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Regard whitespace Rev 371 → Rev 372

1,4 → 1,4
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $Rev$ $Date$
45,35 → 45,47
# <>
# [VC1] VC-1 and derived codecs information
# <>
# [FJ] GNU seq’s cousin on FreeBSD is... jot
# <>
# [FNL] Re: Replacing spaces with newlines using awk: msg#00064
# <>
# [FD1] File Descriptors in Bourne shell (sh,ksh,bash).
# <>
# [FD2] Redirection [[Bash Hackers Wiki]
# <>
declare -r VERSION="1.0.99" # ("1.1.0 RC")
declare -r VERSION="1.0.100a" # ("1.1.0 RC2")
# History (The full changelog can be found at <>).
# 1.0.99: (2009-3-11)
# * FEATURE: Experimental support for DVDs (-V)
# * FEATURE: Added JPEG 2000 output format (-j2)
# * FEATURE/COSMETIC: Polaroid mode now produces a polaroid-like frame, the
# older version is now renamed as simply 'photos'
# New "funky" modes: newer polaroid, photos (older polaroid),
# polaroidframe.
# * Overrideable variables: DISABLE_SHADOWS and DISABLE_TIMESTAMPS (set to
# 1 to disable)
# * BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Re-added the missed space before filename
# * BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Reworked alignment and padding
# * Timestamps size is adjusted with smaller captures
# * BUGFIX: Fixed polaroid/rotate bug where all images overlapped on the
# same position (reported by Aleksandar Urošević, formerly
# unreproducible)
# * Better detection of video/audio features by falling back to ffmpeg when
# appropriate
# 1.0.100a: (Focus on FreeBSD support -and hopefully better POSIX compatibility-)
# * FEATURE: FreeBSD (7.1-RELEASE) support
# - Call bash through env
# - Ensure we're using the correct getopt version
# - Try to use POSIX sed options when appropriate
# - Replaced incompatible sed constructs
# - Use mktemp's common GNU/BSD(/POSIX?) syntax
# - Use jot instead of seq if required and available
# * BUGFIX: Don't fail if tput is unable to change colours
# * BUGFIX: Check for requirements before anything else
# * INTERNAL: Cache tput output
# * FEATURE: Added -R / --randomsource. Mainly useful for debugging,
# also to repeat a set of results and compare outputs on different
# systems
# * Corrected info message in photos mode
set -e
# This might change the way some commands are used.
# Right now it's unused
#declare -i IS_GNU=1
#grep -qi gnu <<<"$OSTYPE" || IS_GNU=0
# {{{ # TODO
# * [[R1#22]] states that not all bc versions understand '<', more info required
# * [[x1]] Find out why the order of ffmpeg arguments breaks some files.
81,7 → 93,6
# * Better DVD support (e.g. real detection of aspect ratio)
# * Use ffmpeg's detected length if shorter than mplayer's
# }}} # TODO
# {{{ # Constants
133,10 → 144,20
# When shadows are enabled, 5 is substracted from this value in csheet_montage
# so keep this in mind!
declare -ri HPAD=8
# These are used as constants but will be set from the available system
# programs
# ERESED # see choose_eresed
# SEQ # see choose_seqw
# }}} # End of constants
# {{{ # Override-able variables
# GETOPT must be correctly set or the script will fail.
# It can be set in the configuration files if it isn't in the path or
# the first getopt in the path isn't the right version.
# A check will be made and a warning with details shown if required.
declare GETOPT=getopt
# Set to 1 to print function calls
declare -i DEBUG=0
declare -i DEFAULT_INTERVAL=300
272,6 → 293,10
# (defined in the constants block)
declare -a VID=
# These variables will hold the output of tput, used
# to colourise feedback
declare prefix_err= prefix_inf= prefix_warn= suffix_fback=
# Workarounds:
# Argument order in FFmpeg is important -ss before or after -i will make
# the capture work or not depending on the file. See -Wo.
320,6 → 345,12
declare -i DISABLE_SHADOWS=0
# Sets which function is used to obtain random numbers valid values are
# bashrand and filerand.
# Setting it manually will break it, calling with -R changes this to filerand.
# See rand() for an explanation
declare RANDFUNCTION=bashrand
# }}} # Variables
# {{{ # Configuration handling
358,6 → 389,8
