 16 9 18.35755975068581929849 #FP pythagorean theorem"
"get_interval 2h 7200 #Hours parsing"
"get_interval 2m 120 #Minutes parsing"
"get_interval 30s 30 #Seconds parsing"
"get_interval .30 .30 #Milliseconds parsing"
# Extended syntax
"get_interval 30m30m1h 7200 #Repeated minutes parsing"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}" ; do
# Note the use of ! as separator, this is because # and / are used in
# many of the inputs
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$($ERESED "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
ret=$($op) || true
if [ "$ret" != "$val" ] && fptest "$ret" -ne "$val" ; then
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op $val'. Got result '$ret'."
let 'retval++,1' # The ,1 ensures let doesn't fail
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op $val'."
# Returned value tests, compare return to expected return
local TESTS=(
# Don't use anything with a RE meaning
# Floating point numeric "test"
"fptest 3 -eq 3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 3.2 -gt 1 0 #FP test"
"fptest 1/2 -le 2/3 0 #FP test"
"fptest 6.34 -gt 6.34 1 #FP test"
"fptest 1>0 -eq 1 0 #FP -logical- test"
"is_number 3 0 #Numeric recognition"
"is_number '3' 1 #Quoted numeric recognition"
"is_number 3.3 1 #Non-numeric recognition"
"is_float 3.33 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 3 0 #Float recognition"
"is_float 1/3 1 #Non-float recognition"
"is_fraction 1/1 0 #Fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1 1 #non-fraction recognition"
"is_fraction 1.1 1 #Non-fraction recognition"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}"; do
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$($ERESED "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
$op || {
if [ $val -eq $ret ]; then
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'."
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op; returns $val'. Returned '$ret'"
let 'retval++,1'
return $retval
# }}} # Debugging helpers
# {{{ # Help / Info
# Prints the program identification to stderr
show_vcs_info() { # Won't be printed in quiet modes
inf "Video Contact Sheet *NIX v${VERSION}, (c) 2007-2009 Toni Corvera" "sgr0"
# Prints the list of options to stdout
show_help() {
local P=$(basename $0)
cat <<EOF
Usage: $P [options] <file>
-i|--interval <arg> Set the interval to arg. Units can be used
(case-insensitive), i.e.:
Seconds: 90 or 90s
Minutes: 3m
Hours: 1h
Combined: 1h3m90
Use either -i or -n.
-n|--numcaps <arg> Set the number of captured images to arg. Use either
-i or -n.
-c|--columns <arg> Arrange the output in 'arg' columns.
-H|--height <arg> Set the output (individual thumbnail) height. Width is
derived accordingly. Note width cannot be manually set.
-a|--aspect <aspect> Aspect ratio. Accepts a floating point number or a
-f|--from <arg> Set starting time. No caps before this. Same format
as -i.
-t|--to <arg> Set ending time. No caps beyond this. Same format
as -i.
-V|--dvd <file.iso|dvd_device>
DVD Mode, use file.iso as DVD. In this mode the
<file> argument must point to the title number, e.g.:
$ vcs -V somedvd.iso 1
Passing title 0 will use the default (longest) title.
$ vcs -V /dev/dvd 0
Implies -A (auto aspect ratio)
-E|--end_offset <arg> This time is ignored, from the end of the video. Same
format as -i. This value is not used when a explicit
ending time is set. By default it is $DEFAULT_END_OFFSET.
-T|--title <arg> Add a title above the vidcaps.
-j|--jpeg Output in jpeg (by default output is in png).
-j2|--jpeg 2 Output in jpeg 2000
-q|--quiet Don't print progess messages just errors. Repeat to
mute completely even on error.
-h|--help Show this text.
-Wo Workaround: Change ffmpeg's arguments order, might
work with some files that fail otherwise.
-d|--disable <arg> Disable some default functionality.
Features that can be disabled are:
* timestamps: use -dt or --disable timestamps
* shadows: use -ds or --disable shadows
-A|--autoaspect Try to guess aspect ratio from resolution.
