Subversion Repositories pub

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 544 → Rev 543

710,8 → 710,8
exit 0
ERROR_MSG="Profiles starting with ':' are reserved.$NL"
ERROR_MSG+=" Use ':list' to list available profiles."
ERROR_MSG="Profiles starting with ':' are reserved.$NL"\
" Use ':list' to list available profiles."
return $ERROR_CODE
931,7 → 931,7
parse_override "BG_TITLE=$2"
parse_override "BG_TSTAMPS=$2"
profiles) # profiles=[,]prof1[,prof2,...], no spaces
profiles) # profiles=[,]prof1[,prof2,...], no spaces (TODO: Yet?)
local profiles=${2//,/ } # === sed 's/,/ /g'
local ERE='^[[:space:]]*$'
if [[ $profiles =~ $ERE ]]; then
957,7 → 957,7
# Do an override from the command line
# cmdline_override($1 = override assignment)
#+e.g. cmdline_override 'verbosity=$V_ALL'
#+e.g. cmdline_override 'decoder=$DEC_FFMPEG'
cmdline_override() {
trace $@
parse_override "$1"
1094,12 → 1094,11
# Basic mathematic stuff
# min($1 = operand1, $2 = operand2)
# max($1 = operand1, $2 = operand2)
# abs($1 = number)
min() { awk "BEGIN { if (($1) < ($2)) print ($1) ; else print ($2) }" ; }
max() { awk "BEGIN { if (($1) > ($2)) print ($1) ; else print ($2) }" ; }
abs() { awk "BEGIN { if (($1) < (0)) print (($1) * -1) ; else print ($1) }" ; }
# Round to a multiple
# Rounds a number ($1) to a multiple of ($2)
# rtomult($1 = number, $2 = divisor)
rtomult() {
1111,7 → 1110,7
echo $n
# Numeric test eqivalent for floating point
# numeric test eqivalent for floating point
# fptest($1 = op1, $2 = operator, $3 = op2)
# special operator: '~' uses fsimeq()
fptest() {
1145,7 → 1144,7
# Keep a number of decimals *rounded*
# keepdecimals($1 = num, $2 = number of decimals)
keepdecimals() {
local N=$1 D=$2
local N="$1" D="$2"
awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.${D}f\", (($N)+0) }"
1268,7 → 1267,7
# produces a numeric value from a string
hash_string() {
local HASH_LIMIT=65536
local v=$1
local v="$1"
local -i hv=15031
local c=
if [[ $v ]]; then