# Note GETOPT doesn't make sense to be overridden from the command-line
# This is only used to exit when -DD is used
395,7 → 428,7
local compregex=$( sed 's/ /|/g' <<<${ALLOWED_OVERRIDES[*]} )
# Don't allow ';', FIXME: dunno how secure that really is...
# FIXME: doesn't really works anyway
# FIXME: doesn't really work anyway
if ! egrep -q '^[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[^;]*' <<<"$o" ; then
403,8 → 436,8
local varname=$(sed -r 's/^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=.*/\1/'<<<"$o")
local varval=$(sed -r 's/[^=]*=(.*)/\1/'<<<"$o")
local varname=$($ERESED 's/^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=.*/\1/'<<<"$o")
local varval=$($ERESED 's/[^=]*=(.*)/\1/'<<<"$o")
# FIXME: Security!
local curvarval=
eval curvarval='$'"$varname"
497,6 → 530,75
[ '1' == "$(bc -q <<<"$1 $op $3")" ]
# converts spaces to newlines in a x-platform way [[FNL]]
# stonl($1 = string)
stonl() {
# Not pretty, but seems to be standard ('\n' works in GNU
# but not in e.g. FreeBSD)
sed 's/ /\
/g' <<<"$1"
# bash version of ord() [[ORD]]
# prints the ASCII value of a character
ord() {
printf '%d' "'$1"
# Wrapper around $RANDOM, not called directly, wrapped again in rand().
# See rand() for an explanation.
bashrand() {
echo $RANDOM
# Prepares for "filerand()" calls
# File descriptor 7 is used to keep a file open, from which data is read
# and then transformed into a number.
# init_filerand($1 = filename)
init_filerand() { # [[FD1]], [[FD2]]
test -r "$1"
exec 7<"$1"
# closed in exithdlr
# Produce a (not-really-)random number from a file, not called directly wrapped
# in rand()
# Note that once the file end is reached, the random values will always
# be the same (hash_string result for an empty string)
filerand() {
local b=
# "read 5 bytes from file descriptor 7 and put them in $b"
read -n5 -u7 b
hash_string "$b"
# Produce a random number
# $RANDFUNCTION defines wich one to use (bashrand or filerand).
# Since functions using random values are most often run in subshells
# setting $RANDOM to a given seed has not the desired effect.
# filerand() is used to that effect; it keeps a file open from which bytes
# are read and not-so-random values generated; since file descriptors are
# inherited, subshells will "advance" the random sequence.
# Argument -R enables the filerand() function
rand() {
# produces a numeric value from a string
hash_string() {
local HASH_LIMIT=65536
local v="$1"
local -i hv=15031
local c=
if [ "$v" ]; then # seqw 0 0 would be catastrophic if SEQ==jot
for i in $(seqw 0 $(( ${#v}-1 ))); do
c=$( ord ${v:$i:1} )
hv=$(( ( ( $hv << 1 ) + $c ) % $HASH_LIMIT ))
echo $hv
# Applies the Pythagorean Theorem
# pyth_th($1 = cathetus1, $2 = cathetus2)
pyth_th() {
532,13 → 634,13
# New parsing code: replaces units by a product
# and feeds the resulting string to bc
t=$(sed -r 's/([0-9]+)h/ ( \1 * 3600 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$(sed -r 's/([0-9]+)m/ ( \1 * 60 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9]+)h/ ( \1 * 3600 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9]+)m/ ( \1 * 60 ) + /g' <<<$t)
t=$(sed 's/s/ + /g' <<<$t)
t=$(sed -r 's/([0-9])\./\1 + ./g' <<<"$t") # seconds followed by ms, with no "S"
t=$(sed -r 's/\.\.+/./g'<<<$t)
t=$(sed -r 's/\.([0-9]+)/0.\1 + /g' <<<$t)
t=$(sed -r 's/\+ ?$//g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/([0-9])\./\1 + ./g' <<<"$t") # seconds followed by ms, with no "S"
t=$($ERESED 's/\.\.+/./g'<<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/\.([0-9]+)/0.\1 + /g' <<<$t)
t=$($ERESED 's/\+ ?$//g' <<<$t)
r=$(bc -lq <<<$t 2>/dev/null) # bc parsing fails with correct return code
if [ -z "$r" ]; then
618,7 → 720,7
# Trim (most) decimals
sed -r 's/\.([0-9][0-9]).*/.\1/'<<<$R
$ERESED 's/\.([0-9][0-9]).*/.\1/'<<<$R
# Prints a given size in human friendly form
666,9 → 768,9
local to="$2"
# Output extension
local ext=$(sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
local ext=$($ERESED 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
# Input extension
local iext=$(sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
local iext=$($ERESED 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/' <<<$to)
