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<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation.</para>
<refpurpose>vcs configuration file</refpurpose>
<refsect1 id="description">
<para>This manual page describes the format and available settings
in configuration and profile files for
<para>There's two types of files that follow this syntax:
<link linkend="configfiles">configuration files</link>
(see <xref linkend="configfiles"/>)
and <link linkend="profiles">profiles</link>
(see <xref linkend="profiles"/>). They'll be called collectively
<emphasis>settings files</emphasis> in this manual page.</para>
<para>Configuration files are meant to be loaded by default, intended to
set user's preferred options, while
profiles are meant to be loaded on-demand, intended to allow
different parallel sets of settings.</para>
<refsect1 id="syntax">
<para>Settings files contain a series of
<para>Comments can be included by preceding `<literal>#</literal>' to them.</para>
<refsect2 id="metainfo">
<para>Meta-information fields can be contained in comments.
They are written as '<literal>vcs:<replaceable>FIELDNAME</replaceable>:</literal>'.</para>
<para>Currently supported meta-information fields:</para>
<listitem><para>Marks a file as following this format.</para>
<para>Files without this field will be rejected.
<para><filename>./vcs.conf</filename> won't be rejected if this
field is missing, though it's preferable to include it
to be ease moving the file to a different location or
turning it into a profile.</para>
<term><literal>vcs:desc:</literal> <replaceable>DESCRIPTION</replaceable></term>
<listitem><para>Describes this particular file's purpose,
it is shown e.g. when listing available profiles.
<para>It is currently ignored for configuration files.</para>
<refsect2 id="syntax-example">
<title>SYNTAX EXAMPLE</title>
<programlisting># vcs:conf:
# vcs:desc: White-on-black
bg_all=black # Black background
fg_all=white # White foreground</programlisting>
</refsect2><!--/SYNTAX EXAMPLE-->
<refsect1 id="configfiles">
<para>There's three configuration files loaded by default if present, in order:</para>
<para>Every file in this list overrides the previous when it
re-defines a setting.</para>
<para>Configuration files can be loaded manually off of any path by using the
<option>--config <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option> option.</para>
</refsect1><!--/CONFIGURATION FILES-->
<refsect1 id="profiles">
<title>PROFILE FILES</title>
<para>No profile is loaded by default.</para>
<para>Profiles are searched in three possible locations, in order:</para>
<itemizedlist id="profile-paths">
<listitem><para><filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/.vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><filename class="directory">/usr/local/share/vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><filename class="directory">/usr/share/vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<para>Only the first profile for each name will be considered.
Profiles with the same name will be hidden.</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs --profile :list</command></literal></para>
<para>can be used to get a list of available profiles.</para>
<para>Profiles can only be loaded from the <link linkend="profile-paths">listed
</refsect1><!--/PROFILE FILES-->
<para>This list details the available settings. Settings are listed in
alphabetical order.</para>
<para>A list of available settings, grouped by categories, is also kept
online at <ulink url="" /></para>
href="./" />
<refsect1 id="see_also">
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
</refsect1><!--/SEE ALSO-->
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<!-- $Date: 2011-09-08 04:58:56 +0200 (dj, 08 set 2011) $ -->
<variablelist id="settings" lang="en-GB">
<term id="term-all">All settings</term>
$ grep '<term' src/ |\
sed -r -e '/<term id="term-all/d' \
-e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' \
-e 's!<term id="(.*)"><literal>.*$!<xref linkend="\1" />,!' \
-e 's/^/ /' \
-e '/(shoehorned|safe_rename_pattern)/d'
<xref linkend="term-anonymous" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_all" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_contact" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_title" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_tstamps" />,
<xref linkend="term-capturer" />,
<xref linkend="term-columns" />,
<xref linkend="term-debug" />,
<xref linkend="term-decoder" />,
<xref linkend="term-disable_shadows" />,
<xref linkend="term-disable_shadows" />,
<xref linkend="term-disable_timestamps" />,
<xref linkend="term-end_offset" />,
<xref linkend="term-extended_factor" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_all" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_title" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_tstamps" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_all" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_title" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_tstamps" />,
<xref linkend="term-format" />,
<xref linkend="term-getopt" />,
<xref linkend="term-height" />,
<xref linkend="term-interval" />,
<xref linkend="term-nonlatin_filenames" />,
<xref linkend="term-nonlatin_font" />,
<xref linkend="term-numcaps" />,
<xref linkend="term-padding" />,
<xref linkend="term-plain_messages" />,
<xref linkend="term-profiles" />,
<xref linkend="term-pts_meta" />,
<xref linkend="term-pts_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-pts_title" />,
<xref linkend="term-pts_tstamps" />,
<xref linkend="term-quality" />,
<xref linkend="term-signature" />,
<xref linkend="term-stderr" />,
<xref linkend="term-stdout" />,
<xref linkend="term-timecode_from" />,
<xref linkend="term-user" />,
<xref linkend="term-verbosity" />
<term id="term-anonymous"><literal>anonymous</literal></term><!-- since 1.13 -->
<para>Enables or disables the anonymous mode.</para>
<para>Set to <literal>1</literal> to enable this mode, in which the contact sheet
footer won't include the
&laquo;Preview created by <link linkend="term-user"><replaceable>$user</replaceable></link>&raquo;
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal> (&equiv; disabled).</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>--anonymous</option>.</para>
<term id="term-bg_all"><literal>bg_all</literal></term>
<para>Sets the value of all <literal>bg_</literal> variables at once
(<xref linkend="term-bg_contact" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-bg_tstamps" /> and
<xref linkend="term-bg_title" />).</para>
<term id="term-bg_heading"><literal>bg_heading</literal></term>
<term id="term-bg_contact"><literal>bg_contact</literal></term>
<term id="term-bg_sign"><literal>bg_sign</literal></term>
<term id="term-bg_title"><literal>bg_title</literal></term>
<term id="term-bg_tstamps"><literal>bg_tstamps</literal></term>
<para>These variables control the background colours of each section in the contact sheet.</para>
<para>Valid colour values are those understood by <application>ImageMagick</application>,
e.g. <ulink url="">colour
names</ulink> or <acronym>HTML</acronym>/<acronym>CSS</acronym>-style colour
(<replaceable class="parameter">#RRGGBB<optional>AA</optional></replaceable>,
<replaceable class="parameter">#RGB<optional>A</optional></replaceable>).</para>
<para>See <ulink url="" />
for more details and additional formats.</para>
<para>The command <literal>$ <userinput>convert -list color</userinput></literal>
prints a list of all known colour names.</para>
<para><literal>bg_heading</literal> &emdash; File meta information (size, codec, etc.).
