Subversion Repositories pub

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 671 → Rev 674

6,6 → 6,8
* BUGFIX: Codec information was getting cropped with current versions of
ImageMagick. Gravity appears to be interpreted in a different way
now. (Bugfix by Markus) [#323]
* BUGFIX: Fix incorrect calculation of file size in header. (Based on an
anonymous patch) [#314]
* OTHER: Print warning about possible lack of support if no frame could be
* OTHER: Don't trust MPlayer's detection of raw video, use FFmpeg's
1446,18 → 1446,19
local bytes=$1
local size=
# Sizes are always rounded up (hence the addition 0.999999 to the fractionary part)
if [[ $bytes -gt $(( 1024**3 )) ]]; then
local gibs=$(( $bytes / 1024**3 ))
local mibs=$(( ( $bytes % 1024**3 ) / 1024**2 ))
size="${gibs}.${mibs:0:2} GiB"
local gibs_int=$(( $bytes / 1024**3 ))
local gibs_frac=$(awkex "int($bytes%(1024**3)*100/1024**3 + 0.999999)" )
size="$(printf '%d.%02d' $gibs_int $gibs_frac) GiB"
elif [[ $bytes -gt $(( 1024**2)) ]]; then
local mibs=$(( $bytes / 1024**2 ))
local kibs=$(( ( $bytes % 1024**2 ) / 1024 ))
size="${mibs}.${kibs:0:2} MiB"
local mibs_int=$(( $bytes / 1024**2 ))
local mibs_frac=$(awkex "int($bytes%(1024**2)*100/1024**2 + 0.999999)")
size="$(printf '%d.%02d' $mibs_int $mibs_frac) MiB"
elif [[ $bytes -gt 1024 ]]; then
local kibs=$(( $bytes / 1024 ))
bytes=$(( $bytes % 1024 ))
size="${kibs}.${bytes:0:2} KiB"
local kibs_int=$(( $bytes / 1024 ))
local kibs_frac=$(awkex "int($bytes%1024*100/1024 + 0.999999)")
size="$(printf '%d.%02d' $kibs_int $kibs_frac) KiB"
size="${bytes} B"
4246,6 → 4247,14
"get_interval 0400 400 #Parsing shorthand"
# Extended syntax
"get_interval 30m30m1h 7200 #Repeated minutes parsing"
# File size rounding
"get_pretty_size 1127428915 1.05%20GiB #Leading zeroes in file size (GiB)"
"get_pretty_size 1132462 1.08%20MiB #Leading zeroes in file size (MiB)"
"get_pretty_size 1116 1.09%20KiB #Leading zeroes in file size (KiB)"
"get_pretty_size 1889785610 1.76%20GiB #Pretty-printed file size (GiB)"
"get_pretty_size 762650296 727.32%20MiB #Pretty-printed file size (MiB)"
"get_pretty_size 524810 512.51%20KiB #Pretty-printed file size (KiB)"
for t in "${TESTS[@]}" ; do
4254,11 → 4263,12
# Expected value
val=$(awk '{print $NF}' <<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val *\$!!" <<<$t) # Don't use delimiter '/', passed in some $val
val=${val/\%20/ }
[[ -n $comm ]] || comm=unnamed
ret=$($op) || true
if [[ $ret != "$val" ]] && fptest "$ret" -ne "$val" ; then
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op $val'. Got result '$ret'."
error "Failed test ($comm): '$op $val'. Expected '$val'. Got '$ret'."
(( ++retval ))
inf "Passed test ($comm): '$op $val'."