-e[num] | --extended=[num]
Enables extended mode and optionally sets the extended
factor. -e is the same as -e$DEFAULT_EXT_FACTOR.
-l|--highlight <arg> Add the image found at the timestamp "arg" as a
highlight. Same format as -i.
-m|--manual Manual mode: Only timestamps indicated by the user are
used (use in conjunction with -S), when using this
-i and -n are ignored.
-O|--override <arg> Use it to override a variable (see the homepage for
more details). Format accepted is 'variable=value' (can
also be quoted -variable="some value"- and can take an
internal variable too -variable="\$SOME_VAR"-).
-S|--stamp <arg> Add the image found at the timestamp "arg". Same format
as -i.
-u|--user <arg> Set the username found in the signature to this.
-U|--fullname Use user's full/real name (e.g. John Smith) as found in
--mincho Use the kana/kanji/hiragana font (EXPERIMENTAL) might
also work partially with Hangul and Cyrillic.
-k <arg>
--funky <arg> Funky modes:
These are toy output modes in which the contact sheet
gets a more informal look.
Order *IS IMPORTANT*. A bad order gets a bad result :P
They're random in nature so using the same funky mode
twice will usually lead to quite different results.
Currently available "funky modes":
"overlap": Use '-ko' or '--funky overlap'
Randomly overlap captures.
"rotate": Use '-kr' or '--funky rotate'
Randomly rotate each image.
"photoframe": Use '-kf' or '--funky photoframe'
Adds a photo-like white frame to each image.
"polaroidframe": Use '-kL' or '--funky polaroidframe'
Adds a polaroid picture-like white frame to each
"photos": Use '-kc' or '--funky photos'
Combination of rotate, photoframe and overlap.
Same as -kp -kr -ko.
"polaroid": Use '-kp' or '--funky polaroid'
Combination of rotate, polaroidframe and overlap.
Same as -kL -kr -ko.
"film": Use '-ki' or '--funky film'
Imitates filmstrip look.
"random": Use '-kx' or '--funky random'
Randomizes colours and fonts.
-R <file>
--randomsource <file> Use the provided file as a source for random "values":
they won't be random anymore, so two runs with the same
source and same arguments will produce the same output
in modes which use using randomisation (e.g. the
"photos" and "polaroid" modes).
Options used for debugging purposes or to tweak the internal workings:
-M|--mplayer Force the usage of mplayer.
-F|--ffmpeg Force the usage of ffmpeg.
--shoehorn <arg> Pass "arg" to mplayer/ffmpeg. You shouldn't need it.
-D Debug mode. Used to test features/integrity. It:
* Prints the input command line
* Sets the title to reflect the command line
* Does a basic test of consistency.
Create a contact sheet with default values (vidcaps at intervals of
$DEFAULT_INTERVAL seconds), the resulting file will be called
\$ $P input.avi
Create a sheet with vidcaps at intervals of 3 and a half minutes:
\$ $P -i 3m30 input.avi
Create a sheet with vidcaps starting at 3 mins and ending at 18 mins,
add an extra vidcap at 2m and another one at 19m:
\$ $P -f 3m -t 18m -S2m -S 19m input.avi
See more examples at vcs' homepage <>.