Default: <literal>#afcd7a</literal>
[&equiv; <literal>RGB(175,205,122)</literal>]</para>
<para><literal>bg_title</literal> &emdash; Title (with option <option>-T</option>).
Default: <constant>White</constant>
[&equiv; <literal>RGB(255,255,255)</literal>]</para>
<para><literal>bg_contact</literal> &emdash; Captures.
Default: <constant>White</constant>
[&equiv; <literal>RGB(255,255,255)</literal>]</para>
<para><literal>bg_tstamps</literal> &emdash; Timestamps boxes.
Default: <literal>#000000aa</literal>
[&equiv; <literal>RGBA(0,0,0,0.67)</literal>]</para>
<para><literal>bg_sign</literal> &emdash; Footer.
Default: <constant>SlateGray</constant>
[&equiv; <literal>RGB(112,128,144)</literal>]</para>
<term id="term-capturer"><literal>capturer</literal></term><!-- since 1.13 -->
<para>Controls which capturer to use.</para>
<para>Symbolic values: <literal><symbol>ffmpeg</symbol></literal> &rArr; FFmpeg,
<literal><symbol>mplayer</symbol></literal> &rArr; MPlayer</para>
<para>Default: <literal><symbol>ffmpeg</symbol></literal></para>
<para>Related command-line options:
<option>-F</option>, <option>--ffmpeg</option> and
<option>-M</option>, <option>--mplayer</option>
<para>DVD mode sets the capturer to MPlayer disregarding the value of
this setting.</para>
<para role="aside">Since version 1.13</para>
<term id="term-columns"><literal>columns</literal></term>
<para>Number of columns</para>
<para>Default: <literal>2</literal></para>
<term id="term-debug"><literal>debug</literal></term>
<para>Enable or disable debug mode. Set to <userinput>1</userinput> to enable.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal> (disabled).</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-D</option>.</para>
<term id="term-decoder"><literal>decoder</literal></term>
<para>This setting is <emphasis role="strong">deprecated</emphasis>, use
<xref linkend="term-capturer" /> instead. Notice <xref linkend="term-capturer" />
has a different syntax.</para>
<para>Controls which capturer to use.</para>
<para>Symbolic values: <literal><symbol>$DEC_FFMPEG</symbol></literal> &rArr; FFmpeg,
<literal><symbol>$DEC_MPLAYER</symbol></literal> &rArr; MPlayer</para>
<para>Default: <literal><symbol>$DEC_FFMPEG</symbol></literal> (FFmpeg) </para>
<para>Related command-line options:
<option>-F</option>, <option>--ffmpeg</option> and
<option>-M</option>, <option>--mplayer</option>
<para>DVD mode sets the capturer to MPlayer disregarding the value of
this setting.</para>
<!-- There is NO such setting, but padding=0 can be used instead
<term id="term-disable_shadows"><literal>disable_padding</literal></term>
<para>Disables padding when set to <literal>1</literal>.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal></para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-dp</option>, <option>-disable padding</option>.</para>
<term id="term-disable_shadows"><literal>disable_shadows</literal></term>
<para>Disables drop shadows when set to <literal>1</literal>.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal></para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-ds</option>, <option>--disable shadows</option>.</para>
<term id="term-disable_timestamps"><literal>disable_timestamps</literal></term>
<para>Disables timestamps on captures when set to <literal>1</literal>.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal></para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-dt</option>, <option>--disable timestamps</option>.</para>
<term id="term-end_offset"><literal>end_offset</literal></term>
<para>End offset value (amount of time ignored from the end of videos).</para>
<para>Can be a percentage (of the detected length of each video)
or an amount of time, specified in the time syntax specified in &vcsmanpage;.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>5%</literal></para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-E</option>, <option>--end-offset</option>.</para>
<term id="term-extended_factor"><literal>extended_factor</literal></term>
<para>Extended factor value.</para>
<para>When set to a value different than <literal>0</literal> enables extended mode.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal></para>
<para>See the <ulink url="">extended mode</ulink>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-e</option>, <option>--extended</option>.</para>
<term id="term-fg_all"><literal>fg_all</literal></term>
<para>Sets the value of all <literal>fg_</literal> variables at once
(<xref linkend="term-fg_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-fg_title" /> and
<xref linkend="term-fg_tstamps" />).</para>
<para role="aside">Since version 1.12.2</para>
<term id="term-fg_heading"><literal>fg_heading</literal></term>
<term id="term-fg_sign"><literal>fg_sign</literal></term>
<term id="term-fg_title"><literal>fg_title</literal></term>
<term id="term-fg_tstamps"><literal>fg_tstamps</literal></term>
<para>These variables control the font colours of each section in the contact sheet.</para>
<para>Valid colour values are those understood by <application>ImageMagick</application>,
e.g. <ulink url="">color
names</ulink> or HTML/CSS-style color specifications
(<replaceable class="parameter">#RRGGBB<optional>AA</optional></replaceable>,
<replaceable class="parameter">#RGB<optional>A</optional></replaceable>).</para>
<para>See <ulink url="" />
for more details and additional formats.</para>
<para>The command <literal>$ <userinput>convert -list color</userinput></literal>
prints a list of all known colour names.</para>
<para><literal>fg_heading</literal> &emdash; File meta information.
