Subversion Repositories pub

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 464 → Rev 465

10,8 → 10,10
- Correct "Capturing in range..." message
- Fix some typos
- Undocumented options: display, discard
- Check ImageMagick with convert instead of identify
- Check ImageMagick through convert instead of identify
- Don't run filters in subshells
1.12.3 (2011-07-17):
* BUGFIX: Actually handle --ffmpeg and --mplayer [#169]
292,6 → 292,9
# Individual filters take the form:
# filt_name( vidcapfile, timestamp in seconds.milliseconds, width, height, [context, [index]] )
# They must set the variable $RESULT with parameters to add to 'convert', a single
# call to convert will be issued for each capture like:
# $ convert vidcap.png $RESULT [...] vidcap.png
# They're executed in order by filter_vidcap()
declare -a FILTERS_IND=( 'filt_resize' 'filt_apply_stamp' 'filt_softshadow' )
# Deprecated: Global filters take the form
359,6 → 362,8
declare -i INTERNAL_WP_C=0 # -Wp count
declare -i INTERNAL_MAXREWIND_REACHED=0 # More -Ws in the command-line won't help
declare -r UNDFLAG_DISPLAY_COMMAND=eog # Command to run with -Z display
# Stores the names of variables overridden from the command-line,
#+see cmdline_override() and "--override"
425,6 → 430,18
# This variable is used in functions to avoid running them in a subshell, i.e.
# instead of
# ret=$(myfunc)
# such functions are used as
# myfunc
# ret=$RESULT
# This way 'myfunc' has access to all variables and can modify them.
# Every function that modifies RESULT should overwrite its value.
# Set by init_filt_film. Filename of the sprocket-holes image.
# }}} # Variables
# {{{ # Configuration handling
1363,7 → 1380,6
assert "[[ -n '$to' ]]"
echo mvq $from $to >&2
mvq "$from" "$to"
echo "$to"
2307,15 → 2323,17
# filter_vidcap($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height, $5 = context, $6 = index[1..])
filter_vidcap() {
trace $@
# For performance purposes each filter simply prints a set of options
# to 'convert'. That's less flexible but enough right now for the current
# For performance purposes each filter adds a set of options
# to 'convert'. That's less flexible but right enough now for the current
# filters.
local f=$1 t=$2 w=$3 h=$4 c=$5 i=$6
local cmdopts=
for filter in ${FILTERS_IND[@]}; do
cmdopts="$cmdopts $( $filter "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" ) -flatten "
$filter "$f" "$t" "$w" "$h" "$c" "$i" # Sets $RESULT
cmdopts="$cmdopts $RESULT -flatten "
local t=$(new_temp_file .png)
eval "convert '$1' $cmdopts '$t'"
eval "convert -background transparent -fill transparent '$1' $cmdopts '$t'"
# If $t doesn't exist returns non-zero
[[ -f $t ]] && mvq "$t" "$1"
2331,7 → 2349,7
local f="$1" t=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Note the '!', required to change the aspect ratio
echo " \( -geometry ${w}x${h}! \) "
RESULT=" \( -geometry ${w}x${h}! \) "
# Draw a timestamp in the file
2356,9 → 2374,9
# The last -gravity None is used to "forget" the previous gravity (otherwise it would
# affect stuff like the polaroid frames)
echo -n " \( -box '$bg_tstamps' -fill '$fg_tstamps' -stroke none -pointsize '$pts' "
echo -n " -gravity '$grav_timestamp' -font '$font_tstamps' -strokewidth 3 -annotate +5+5 "
echo " ' $(pretty_stamp $stamp) ' \) -flatten -gravity None "
RESULT=" \( -box '$bg_tstamps' -fill '$fg_tstamps' -stroke none -pointsize '$pts' "
RESULT+=" -gravity '$grav_timestamp' -font '$font_tstamps' -strokewidth 3 -annotate +5+5 "
RESULT+=" ' $(pretty_stamp $stamp) ' \) -flatten -gravity None "
# Apply a framed photo-like effect
2374,13 → 2392,13
# Note that only images below 21600px (e.g. 160x120) go below a 6px border
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 ))
[[ $border -lt 7 ]] || border=6
echo -n "-bordercolor white -border $border -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 "
RESULT="-bordercolor white -border $border -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 "
filt_softshadow() {
# Before this was a filter, there was the global (montage) softshadow (50x2+10+10) and the
# photoframe inline softshadow 60x4+4+4
echo -n "\( -background black +clone -shadow 50x2+4+4 -background none \) +swap -flatten -trim +repage "
RESULT="\( -background black +clone -shadow 50x2+4+4 -background none \) +swap -flatten -trim +repage "
2392,10 → 2410,12
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 )) # Read filt_photoframe for details
[[ $border -lt 7 ]] || border=6
echo -n "-bordercolor white -mattecolor white -frame ${border}x${border} "
# FIXME: This is rather ugly (double-flipping) there's sure a better way
echo -n "\( -flip -splice 0x$(( $border*5 )) \) "
echo "-flip -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 +repage"
RESULT="\( -fill white -background white "
RESULT+=" -bordercolor white -mattecolor white -frame ${border}x${border} "
# FIXME: This is rather ugly (double-flipping) there's surely a better way
RESULT+=" \( -flip -splice 0x$(( $border*5 )) \) "
RESULT+=" -flip -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 +repage "
# Applies a random rotation
2405,48 → 2425,71
trace $@
# Rotation angle [-18..18]
local angle=$(( ($(rand) % 37) - 18 ))
echo "-background none -rotate $angle "
RESULT="-background none -rotate $angle "
# This one requires much more work, the results are pretty rough, but ok as
# a starting point / proof of concept
filt_film() {
# Create the sprocket-holes pattern
# init_filt_film($1 = capture_width, $2 = capture_height)
init_filt_film() { # FIXME: Useless while filter_vidcap runs filters in a subshell
trace $@
local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
[[ -z $FILMSTRIP ]] || return 0
local w=$1 h=$2
# Base reel dimensions
local rw=$(rmultiply $w,0.08) # 8% width
local rh=$(( $rw / 2 ))
# Ellipse center
local ecx=$(( $rw / 2 )) ecy=0
# Ellipse x, y radius
local erx=$(( (rw/2)*60/100 )) # 60% halt rect width
local ery=$(( $erx / 2))
local vspad=5 # Vertical padding between sprocket holes
# Temporary files
local reel_strip=$(new_temp_file -reel.png)
local sprocket_mask=$(new_temp_file -smask.png)
local sprocket=$(new_temp_file -sprocket.png)
local base_reel=$(new_temp_file .png) reel_strip=$(new_temp_file .png)