# }}} # Help / Info
#### Execution starts here ####
# Important to do this before any message can be thrown
# Adjust sed for POSIX/GNU compatibility
# Adjust seq for POSIX/GNU compatibility
# Ensure $GETOPT is Linux-style getopt
# Execute exithdlr on exit
trap exithdlr EXIT
# Test requirements. Important, must check before looking at the
# command line (since getopt is used for the task)
test_programs || exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE
# The command-line overrides any configuration. And the configuration
# is able to change the program in charge of parsing options ($GETOPT)
# {{{ # Command line parsing
# TODO: Find how to do this correctly (this way the quoting of $@ gets messed):
#eval set -- "${default_options} ${@}"
# [[R0]]
TEMP=$("$GETOPT" -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:j::hFMH:c:ma:l:De::U::qAO:I::k:W:E:d:V:R: \
--long "interval:,numcaps:,username:,title:,from:,to:,stamp:,jpeg::,help,"\
"end_offset:,disable:,dvd:,randomsource:,undocumented:" \
-n $0 -- "$@")
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
if ! interval=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "Incorrect interval format. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ "$interval" == "0" ]; then
error "Interval must be higher than 0, set to the default $DEFAULT_INTERVAL"
shift # Option arg
if ! is_number "$2" ; then
error "Number of captures must be (positive) a number! Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ $2 -eq 0 ]; then
error "Number of captures must be greater than 0! Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
shift # Option arg
-u|--username) user="$2" ; shift ;;
# -U accepts an optiona argument, 0, to make an anonymous signature
# --fullname accepts no argument
if [ "$2" ]; then # With argument, special handling
if [ "$2" != "0" ]; then
error "Use '-U0' to make an anonymous contact sheet or '-u \"My Name\"'"
error " to sign as My Name. Got -U$2"
exit $EX_USAGE
else # No argument, default handling (try to guess real name)
user=$(grep ^$(id -un): /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f5 |sed 's/,.*//g')
if [ -z "$user" ]; then
user=$(id -un)
error "No fullname found, falling back to default ($user)"
--anonymous) anonymous_mode=1 ;; # Same as -U0
-T|--title) title="$2" ; shift ;;
if ! fromtime=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "Starting timestamp must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if ! end_offset=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "End offset must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if ! totime=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "Ending timestamp must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ "$totime" -eq 0 ]; then
error "Ending timestamp was set to 0, set to movie length."
if ! temp=$(get_interval "$2") ; then
error "Timestamps must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
initial_stamps=( ${initial_stamps[*]} $temp )
if ! temp=$(get_interval "$2"); then
error "Timestamps must be a valid timecode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
HLTIMECODES+=( $temp )
if [ "$2" ]; then # Arg is optional, 2 is for JPEG 2000
# 2000 is also accepted
if [ "$2" != "2" ] && [ "$2" != "2000" ]; then
error "Use -j for jpeg output or -j2 for JPEG 2000 output. Got '-j$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
-h|--help) show_help ; exit $EX_OK ;;
-F) decoder=$DEC_FFMPEG ;;
-M) decoder=$DEC_MPLAYER ;;
if ! is_number "$2" ; then
error "Height must be a (positive) number. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if ! is_float "$2" && ! is_fraction "$2" ; then
error "Aspect ratio must be expressed as a (positive) floating "
error " point number or a fraction (ie: 1, 1.33, 4/3, 2.5). Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
-A|--autoaspect) aspect_ratio=-1 ;;
if ! is_number "$2" ; then
error "Columns must be a (positive) number. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
-m|--manual) manual_mode=1 ;;
# Optional argument quirks: $2 is always present, set to '' if unused
# from the commandline it MUST be directly after the -e (-e2 not -e 2)
# the long format is --extended=VAL
# XXX: For some reason parsing of floats gives an error, so for now
# ints and only fractions are allowed
if [ "$2" ] && ! is_float "$2" && ! is_fraction "$2" ; then
error "Extended multiplier must be a (positive) number (integer, float "\
"or fraction)."
error " Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ "$2" ]; then
--mincho) font_filename=$FF_MINCHO ;;
-I) # -I technically takes an optional argument (for future alternative
# fonts) although it is documented as a two-letter option
# Don't relay on using -I though, if I ever add a new alternative font
# I might not allow it anymore
if [ "$2" ] ; then
# If an argument is passed, test it is one of the known ones
case "$2" in
k|j) ;;
*) error "-I must be followed by j or k!" && exit $EX_USAGE ;;
# It isn't tested for existence because it could also be a font
# which convert would understand without giving the full path
# Rough test
if ! egrep -q '[a-zA-Z_]+=[^;]*' <<<"$2"; then
error "Wrong override format, it should be variable=value. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if grep -q 'GETOPT=' <<<"$2" ; then
# If we're here, getopt has already been found and works, so it makes no
# sense to override it; on the other hand, if it hasn't been correctly
# set/detected we won't reach here
warn "GETOPT can't be overridden from the command line."