Default: <constant>Black</constant>
[&equiv; RGB(0,0,0)]</para>
<para><literal>fg_title</literal> &emdash; Title (with option <option>-T</option>).
Default: <constant>Black</constant>
[&equiv; RGB(0,0,0)]</para>
<para><literal>fg_tstamps</literal> &emdash; Timestamps.
Default: <constant>White</constant>
[&equiv; RGB(255,255,255)]</para>
<para><literal>fg_sign</literal> &emdash; Footer.
Default: <constant>Black</constant>
[&equiv; RGB(0,0,0)]</para>
<term id="term-font_all"><literal>font_all</literal></term>
<para>Sets the value of all <literal>font_</literal> variables at once
(<xref linkend="term-font_heading" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_sign" />,
<xref linkend="term-font_title" /> and
<xref linkend="term-font_tstamps" />)</para>
<para>Additional details: Since 1.12.2</para>
<term id="term-font_heading"><literal>font_heading</literal></term>
<term id="term-font_sign"><literal>font_sign</literal></term>
<term id="term-font_title"><literal>font_title</literal></term>
<term id="term-font_tstamps"><literal>font_tstamps</literal></term>
<para>These variables control the fonts used in each section of the contact sheet.</para>
<para><literal>font_heading</literal> &emdash; File meta information.
Default: <constant>DejaVu-Sans-Book</constant></para>
<para><literal>font_title</literal> &emdash; Title (with option <option>-T</option>).
Default: <constant>DejaVu-Sans-Book</constant></para>
<para><literal>font_tstamps</literal> &emdash; Used for timestamps over the thumbnails.
Default: <constant>DejaVu-Sans-Book</constant></para>
<para><literal>font_sign</literal> &emdash; Footer / signature.
Default: <constant>DejaVu-Sans-Book</constant></para>
<term id="term-format"><literal>format</literal></term>
<para>Output file format</para>
<para>Default: <literal>png</literal></para>
<para>Should match the extension of a format known by <application>ImageMagick</application>.</para>
<para>Related command-line options:
<option>-j</option>, <option>--jpeg</option> and
<term id="term-getopt"><literal>getopt</literal></term>
<para><acronym>GNU</acronym> <command>getopt</command> command</para>
<para>Default: <literal>getopt</literal></para>
<para>The <command>getopt</command> command name must be set correctly or vcs won't work.</para>
<para>Must be a version compatible with <acronym>GNU</acronym> syntax.</para>
<para>Can only be set in configuration files (i.e. not from the command-line).</para>
<term id="term-height"><literal>height</literal></term>
<para>Height of individual captures.</para>
<para>Can be a fixed number of pixels or a percentage.</para>
<para>The default is the same as input i.e. <literal>100%</literal>.</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-H</option>, <option>--height</option>.</para>
<term id="term-interval"><literal>interval</literal></term>
<para>Interval between captures, when the mode of operation is to capture
at fixed intervals.</para>
<para>Accepts the same format as any option accepting times, see &vcsmanpage; for details
on the acceptable syntax.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>300</literal> (&equiv; 5 minutes).</para>
<para>Unlike its command-line counterpart (<option>-i</option> or <option>--interval</option>),
changing the value of <symbol>interval</symbol> doesn't automatically
switch modes to capture at intervals.</para>
<para>The mode of operation is controlled by <xref linkend="term-timecode_from" />.</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-i</option>, <option>--interval</option>.</para>
<term id="term-nonlatin_filenames"><literal>nonlatin_filenames</literal></term>
<para>Enables or disables the usage of an alternate font to print
filenames in the contact sheet meta-information section.</para>
<para>Set to <literal>1</literal> to use <xref linkend="term-nonlatin_font" /> to print filenames.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal>
&nbsp;&rArr;&nbsp; use the standard font, <xref linkend="term-font_heading"/>.</para>
<para role="aside">Since 1.12.2</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>--nonlatin</option>, <option>-Ik</option>, <option>-Ij</option>.</para>
<term id="term-nonlatin_font"><literal>nonlatin_font</literal></term>
<para>Font used for non-Latin filenames when <xref linkend="term-nonlatin_filenames" />
is enabled.</para>
<para>Default: (picked automatically)</para>
<para>This font is, when possible, picked automatically.</para>
<para>Can be set manually with the <option>-Ik</option> or <option>-Ij</option> option.</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-Ik</option>, <option>-Ij</option>.</para>
<term id="term-numcaps"><literal>numcaps</literal></term>
<para>Number of captures, when the mode of operation is to do a fixed
number of captures.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>16</literal>.</para>
<para>Unlike its command-line counterpart (<option>-n</option> or <option>--numcaps</option>),
changing the value of <symbol>numcaps</symbol> doesn't automatically
switch modes to do a fixed number of captures.</para>
<para>The mode of operation is controlled by <xref linkend="term-timecode_from" />.</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-n</option>, <option>--numcaps</option>.</para>
<term id="term-padding"><literal>padding</literal></term>
<para>Number of pixels between captures when placed in the contact sheet.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>2</literal></para>
<para>Related command-line option: <option>-dp</option>, <option>--disable padding</option>.</para>
<term id="term-plain_messages"><literal>plain_messages</literal></term>
<para>Allows disabling colourised feedback to the console.</para>
<para>Set to <literal>1</literal> to print plain, monochrome, feedback.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>0</literal> (&equiv; don't disable colours).</para>
<para>Related command-line option: <option>-Wc</option>.</para>
<term id="term-profiles"><literal>profiles</literal></term><!-- since 1.13 -->
<para>Loads profile(s).</para>
<para>Its value must be a profile name or a comma-separated list of profile names.</para>
will load the <literal>white</literal> and <literal>mosaic</literal> profiles.