# Input filename without extension
local b=${to%.$iext}
715,21 → 817,35
# way to do it portably.
# Alternatives:
# * fdisk -s (no need for privileged access, read-only)
# Prints the number of blocks. In Linux they're always 1024 AFAICT,
# but I'm not sure about other unices (the -in disk- block size for
# DVDs is 2048).
# Prints the number of blocks (only in GNU's version?, FreeBSD's
# doesn't, so probably POSIX in general doesn't either).
# In Linux blocks are always 1024 AFAICT, but I'm not sure about
# other unices (the -in disk- block size for DVDs is 2048).
# * hal
# hal-find-by-property --key block.device --string <(REAL)DEVICE>
# hal-get-property --udi <DEVICEID> --key volume.disc.capacity
# Gets byte size but HAL is far from standard (only Linux
# and FreeBSD have it AFAIK)
# and FreeBSD have it AFAIK. DBUS, on which it relies, wasn't
# enabled byb default on my FreeBSD install).
# FreeBSD has no block devices either.
# * sysfs
# cat /sys/block/<(KERNEL)DEVICE>/size
# Size is given in sectors (512 blocks). Linux only. *BSD has
# sysctl of which I've no clue.
local dev="$1"
local numblocks=$(/sbin/fdisk -s "$dev")
# Only GNU systems with block devices are compatible with the current code
if [ ! -b "$1" ] || grep -q gnu <<<"$OSTYPE" ; then
echo "?"
local numblocks=$(/sbin/fdisk -s "$dev" 2>"$stderr")
# FIXME: When fdisk is replaced by a better alternative this should go away
if is_number "$numblocks" ; then
get_pretty_size $(( 1024 * $numblocks ))
echo "?"
# Tests the presence of all required programs
736,13 → 852,12
# test_programs()
test_programs() {
local retval=0 last=0
for prog in getopt mplayer convert montage identify bc \
ffmpeg mktemp sed grep egrep cut; do
type -pf "$prog" >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
for prog in mplayer convert montage identify bc \
ffmpeg mktemp sed grep egrep cut $SEQ ; do
if ! type -pf "$prog" ; then
error "Required program $prog not found!"
let 'retval++'
fi >/dev/null
# TODO: [x2]
749,6 → 864,60
return $retval
# Test wether $GETOP is a compatible version; try to choose an alternate if
# possible
choose_getopt() {
if ! type -pf $GETOPT ; then
# getopt not in path
error "Required program getopt not found!"
fi >/dev/null
local goe= gor=0
# Try getopt. If there's more than one in the path, try all of them
for goe in $(type -paf $GETOPT) ; do
"$goe" -T || gor=$?
if [ $gor -eq 4 ]; then
# Correct getopt found
done >/dev/null
if [ $gor -ne 4 ]; then
error "No compatible version of getopt in path, can't continue."
error " For details on how to correct this problems, see <>"
return 0
# Set the correct argument to pass to sed
# The argument to enable extended regular expressions is different in GNU (-r)
# and POSIX (-E), try to detect it
choose_eresed() {
if [ "a" == "$(sed -r 's/A/a/' 2>/dev/null<<<'A')" ]; then
ERESED='sed -r'
elif [ "a" == "$(sed -E 's/A/a/' 2>/dev/null<<<'A')" ]; then
ERESED='sed -E'
error "The version of sed in the system is not supported.