# Create the reel pattern...
convert -size ${rw}x${rh} 'xc:black' \
-fill white -draw "ellipse $ecx,$ecy $erx,$ery 0,360" -flatten \
\( +clone -flip \) -append \
-fuzz '40%' -transparent white \
# Create the film reel pattern...
local rw2=$(( $rw - 10 )) rh2=$(( $rh - 10 ))
# I (still) don't know how to do it in a single step, moving the mask to
# a parenthesised expression won't work, probably due to -alpha interactions
# First step: Create a mask: Black border, rounded-corners transparent rectangle
# (Source:
convert -size ${rw2}x${rh2} 'xc:black' \
\( +clone -alpha extract \
-draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,8 8,0 fill white circle 8,8 8,0' \
\( +clone -flip \) -compose Multiply -composite \
\( +clone -flop \) -compose Multiply -composite \
\) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite \
# Second step: Create a bigger rectangle and cut-out the mask above
convert -size ${rw}x$(( ${rh} + ${vspad} )) 'xc:white' -gravity Center \
"$sprocket_mask" -composite -alpha Copy -negate \
# FIXME: Error handling
# Repeat it until the height is reached and crop to the exact height
local sh=$(imh "$base_reel") in=
local repeat=$( ceilmultiply $h/$sh)
while [[ $repeat -gt 1 ]]; do
in="$in '$base_reel' "
(( repeat-- ));
eval convert "$base_reel" $in -append -crop $(imw "$base_reel")x${h}+0+0 \
local repeat=$( ceilmultiply $h/$rh )
let 'repeat += 1'
#$(yes -- '-clone 0 ( -size 1x5 xc:black ) ' | head -n $repeat) \
#-append -crop ${rw}x${h}+0+0 \
convert -background black -fill black "$sprocket" \
$(yes -- '-clone 0' | head -$repeat) \
-append \
# This one requires much more work, the results are pretty rough, but ok as
# a starting point / proof of concept
filt_film() {
trace $@
local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
init_filt_film $w $h
assert "[[ -n '$FILMSTRIP' ]]"
local rh=$(( $(rmultiply $w,0.08) / 2 ))
local skew=$(( $RANDOM % $rh ))
# As this options will be appended to the commandline we cannot
# order the arguments optimally (eg: reel.png image.png reel.png +append)
# A bit of trickery must be done flipping the image. Note also that the
# second strip will be appended flipped, which is intended.
echo -n "'$reel_strip' +append -flop '$reel_strip' +append -flop "
RESULT=" \( '$FILMSTRIP' -crop x${h}+0+$skew \) +append -flop "
RESULT+="\( '$FILMSTRIP' -crop x${h}+0+$skew \) +append -flop "
# Creates a contact sheet by calling the delegate
3292,6 → 3335,7
local pre_output_format="$output_format"
INTERNAL_MAXREWIND_REACHED=0 # Reset for each file
FILMSTRIP='' # Reset
DVD_MOUNTP= DVD_TITLE= # Re-set for each file
if [[ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]]; then
3755,6 → 3799,8
inf "Done. Output wrote to $output_name"
(( FILEIDX++ ,1 )) #,1 so that it's always ok
[[ $UNDFLAG_DISPLAY -eq 1 ]] && $UNDFLAG_DISPLAY_COMMAND "$output_name"
[[ $UNDFLAG_DISCARD -eq 1 ]] && TEMPSTUFF+=( "$output_name" )
[[ $UNDFLAG_HANG ]] && read -p 'Main loop paused, hit Enter key to continue... '
4694,6 → 4740,8
$funcname "$@"
exit 0
display) UNDFLAG_DISPLAY=1 ;;
discard) UNDFLAG_DISCARD=1 ;;
*) false ;;