<para>Default: (empty).</para>
<para>Equivalent command-line option: <option>-p</option>, <option>--profile</option>.</para>
<term id="term-pts_meta"><literal>pts_meta</literal></term>
<term id="term-pts_sign"><literal>pts_sign</literal></term>
<term id="term-pts_title"><literal>pts_title</literal></term>
<term id="term-pts_tstamps"><literal>pts_tstamps</literal></term>
<para>These variables control font size of each section in the contact sheet.</para>
<para>These sizes are expressed in <emphasis>points</emphasis>.</para>
<para><literal>pts_meta</literal> &emdash; File meta-information.
Default: <literal>14</literal></para>
<para><literal>pts_title</literal> &emdash; Title (with option <option>-T</option>).
Default: <literal>33</literal>.</para>
<para><literal>pts_tstamps</literal> &emdash; Timestamps.
Default: <literal>14</literal>.
<para>The value of <symbol>pts_tstamps</symbol> is reduced for smaller captures.</para>
<para><literal>pts_sign</literal> &emdash; Footer/signature.
Default: <literal>10</literal></para>
<term id="term-quality"><literal>quality</literal></term>
<para>Image quality (level of compression) when outputting to lossy formats.</para>
<para><literal>0</literal> to <literal>100</literal>, with <literal>100</literal>
being the best quality (the least compression).</para>
<para>Default: <literal>92</literal>.</para>
<para>This value only affects the final image.</para>
<!-- GONE in 1.13
<term id="term-safe_rename_pattern"><literal>safe_rename_pattern</literal></term>
<para>Pattern used for output files to avoid overwriting existing files.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>%b-%N.%e</literal></para>
<para>%b: Basename</para>
<para>%N: Incremental number</para>
<para>%e: extension</para>
<para>Scheduled for removal in 1.13</para>
<term id="term-shoehorned"><literal>shoehorned</literal></term>
<para>Inserts additional parameters into ffmpeg or mplayer capture commands</para>
<para>Scheduled for removal in 1.13</para>
<term id="term-signature"><literal>signature</literal></term>
<para>Text before the user name in the footer.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>&quot;Preview created by&quot;</literal>.</para>
<term id="term-stderr"><literal>stderr</literal></term>
<para>Standard error of programs when probing and capturing is sent here.</para>
<para>Default: <filename class="devicefile">/dev/null</filename>.</para>
<para>Setting it to <filename class="devicefile">/dev/stderr</filename> to
will return capturer programs to their normal behaviour.</para>
<term id="term-stdout"><literal>stdout</literal></term>
<para>Standard output of programs when probing and capturing is sent here.</para>
<para>Default: <filename class="devicefile">/dev/null</filename>.</para>
<para>Setting it to <filename class="devicefile">/dev/stdout</filename> to
will return capturer programs to their normal behaviour.</para>
<term id="term-timecode_from"><literal>timecode_from</literal></term>
<para>Controls the main mode of operation: capture at intervals or capture
a fixed number of snapshots.</para>
<para>Possible values are <literal><symbol>$TC_INTERVAL</symbol></literal> to
capture at intervals (will use <xref linkend="term-interval" />),
and <literal><symbol>$TC_NUMCAPS</symbol></literal> to capture a fixed
number of images (will use <xref linkend="term-numcaps" />).</para>
<para>Default: <literal><symbol>$TC_INTERVAL</symbol></literal>.</para>
<para>This setting is affected by command-line options <option>-i</option>
and <option>-n</option>.</para>
<para>Related command-line options:
<option>-i</option>, <option>--interval</option> and
<option>-n</option>, <option>--numcaps</option>
<term id="term-user"><literal>user</literal></term>
<para>User name for the footer's signature.</para>
<para>Default: <command>$(id -un)</command> (&equiv; system user name).</para>
<para>Related command-line options:
<option>-u</option>, <option>--user</option> and
<option>-U</option>, <option>--fullname</option>
<term id="term-verbosity"><literal>verbosity</literal></term>
<para>Verbosity level.</para>
<para>Possible values:
<?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
<?dbfo list-presentation="table"?>
<seg>Print everything. Equivalent to <symbol>$V_NOTICE</symbol>.</seg>
<seg>Print no feedback at all. Equivalent to command-line option <option>-qq</option>.</seg>
<seg>Print only errors.</seg>
<seg>Print warnings and errors.</seg>
<seg>Print informational messages, warnings and errors.
This encompasses all messages, so it is equivalent to <symbol>$V_ALL</symbol>.</seg>
<para>Default: <literal><symbol>$V_ALL</symbol></literal>.</para>
<para>Related command-line option: <option>-q</option>, <option>--quiet</option>.</para>