Please, contact the author"
# Choose seq or jot, fail if none is present
# The actual program is wrapped in seqw()
choose_seqw() {
if type -pf seq ; then
elif type -pf jot ; then
error "Either seq or jot are required"
fi >/dev/null
# Remove any temporal files
# Does nothing if none has been created so far
# cleanup()
763,6 → 932,10
# interrupted)
# exithdlr()
exithdlr() {
# I don't think that's really required anyway
if [ "$RANDFUNCTION" == "filerand" ]; then
7<&- # Close FD 7
774,13 → 947,11
# error($1 = text)
error() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_ERROR ]; then
if [ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]; then
tput bold ; tput setaf 1;
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_err
# sgr0 is always used, this way if
# a) something prints inbetween messages it isn't affected
# b) if plain_messages is overridden colour stops after the override
echo "$1" ; tput sgr0
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
# It is important to redirect both tput and echo to stderr. Otherwise
# n=$(something) wouldn't be coloured
790,10 → 961,8
# warning($1 = text)
warn() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_WARN ]; then
if [ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]; then
tput bold ; tput setaf 3;
echo "$1" ; tput sgr0
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_warn
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
801,10 → 970,8
# inf($1 = text)
inf() {
if [ $verbosity -ge $V_INFO ]; then
if [ $plain_messages -eq 0 ]; then
tput bold ; tput setaf 2;
echo "$1" ; tput sgr0
[ $plain_messages -eq 0 ] && echo -n $prefix_inf
echo "$1$suffix_fback"
fi >&2
835,6 → 1002,42
return 1
# Initialises the variables affecting coloured feedback
init_feedback() {
# If tput isn't found simply ignore tput commands
# (no colour support)
if ! type -pf tput >/dev/null ; then
# XXX: Are nested functions supported by older versions?
tput() { cat >/dev/null <<<"$1"; }
elif ! tput bold || # If tput can't tinker with the color, no need to continue
! tput setaf 0 >/dev/null ||
! tput sgr0 ;
prefix_err= prefix_inf= prefix_warn=
else # tput doesn't fail to change colors
prefix_err=$(tput bold; tput setaf 1)
prefix_warn=$(tput bold; tput setaf 3)
prefix_inf=$(tput bold; tput setaf 2)
suffix_fback=$(tput sgr0)
# seq wrapper/replacement
# seq($1 = from, $2 = to)
seqw() {
if [ "$SEQ" == "seq" ]; then
seq $1 $2
elif [ "$SEQ" == "jot" ]; then
jot $(( 1 + $2 - $1 )) $1
error "'$SEQ' is not supported, please change the value of \$SEQ"
# }}} # Convenience functions
# {{{ # Core functionality
845,10 → 1048,13
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Try to use /dev/shm if available, this provided a very small
# benefit on my system but me of help for huge files. Or maybe won't.
# Passing a full path template is more x-platform than using
# -t / -p
if [ -d /dev/shm ] && [ -w /dev/shm ]; then
VCSTEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -p /dev/shm vcs.XXXXXX)
VCSTEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/vcs.XXXXXX)
VCSTEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t vcs.XXXXXX)
[ "$TMPDIR" ] || TMPDIR="/tmp"
if [ ! -d "$VCSTEMPDIR" ]; then
error "Error creating temporary directory"
861,7 → 1067,7
# new_temp_file($1 = suffix)
new_temp_file() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
local r=$(mktemp -p "$VCSTEMPDIR" "vcs-XXXXXX")
local r=$(env TMPDIR="$VCSTEMPDIR" mktemp "$VCSTEMPDIR/vcs-XXXXXX")
if [ ! -f "$r" ]; then
error "Failed to create temporary file"
886,13 → 1092,13
# There're 5 rows of extra info printed
local ncolours=$(( $(convert -list color | wc -l) - 5 ))
randcolour() {
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $RANDOM % $ncolours ) ))
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $(rand) % $ncolours ) ))
convert -list color | sed -n "${lineno}p" | cut -d' ' -f1 # [[R1#19]]
else # Pseudo-random mode, WIP!
