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Ignore whitespace Rev 641 → Rev 644

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1,5 → 1,5
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<!ENTITY xrefinterval 'See the accepted syntax at <xref linkend="interval_format" />.'>
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<!ENTITY title "Video Contact Sheet *NIX">
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XInclude trickery
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NOTE This appears to override the title set below. -->
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<refsect1 id="description">
<para><command>&package;</command> creates a preview
image from videos in a contact sheet-like format (i.e. captures from
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might uncover bugs and produce incompatibilities unknown to the author.
<refsect1 id="see_also">
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
<!-- In alpabetical order. -->
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<!-- START OF vcs.conf(5) -->
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<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation.</para>
<date>Last revision: 2011-08-29</date>
<refpurpose>vcs configuration file</refpurpose>
<para>This manual page describes the format and available settings
in configuration and profile files for
<para>There's two types of files that follow this syntax:
<link linkend="configfiles">configuration files</link>
(see <xref linkend="configfiles"/>)
and <link linkend="profiles">profiles</link>
(see <xref linkend="profiles"/>). They'll be called collectively
<emphasis>settings files</emphasis> in this manual page.</para>
<para>Configuration files are meant to be loaded by default, intended to
set user's preferred options, while
profiles are meant to be loaded on-demand, intended to allow
different parallel sets of settings.</para>
<refsect1 id="syntax">
<para>Settings files contain a series of
<para>Comments can be included by preceding `<literal>#</literal>' to them.</para>
<refsect2 id="metainfo">
<para>Meta-information fields can be contained in comments.
They are written as '<literal>vcs:<replaceable>FIELDNAME</replaceable>:</literal>'.</para>
<para>Currently supported meta-information fields:</para>
<listitem><para>Marks a file as following this format.</para>
<para>Files without this field will be rejected.
<!-- Note: \[char46] is a escaped dot for groff.
Otherwise this paragraph's output will start a line
with a dot, which makes groff/man interpret it as an
inexistent macro,
i.e. the filename won't render at all
<para><filename>\[char46]/vcs.conf</filename> won't be rejected if this
field is missing, though it's preferable to include it
to be ease moving the file to a different location or
turning it into a profile.</para>
<term><literal>vcs:desc:</literal> <replaceable>DESCRIPTION</replaceable></term>
<listitem><para>Describes this particular file's purpose,
it is shown e.g. when listing available profiles.
<para>It is currently ignored for configuration files.</para>
<refsect2 id="syntax-example">
<title>SYNTAX EXAMPLE</title>
<programlisting># vcs:conf:
# vcs:desc: White-on-black
bg_all=black # Black background
fg_all=white # White foreground</programlisting>
</refsect2><!--/SYNTAX EXAMPLE-->
<refsect1 id="configfiles">
<para>There's three configuration files loaded by default if present, in order:</para>
<para>Every file in this list overrides the previous when it
re-defines a setting.</para>
<para>Configuration files can be loaded manually off of any path by using the
<option>--config <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option> option.</para>
</refsect1><!--/CONFIGURATION FILES-->
<refsect1 id="profiles">
<title>PROFILE FILES</title>
<para>No profile is loaded by default.</para>
<para>Profiles are searched in three possible locations, in order:</para>
<itemizedlist id="profile-paths">
<listitem><para><filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/.vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><filename class="directory">/usr/local/share/vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><filename class="directory">/usr/share/vcs/profiles/</filename></para></listitem>
<para>Only the first profile for each name will be considered.
Profiles with the same name will be hidden.</para>
<para><literal>$ <command>vcs --profile :list</command></literal></para>
<para>can be used to get a list of available profiles.</para>
<para>Profiles can only be loaded from the <link linkend="profile-paths">listed
</refsect1><!--/PROFILE FILES-->
<para>This list details the available settings. Settings are listed in
alphabetical order.</para>
<para>A list of available settings, grouped by categories, is also kept
online at <ulink url="" /></para>
href="./" />
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
</refsect1><!--/SEE ALSO-->
<!-- END OF vcs.conf(5) -->
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