<!-- vim:set ts=4 et: -->
0,0 → 1,159
# vcs:conf: $Rev: 2333 $
# Example vcs.conf file
# This example files contains all the default values, commented out.
# For each setting, where an equivalent command-line option exists it will be
# listed in the comments
# Location:
# Configuration files can be placed at /etc/vcs.conf (site-wide),
# ~/.vcs.conf (current user, hidden file!), ./vcs.conf (current dir) or
# ~/.vcs/vcs.conf (current user, new alternative location)
# Syntax:
# * Comments start with '#' or ';'
# * '#' can be used in values by writing $#
# * Semicolons (;) can't be used in values
# * Options are of the form name=value
# - Options can refer to the *current* value of other options, i.e.
# font_sign=$font_heading will assign to 'font_sign' the same value
# as 'font_heading'. If font_heading is changed after that, font_sign
# won't be affected.
# - See <> for the full list
# Height of individual captures. Percentage or fixed size (in pixels)
height=100% # option -H
# Amount ignored from the end of the video (think of it as an anti-spoiler
# measure). Percentage (of video duration) or time (e.g. 2m). Set to 0
# to disable it.
end_offset=5% # option -E
# Contact Sheet Layout #
columns=2 # Number of columns in the contact sheet (option -c)
interval=1m # Interval between captures (option -i)
# Number of captures. Note setting this isn't enough to use a fixed number, the
# mode must also be changed (option 'timecode_from', see below). (option -n)
# Mode of operation, can be either $TC_NUMCAPS or $TC_INTERVAL (the default)
# $TC_NUMCAPS Fix the number of captures, adjust interval accordingly
# $TC_INTERVAL Fix interval, adjust the number of captures accordingly
# (options -i and -n set this implicitly)
# Modifier for extended mode (option -e).
# Beware, setting it to something different from 0 automatically enables extended mode!
# Extra padding added around each capture.
# This has *no effect* when shadows are enabled (the default).
# Tweaking this might break alignment when using extended mode (-e)
# Anonymous mode, set to 1 to disable the "Preview created by {value of user}"
# line in the footer. (option --anonymous)
# Profiles to load by default. (option -p)
# *MUST* exist.
# Output file #
# Output format. Use the file extension (e.g. 'png', 'jpg', 'jp2')
# Any format accepted by ImageMagick can be used here (even pdf or gif, not
# that they'll look very good though)
# (options: -j for JPEG, -j2 for JPEG 2000)
quality=92 # Output quality for lossy formats (e.g. jpg)
# Cosmetic touches #
user=`id -un` # User name, will be used in the contact sheet footer (option -u)
# Used in the signature, e.g. "Preview created by {value of user}"
signature=Preview created by
disable_shadows=0 # Disable shadows by default (option -ds)
disable_timestamps=0 # Disable timestamps by default (option -dt)
# Colours and fonts #
# * Colours can be defined either by their name or through hexcodes
# use the command 'identify -list color' for a list of known names
# * Colours can use transparency, although this usually only makes sense
# for timestamps, which are overlaid on captures.
# * Beware when specifying colours in hex format color=#hex is ok
# but color = #hex not, spaces can be used with color = $#hex
# * Font sizes are expressed in points and hence might need adjustment
# when the font is changed.
# * Font names can be either font paths (e.g. /usr/something/ttf/font.ttf)
# or font names as understood by ImageMagick, use the command
# 'identify -list font' for a list of fonts known to ImageMagick
bg_heading=#afcd7a # Heading/meta-information section background colour
fg_heading=Black # Heading font colour
font_heading=DejaVu-Sans-Book # Heading font
pts_heading=14 # Font size for heading
bg_title=White # Background for the title (if activated with option -T)
fg_title=Black # Title font colour
font_title=$font_heading # Title font
bg_contact=White # Background for the contact sheet
bg_tstamps=#000000aa # Background for timestamps. Note the use of transparency
fg_tstamps=White # Timestamps font colour
font_tstamps=$font_heading # Timestamps font
pts_tstamps=14 # Font size for timestamps
# Background for the signature, i.e. the section after the contact sheet with
# vcs and user identification
fg_sign=Black # Font colour for the signature
font_sign=$font_heading # Font for the signature
pts_sign=10 # Font size for signature
# Font to use for file name when the non-latin mode (--nonlatin) is enabled
# Option: -Ik=fontname
nonlatin_font= # Autodetected (hopefully)
# Lower level tweaks #
# Decoder to use by default, can be either $DEC_FFMPEG (default) or
# (options: -M for MPlayer, -F for FFMpeg)
# Output from commands, useful to locate errors
# Verbosity level, very verbose by default.
# Possible values: $V_ALL (default), $V_ERROR, $V_WARN, $V_INFO, $V_NONE
# (options: -q for quietness)
# 1 disables colours in console output
debug=0 # When 1, enables debugging mode (option -D)
getopt=getopt # GNU Getopt executable name
0,0 → 1,850
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
"" [
Useful Docbook References:
- Creating DocBook Documents - List of elements
- Writing with DocBook elements - Useful commands (elements)
- DocBook Guide for Authors of Geant4 User Manuals - Tag Mapping Table - (X)HTML vs. DocBook
- DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide (includes list of elements)
Generation of man page:
$ xmlto man manpage.xml
$ xsltproc -''-nonet \
-''-param man.charmap.use.subset "0" \
-''-param make.year.ranges "1" \
-''-param make.single.year.ranges "1" \
/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook-xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl \
Will generate vcs.1.
View with:
$ nroff -man vcs.1 | less
$ man vcs.1
Validation: xmllint -''-noout -''-valid manpage.xml
Spellcheck: aspell -l en-GB -H check FILENAME.xml
<!ENTITY firstname "Toni">
<!ENTITY surname "Corvera">
<!-- fullname could also be set to "&firstname; &surname;". -->
<!ENTITY fullname "&firstname; &surname;">
<!ENTITY email "">
<!ENTITY section "1">
<!-- TITLE should be something like "User commands" or similar (see -->
<!ENTITY title "Video Contact Sheet *NIX User Manual">
<!ENTITY ucpackage "VCS">
<!ENTITY package "vcs">
<!ENTITY emdash "&#x2014;">
<!ENTITY xrefinterval 'See the accepted syntax at <xref linkend="interval_format" />.'>
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<contrib />
<!-- <contrib>VCS author.</contrib> -->
<ulink url="" />
<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation.</para>
<refpurpose>create contact sheets from videos</refpurpose>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable class="option">OPTION</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="plain"><replaceable class="parameter">FILE</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable class="parameter">FILE</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>--output=<replaceable>OUTPUT1</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>--output=<replaceable>OUTPUT2</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>...</option></arg>
<arg choice="plain"><replaceable>INPUT1</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable>INPUT2</replaceable></arg>
<group choice="opt">
<arg><option>-n <replaceable>20</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg><option>-i <replaceable>1m</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg><option>-c <replaceable>4</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg><option>-H <replaceable>120</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg rep="repeat"></arg>
<arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>FILE</replaceable></arg>
<!-- Help/test options.