randccomp() {
# colours are in the 0..65535 range, while RANDOM in 0..32767
echo $(( $RANDOM + $RANDOM + ($RANDOM % 1) ))
echo $(( $(rand) + $(rand) + ($(rand) % 1) ))
randcolour() {
echo "rgb($(randccomp),$(randccomp),$(randccomp))"
901,7 → 1107,7
local nfonts=$(( $(convert -list type | wc -l) - 5 ))
randfont() {
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $RANDOM % $nfonts )))
lineno=$(( 5 + ( $(rand) % $nfonts )))
convert -list type | sed -n "${lineno}p" | cut -d' ' -f1 # [[R1#19]]
1164,22 → 1370,6
# Apply a framed photo-like effect
# Taken from <>
# filt_photoframe($1 = filename, $2 = timestamp, $3 = width, $4 = height)
filt_photoframe0() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
# Tweaking the size gives a nice effect too
# w=$(( $w - ( $RANDOM % ( $w / 3 ) ) ))
# TODO: Split softshadow in a filter
# The border is relative to the input size (since 1.0.99), with a maximum of 6
# Should probably be bigger for really big frames
# Note that only images below 21600px (e.g. 160x120) go below a 6px border
local border=$(( ($3*$4) / 3600 ))
[ $border -lt 7 ] || border=6
echo -n "-bordercolor white -border $border -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 "
echo -n "-background black \( +clone -shadow 60x4+4+4 \) +swap "
echo "-background none -flatten -trim +repage"
filt_photoframe() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# local file="$1" ts=$2 w=$3 h=$4
1220,7 → 1410,7
filt_randrot() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Rotation angle [-18..18]
local angle=$(( ($RANDOM % 37) - 18 ))
local angle=$(( ($(rand) % 37) - 18 ))
echo "-background none -rotate $angle "
1354,7 → 1544,7
local accoffset # The absolute (horizontal) offset used on the next iteration
local cmdopts # Holds the arguments passed to convert to compose the sheet
local w # Width of the current snap
for row in $(seq 1 $numrows) ; do
for row in $(seqw 1 $numrows) ; do
rowfile=$(new_temp_file .png)
rowfiles+=( "$rowfile" )
1364,7 → 1554,7
# Base canvas # Integrated in the row creation since 1.0.99
# Step through vidcaps (col=[0..cols-1])
for col in $(seq 0 $(( $cols - 1 ))); do
for col in $(seqw 0 $(( $cols - 1 ))); do
# More cols than files in the last iteration (e.g. -n10 -c4)
if [ -z "$1" ]; then break; fi
w=$(imw "$1")
1372,7 → 1562,7
# Stick the vicap in the canvas
cmdopts="$cmdopts '$1' -geometry +${accoffset}+0 -composite "
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $RANDOM % $maxoffset ) ))
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $(rand) % $maxoffset ) ))
let 'accoffset=accoffset + w - offset'
1391,9 → 1581,9
h=$(imh "$row")
minoffset=$(( $h / 8 ))
maxoffset=$(( $h / 4 ))
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $RANDOM % $maxoffset ) ))
offset=$(( $minoffset + ( $(rand) % $maxoffset ) ))
# The row is also offset horizontally
cmdopts="$cmdopts '$row' -geometry +$(( $RANDOM % $maxoffset ))+$accoffset -composite "
cmdopts="$cmdopts '$row' -geometry +$(( $(rand) % $maxoffset ))+$accoffset -composite "
let 'accoffset=accoffset + h - offset'