override "$2" "command line"
-W) # Workaround mode, see wa_ss_* declarations at the start for details
if [ "$2" != "o" ]; then
error "Wrong argument. Use -Wo instead of -W$2."
exit $EX_USAGE
wa_ss_af='-ss ' wa_ss_be=''
-k|--funky) # Funky modes
case "$2" in # Note older versions (<1.0.99) were case-insensitive
p|polaroid) # Same as overlap + rotate + polaroid
inf "Changed to polaroid funky mode."
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_polaroid' 'filt_randrot' )
# XXX: The newer version has a lot less flexibility with these many
# hardcoded values...
pts_tstamps=$(( $pts_tstamps * 3 / 2 ))
c|photos) # Same as overlap + rotate + photoframe, this is the older polaroid
inf "Changed to photos funky mode."
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_photoframe' 'filt_randrot' )
# The timestamp must change location to be visible most of the time
o|overlap) # Random overlap mode
r|rotate) # Random rotation
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_randrot' )
f|photoframe) # White photo frame
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_photoframe' )
L|polaroidframe) # White polaroid frame
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_polaroid ')
pts_tstamps=$(( $pts_tstamps * 3 / 2 ))
inf "Enabled film mode."
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_film' )
x|random) # Random colours/fonts
inf "Enabled random colours and fonts."
error "Unknown funky mode. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if [ ! -r "$2" ]; then
error "Random source file '$2' can't be read"
exit $EX_USAGE
init_filerand "$2"
inf "Using '$2' as source of semi-random values"
-d|--disable) # Disable default features
case $(tolower "$2") in
# timestamp (with no final s) is undocumented but will stay
if [ $DISABLE_TIMESTAMPS -eq 0 ]; then
inf "Timestamps disabled."
# They'll be removed from the filter chain in coherence_check
if [ $DISABLE_SHADOWS -eq 0 ]; then
inf "Shadows disabled."
# They will be removed from the filter chain in coherence_check
error "Requested disabling unknown feature. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
# DVD Mode requires lsdvd
if ! type -pf lsdvd >/dev/null ; then
error "DVD Support requires the lsdvd program"
# -q to only show errors
# -qq to be completely quiet
if [ $verbosity -gt $V_ERROR ]; then
# This is a container for, of course, undocumented functions
# These are used for testing/debugging purposes. Might (and will)
# change between versions, break easily and do no safety checks.
# In short, don't look at them unless told to do so :P
case "$2" in
# AWK was used for a little while in a WiP version
#set_awk=*) AWK="$(cut -d'=' -f2<<<"$2")" ; warn "[U] AWK=$AWK" ;;
*) false ;;
-D) # Repeat to just test consistency
if [ $DEBUGGED -gt 0 ]; then exit ; fi
inf "Testing internal consistency..."
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
warn "All tests passed"
error "Some tests failed!"
warn "Command line: $0 $ARGS"
title="$(basename "$0") $ARGS"
--) shift ; break ;;
*) error "Internal error! (remaining opts: $@)" ; exit $EX_SOFTWARE ;
# Remaining arguments
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
exit $EX_USAGE
elif [ "$2" ]; then
# }}} # Command line parsing
# The coherence check ensures the processed options are
# not incoherent/incompatible with the input files or with
# other given options
coherence_check || {
exit $?
set +e # Don't fail automatically
for arg do process "$arg" ; done
# vim:set ts=4 ai foldmethod=marker: #
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
Added: svn:keywords
+Rev Id Date
\ No newline at end of property