They stop the program after outputting their related information. -->
<group choice="opt">
<arg choice="plain">
<group choice="req">
<arg choice="plain"><option>-h</option></arg>
<arg choice="plain"><option>--help</option></arg>
<arg choice="plain">
<arg choice="plain"><option>--fullhelp</option></arg>
<arg choice="plain">
<arg choice="plain"><option>-DD</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable class="option">OPTION</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="plain"><option>--generate</option>
<group choice="req">
<arg choice="plain">config</arg>
<arg choice="plain">profile</arg>
<refsect1 id="description">
<para><command>&package;</command> creates a preview
image from videos in a contact sheet-like format (i.e. captures from
different frames in the video are placed in a mosaic).</para>
<para>By default the output file will be named like the input file plus the
png extension. Example: &quot;<filename>file.avi</filename>&quot; will produce
a contact sheet in the file &quot;<filename>file.avi.png</filename>&quot;.</para>
<para>The default mode of operation is to obtain captures every five minutes in the
video, so the amount of captures will vary with each file. The command-line
argument <parameter>--numcaps</parameter> (<parameter>-n</parameter>) can be used
to change this behaviour or alternatively a configuration file might
be used to change the mode of operation (see <citerefentry>
<para>This manual page documents <command>&package;</command>,
further documentation can be found in the
<ulink url="">online documentation</ulink> site.</para>
<refsect1 id="options">
<para>The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax,
with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of
options is included below.</para>
<term><option>-n <replaceable>number</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Fixes the number of captures to obtain.</para>
<para>Sets the mode of operation to capture a fixed number of frames.</para>
<term><option>-i <replaceable>INTERVAL</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Sets the interval between captures.</para>
<para>Sets the mode of operation to capture at fixed intervals.</para>
<para>The number of captures will depend on the video length.</para>
<term><option>-c <replaceable>NUMBER</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Number of columns in the contact sheet.</para>
<para>The number of rows will depend on this value and the number of captures (there's no
way to set the number of rows).</para>
<term><option>-H <replaceable>HEIGHT</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Height of captures.</para>
<para>Can be a number (of pixels) or a percentage (of the video height).</para>
<para>By default the same size as the video is used.</para>
<para>The width is derived from height and aspect ratio.</para>
<para><replaceable>HEIGHT</replaceable> x <replaceable>WIDTH</replaceable>
can be manually forced by setting both <option>-H</option> and
<option>-a</option>, e.g. <replaceable>640x480</replaceable>:</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs -a 640/480 -H 480 <replaceable><optional>...</optional></replaceable></command></literal></para>
<term><option>-o <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Name of output file.</para>
<para>By default the video file name plus the output
format is used (e.g. &quot;<filename>video.avi.png</filename>&quot;
for &quot;<filename>video.avi</filename>&quot;).</para>
<para>If an extension is provided, it will define the output format, otherwise
PNG will be used. I.e. <filename>sheet.jpg</filename> will produce
a JPEG file while <filename>sheet</filename> or
<filename>sheet.png</filename> will produce a PNG file.</para>
<para>Show summary of most common options.</para>
<para>Show summary of all options.</para>
<term><option>-a <replaceable>ASPECT</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--aspect <replaceable>ASPECT</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Aspect ratio.</para>
<para>Accepts a floating point number or a fraction.</para>
<term><option>-f <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--from <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Set starting time. No captures will be made before this <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable>.</para>
<term><option>-t <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--to <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Set ending time. No captures will be made after this TIMESTAMP.</para>
<term><option>-T <replaceable>TITLE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--title <replaceable>TITLE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Add a title above the captures.</para>
<para>Output file in JPEG format.</para>
<para>The default output format is PNG.</para>
<para>Output file in JPEG 2000 format.</para>
<para>The default output format is PNG.</para>
<para>DVD mode.</para>
<para>In this mode the input files must be the DVD
device(s) or ISO(s).</para>
<para>When in DVD mode all input files must be DVDs.</para>
<para>Implies <option>-A</option> (auto aspect ratio).</para>
<term><option>--dvd-title <replaceable>TITLENUM</replaceable></option></term>
<para>DVD title to use.</para>
<para>Using 0 (the default) will use the longest title.</para>
<para>Use Mplayer to capture.</para>
<para>Use FFmpeg to capture.</para>
<para>This is the default, except in DVD mode.</para>
<term><option>-E <replaceable>OFFSET</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--end-offset <replaceable>OFFSET</replaceable></option></term>
<para>This amount of time is ignored from the end of the video.</para>
<para>This value is not used when a explicit ending time is set (<option>--to</option>).</para>
<para>Accepted formats:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<listitem><para>Time stamp (&xrefinterval;)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Percentage of video length.</para></listitem>
<para>The default is 5.5%.</para>
<para>Don't print progress messages just errors.</para>
<para>Repeat to mute completely, even on error.</para>
<term><option>-d <replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--disable <replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Disable some default functionality.</para>
<para>Features that can be disabled are:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para><replaceable>timestamps</replaceable>: use <option>-d<replaceable>t</replaceable></option> or
<option>--disable <replaceable>timestamps</replaceable></option></para>
<para><replaceable>shadows</replaceable>: use <option>-d<replaceable>s</replaceable></option>
or <option>--disable <replaceable>shadows</replaceable></option></para>
<para><replaceable>padding</replaceable>: use <option>-d<replaceable>p</replaceable></option>
or <option>--disable <replaceable>padding</replaceable></option></para>
<para>Shadows introduce some extra padding</para>
<para>Try to guess aspect ratio from resolution.</para>
<para>A rude hard-coded method is used based only on known common dimensions.</para>
<para>Enables extended mode and optionally sets the extended factor.</para>
<para>When <replaceable>FACTOR</replaceable> is omitted, 4 is used, i.e. <option>-e</option> is the same as <option>-e4</option>.</para>
<term><option>-l <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--highlight <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Add the frame found at <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable> as a highlight.</para>
<para>Manual mode.</para>
<para>In this mode only timestamps indicated by the user are used (use in
conjunction with <option>-S</option>).</para>
<para>When using this option, <option>-i</option> and <option>-n</option> are ignored.</para>
<term><option>-S <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--stamp <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Add the frame at <replaceable>TIMESTAMP</replaceable> to the set of captures.</para>