# After the trim the image will be touching the outer borders and the heading and footer,
1412,9 → 1602,9
# clean_timestamps($1 = space separated timestamps)
clean_timestamps() {
trace $FUNCNAME $@
# Note AFAIK sort only sorts lines, that's why y replace spaces by newlines
# Note AFAIK sort only sorts lines, that's why I replace spaces by newlines
local s=$1
sed 's/ /\n/g'<<<"$s" | sort -n | uniq
stonl "$s" | sort -n | uniq
# Fills the $MPLAYER_CACHE and $VID variables with the video data
1487,7 → 1677,6
# fi
# Check sanity of the most important values
is_number "${VID[$W]}" && is_number "${VID[$H]}" && is_float "${VID[$LEN]}"
1580,6 → 1769,13
local dvdn="$f"
if [ -b "$dvdn" ]; then
elif [ -c "$dvdn" ]; then
if grep -q bsd <<<"$OSTYPE"; then
inf "Warning: DVD support is even more experimental in *BSD"
warn "DVD device is a character device"
elif [ ! -f "$dvdn" ]; then
error "File \"$dvdn\" doesn't exist"
return $EX_NOINPUT
1625,7 → 1821,7
aspect_ratio=$(bc -lq <<< "${VID[$W]} / ${VID[$H]}")
elif [ "-1" == "$aspect_ratio" ]; then
aspect_ratio=$(guess_aspect ${VID[$W]} ${VID[$H]})
inf "Aspect ratio set to $(sed -r 's/(\.[0-9]{2}).*/\1/g'<<<$aspect_ratio)"
inf "Aspect ratio set to $($ERESED 's/(\.[0-9]{2}).*/\1/g'<<<$aspect_ratio)"
local vidcap_width=$(compute_width $vidcap_height)
1997,7 → 2193,7
local filesize_value=
if [ $DVD_MODE -eq 1 ]; then
local is_dev=0
test -b "$DVD_FILE" && is_dev=1
( test -b "$DVD_FILE" || test -c "$DVD_FILE" ) && is_dev=1
local dvd_label=$(lsdvd "$DVD_FILE" | grep -o 'Disc Title: .*' | cut -d' ' -f3-)
# lsdvd is guaranteed to be installed if DVD mode is enabled
if [ $is_dev -eq 1 ]; then # This is a real DVD, not an iso
2067,7 → 2263,7
# Tests integrity of some operations.
# Used to test internal changes for consistency.
# It helps me to identify incorrect optimizations.
# unit_test()
# unit_test(). Running with -D triggers this.
unit_test() {
local t op val ret comm retval=0
2074,6 → 2270,9
# Textual tests, compare output to expected output
# Tests are in the form "operation arguments correct_result #Description"
local TESTS=(
#"stonl ..."
"rmultiply 1,1 1 #Identity"
"rmultiply 16/9,1 2 #Rounding" # 1.77 rounded 2
"rmultiply 4/3 1 #Rounding" # 1.33 rounded 1
2111,7 → 2310,7
# many of the inputs
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
val=$($ERESED "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
2152,7 → 2351,7
for t in "${TESTS[@]}"; do
comm=$(sed 's!.* #!!g' <<<$t)
# Expected value
val=$(sed -r "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
val=$($ERESED "s!.* (.*) #$comm\$!\1!g"<<<$t)
op=$(sed "s! $val #$comm\$!!g" <<<$t)
if [ -z "$comm" ]; then
2267,7 → 2466,8
"photoframe": Use '-kf' or '--funky photoframe'
Adds a photo-like white frame to each image.
"polaroidframe": Use '-kL' or '--funky polaroidframe'
Adds a polaroid picture-like white frame to each image.
Adds a polaroid picture-like white frame to each
"photos": Use '-kc' or '--funky photos'
Combination of rotate, photoframe and overlap.
Same as -kp -kr -ko.
2278,6 → 2478,12
Imitates filmstrip look.
"random": Use '-kx' or '--funky random'
Randomizes colours and fonts.