<term><option>-u <replaceable>NAME</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--user <replaceable>NAME</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Set the user name (included by default in the contact sheet's footer)
to <replaceable>NAME</replaceable>.</para>
<para>Use user's full/real name (e.g. John Smith) as set in the system's list of users
(i.e. in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> or through <command>getent</command>).</para>
<term><option>-p <replaceable>PROFILE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--profile <replaceable>PROFILE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Load profile named <replaceable>PROFILE</replaceable>.</para>
<para>Profile names starting with ':' are reserved and have special meanings, currently:</para>
<listitem><para><replaceable>:list</replaceable> &emdash; Will list all profiles found in the
<para>If <replaceable>PROFILE</replaceable> doesn't exist, exit with error.</para>
<term><option>-C <replaceable>CONFIG</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--config <replaceable>CONFIG</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Load configuration file <filename><replaceable>CONFIG</replaceable></filename></para>
<para>Configuration <emphasis>file names</emphasis> starting with ':' are reserved
and have special meanings, currently:</para>
<listitem><para><replaceable>:pwd</replaceable> &emdash; Will try to load
<para>This file has been loaded by default up to vcs v1.13</para></listitem>
<para>If <filename><replaceable>CONFIG</replaceable></filename> doesn't exist, exit with error.</para>
<term><option>--generate <replaceable>config|profile</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Generate configuration or profile from the current settings and print it.</para>
<para>All settings changed from the default, by either configuration, profiles or command-line
options, will be included in the generated text.</para>
<term><option>-k <replaceable>MODE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--funky <replaceable>MODE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Funky modes</para>
<para>These are <emphasis>toy</emphasis> output modes in which the contact sheet
gets a more informal look.</para>
<para>Order <emphasis role="strong">IS IMPORTANT</emphasis>, it affects output.</para>
<para>A bad order will produce a bad result.</para>
<para>Many of these modes are random in nature so using the same mode twice
will usually lead to very different results.</para>
<para>Currently available <emphasis>funky modes</emphasis>:</para>
<variablelist id="funkymodes">
Use <option>-k<replaceable>o</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>overlap</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Randomly overlap captures.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>r</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>rotate</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Randomly rotate each image.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>f</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>photoframe</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Adds a photo-like white frame to each image.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>L</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>polaroidframe</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Adds a polaroid picture-like white frame to each image.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>c</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>photos</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Combination of <replaceable>rotate</replaceable>,
<replaceable>photoframe</replaceable> and <replaceable>overlap</replaceable>.</para>
<para>Same as <option>-kp -kr -ko</option>.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>p</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>polaroid</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Combination of <replaceable>rotate</replaceable>,
<replaceable>polaroidframe</replaceable> and <replaceable>overlap</replaceable>.</para>
<para>Same as <option>-kL -kr -ko</option>.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>i</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>film</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Imitates filmstrip look.</para></listitem>
Use <option>-k<replaceable>x</replaceable></option>
or <option>--funky <replaceable>random</replaceable></option></term>
<listitem><para>Randomises colours and fonts.</para></listitem>
<para>Disable the «Preview created by <replaceable>USERNAME</replaceable>» line in the footer.</para>
<para>Use an alternate font in the heading for the video file name.</para>
<para>Required to display correctly file names in some languages with non-Latin
alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Hangul, Cyrillic, ...).</para>
<para>When no font name is given, a reasonable choice will be made if possible.</para>
<para>When <replaceable>FONTNAME</replaceable> is given, it can be either
a font name:</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs -Ij=Sazanami-Mincho-Regular <filename>file.avi</filename></command></literal></para>
<para>Or a font file name:</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs -Ij=<filename>/usr/share/fonts/ttf/ttf-japanese-mincho.ttf</filename> <filename>file.avi</filename></command></literal></para>
<para>A list of available fonts and their names can be obtained with the command
<command>identify <option>-list font</option></command></para>
<term><option>-O <replaceable>SETTING=VALUE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--override <replaceable>SETTING=VALUE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Changes the value of SETTING to VALUE,
as if it was set from a configuration file.</para>
<para>Some settings can only be changed through configuration files or overrides, while
others have associated command-line options.</para>
<para><replaceable>VALUE</replaceable> can be quoted to include spaces:</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs -O SOME_SETTING="my value" <replaceable>...</replaceable></command></literal></para>
<para><replaceable>VALUE</replaceable> can also refer to some other setting:</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs -O SOME_SETTING='$SOME_OTHER_SETTING' <replaceable>...</replaceable></command></literal></para>
<para>See <citerefentry><refentrytitle>vcs.conf</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>
and the
<ulink url="">online documentation</ulink> for
a list of possible <replaceable>SETTING</replaceable>s.</para>
<term><option>-W <replaceable>WORKAROUND</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Enables one of the known workarounds for problematic files, or some tweak:</para>
<variablelist id="workarounds">
<listitem><para>Increase length of safe measuring (try harder).</para>
<para>Repeat to increase further.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Scan all video, if required, to get a valid length measuring.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Increase safe measuring precision (i.e. halve the probe stepping).</para>
<para>Repeat to increase further.</para>
<listitem><para>Inverse of <option>-Wp</option>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Change FFmpeg's arguments order, might work
with some files that fail otherwise.</para>
<listitem><para>Disable colour in console messages.</para></listitem>
<refsect1 id="debug_options">
<title>DEBUGGING OPTIONS</title>
<term><option>-R <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--randomsource <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Use FILE as a source for "random" values.</para>
<para>They won't be random anymore, so two runs with the same source and same
arguments will produce the same output in modes which use randomisation
(e.g. the modes triggered by <option>-k <replaceable>photos</replaceable></option>
and <option>-k <replaceable>polaroid</replaceable></option>).
<para>Debug mode.</para>
<para>Used to test features/integrity. It:</para>
<listitem><para>Prints the input command line</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sets the title to reflect the command line</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Does a basic test of consistency</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Prints a trace of all internal functions as they are called</para></listitem>
<para>Repeat to just test consistency and exit</para>
<term><option>-Z <replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable></option></term>
<term><option>--undocumented <replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable></option></term>
<para>Testbed for experimental and debugging features. Some <replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable>s
might be <emphasis>promoted</emphasis> in the future to actual command-line
<para><replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable>s here are rough implementations
and have no error-handling.</para>
<para><replaceable>FEATURE</replaceable> names can be added or removed
in every version, silently, so don't rely on them.</para>
<para>Useful for end-users:</para>
<listitem><para>Prints the file probing/identification information and exit.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Display the generated contact sheet.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Remove the created file on exit.</para></listitem>
<refsect1 id="files">
<para>The system-wide configuration file to control the
behaviour of <application>&package;</application>. See
</citerefentry> for further details.</para>
<para>The per-user configuration file to control the
behaviour of <application>&package;</application>. See
</citerefentry> for further details.</para>
<refsect1 id="interval_format">
Intervals and timestamps can be specified in seconds or in a human-readable format
that follows the syntax
where each element is optional.</para>
<para>See <ulink url="" /> for more details.</para>
<title>Interval syntax examples</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Standard time format</entry>
<refsect1 id="environment">
<para>Fallback temporary directory when
<filename class="directory">/dev/shm</filename> is not available.
Due to the big size of temporary files, it is recommended to use
a temporary directory on a fast filesystem.</para>
<refsect1 id="diagnostics">
<para>The default verbosity level will print <package>&package;</package>' progress
and any errors or warnings on <filename class="devicefile">stderr</filename>.</para>
<para><option>--quiet</option> can be used to reduce verbosity.</para>
<para>The verbosity level and where to direct <filename class="devicefile">stderr</filename>
can be controlled through configuration files, see <citerefentry>
<para><command>&package;</command> provides some return codes, they follow
the semi-standardised values defined in
<filename class="headerfile">sysexits.h</filename>:</para>
<!-- Force table-style presentation instead of list with repeated
<?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
<?dbfo list-presentation="table"?>
<seg><errorcode>&nbsp;0</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_OK</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Program exited successfully.</seg>
<seg><errorcode>64</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_USAGE</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Error in the arguments.</seg>
<seg><errorcode>66</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_NOINPUT</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Can't access some input file or it has an incorrect format.</seg>
<seg><errorcode>69</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_UNAVAILABLE</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Unsatisfied dependency.</seg>
<seg><errorcode>70</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_SOFTWARE</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Internal inconsistency (bug).</seg>
<seg><errorcode>73</errorcode> (<errorcode>EX_CANTCREAT</errorcode>)</seg>
<seg>Error creating temporary or output files.</seg>
<refsect1 id="bugs">
<!-- Or use this section to tell about upstream BTS. -->
<para>The upstream bug tracker system can be found
at <ulink url=""/>, bugs can be reported
through the <ulink url=""><acronym>BTS</acronym></ulink>
or through e-mail addressed at <email></email>.</para>
<para>Recent versions of <application>ImageMagick</application>,
<application>mplayer</application> and
<application>ffmpeg</application> should be used
for maximum compatibility.</para>
<para>Most testing is done on <systemitem class="osname">Debian Sid</systemitem>, plus
<systemitem class="osname">FreeBSD</systemitem> for <acronym>BSD</acronym> compatibility
<para>Using <acronym>OS</acronym>es other than
<systemitem class="osname">Debian Sid</systemitem>
or <systemitem class="osname">FreeBSD</systemitem>
might uncover bugs and produce incompatibilities unknown to the author.
<refsect1 id="see_also">
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
<!-- In alpabetical order. -->
</citerefentry>, <citerefentry>
</citerefentry>, <citerefentry>
</citerefentry>, <citerefentry>
<!-- vim:set ts=4 et: -->
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
+Rev Id Date
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,33
# This file inlines file included through the XIncludes system.
# This workaround is used to work with jade (used in PDF
# creation) since, AFAIK, it doesn't support XIncludes.
# Preserve leading white-space by reducing IFS to only '\n':
while read -ers line ; do
if grep -q '<xi:include' <<<"$line" ; then
elif [[ $IN -eq 1 ]]; then
if grep -q 'href=' <<<"$line" ; then
toinclude=$(sed -r 's/.*href="([^"]*)".*/\1/'<<<"$line")
docstart=$(egrep -n '^]>$' $toinclude | cut -d':' -f1)
let 'docstart++'
sed -n "$docstart,\$p" "$toinclude"
if [[ $IN -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "$line"
if [[ $IN -eq 1 ]] && grep -q '/>' <<<"$line"; then
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property