-R <file>
--randomsource <file> Use the provided file as a source for random "values":
they won't be random anymore, so two runs with the same
source and same arguments will produce the same output
in modes which use using randomisation (e.g. the
"photos" and "polaroid" modes).
Options used for debugging purposes or to tweak the internal workings:
-M|--mplayer Force the usage of mplayer.
2310,19 → 2516,27
#### Execution starts here ####
# If tput isn't found simply ignore tput commands
# (no colour support)
# Important to do it before any message can be thrown
if ! type -pf tput >/dev/null ; then
tput() { cat >/dev/null <<<"$1"; }
warn "tput wasn't found. Coloured feedback disabled."
# Important to do this before any message can be thrown
# Adjust sed for POSIX/GNU compatibility
# Adjust seq for POSIX/GNU compatibility
# Ensure $GETOPT is Linux-style getopt
# Execute exithdlr on exit
trap exithdlr EXIT
# Test requirements. Important, must check before looking at the
# command line (since getopt is used for the task)
test_programs || exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE
# The command-line overrides any configuration. And the configuration
# is able to change the program in charge of parsing options ($GETOPT)
# {{{ # Command line parsing
2332,13 → 2546,12
# [[R0]]
TEMP=$(getopt -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:j::hFMH:c:ma:l:De::U::qAO:I::k:W:E:d:V: \
TEMP=$("$GETOPT" -s bash -o i:n:u:T:f:t:S:j::hFMH:c:ma:l:De::U::qAO:I::k:W:E:d:V:R: \
--long "interval:,numcaps:,username:,title:,from:,to:,stamp:,jpeg::,help,"\
"end_offset:,disable:,dvd:" \
"end_offset:,disable:,dvd:,randomsource:,undocumented:" \
-n $0 -- "$@")
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true ; do
2520,7 → 2733,14
error "Wrong override format, it should be variable=value. Got '$2'."
exit $EX_USAGE
if grep -q 'GETOPT=' <<<"$2" ; then
# If we're here, getopt has already been found and works, so it makes no
# sense to override it; on the other hand, if it hasn't been correctly
# set/detected we won't reach here
warn "GETOPT can't be overridden from the command line."
override "$2" "command line"
-W) # Workaround mode, see wa_ss_* declarations at the start for details
2545,7 → 2765,7
pts_tstamps=$(( $pts_tstamps * 3 / 2 ))
c|photos) # Same as overlap + rotate + photoframe, this is the older polaroid
inf "Changed to polaroid funky mode."
inf "Changed to photos funky mode."
FILTERS_IND+=( 'filt_photoframe' 'filt_randrot' )
# The timestamp must change location to be visible most of the time
2583,9 → 2803,19
if [ ! -r "$2" ]; then
error "Random source file '$2' can't be read"
exit $EX_USAGE
init_filerand "$2"
inf "Using '$2' as source of semi-random values"
-d|--disable) # Disable default features
case $(tolower "$2") in
# timestamp (no final s) is undocumented but will stay
# timestamp (with no final s) is undocumented but will stay
if [ $DISABLE_TIMESTAMPS -eq 0 ]; then
inf "Timestamps disabled."
2628,6 → 2858,18
# This is a container for, of course, undocumented functions
# These are used for testing/debugging purposes. Might (and will)
# change between versions, break easily and do no safety checks.
# In short, don't look at them unless told to do so :P
case "$2" in
# AWK was used for a little while in a WiP version
#set_awk=*) AWK="$(cut -d'=' -f2<<<"$2")" ; warn "[U] AWK=$AWK" ;;
*) false ;;
-D) # Repeat to just test consistency
if [ $DEBUGGED -gt 0 ]; then exit ; fi
2655,17 → 2897,15
elif [ "$2" ]; then
# }}} # Command line parsing
# The coherence check ensures the processed options are
# not incoherent/incompatible with the input files or with
# other given options
coherence_check || {
exit $?
# Test requirements
test_programs || exit $EX_UNAVAILABLE
set +e # Don't fail automatically
for arg do process "$arg" ; done