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Ignore whitespace Rev 346 → Rev 351

1,3 → 1,12
1.0.12: (2008-04-16)
* BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Corrected 0ms timestamps
* COSMETIC: Re-added the (disabled for long) black border after highlights
* BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Corrected the count of captures in manual-only mode (-m)
* FEATURE: Added a minimun length to use the end offset
* BUGFIX: Fixed the regression on highlights from the last version (extra
padding was being added my IM automatically)
* INTERNAL: Simplified use of IM's identify
1.0.11: (2008-04-08)
* BUGFIX: (brown bag bug) Corrected typo in variable name that made vcs
fail when setting the default timecode derivation to number of
1,3 → 1,10
vcs (1.0.12-upstream.0) experimental; urgency=low
* New version.
* Added suffix to version number.
-- Toni Corvera <> Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:59:46 +0200
vcs (1.0.11) experimental; urgency=low
* First package released.
26,7 → 26,8
# Author: Toni Corvera <>
# References:
# Pages I've taken snippets from or wrote code based on them.
# Mainly pages I've taken snippets from or wrote code based on them; or pages
# containing reference/technical data
# I refer to them in comments as e.g. [[R1]]. [[R1#3]] Means section 3 in R1.
# I also use internal references in the form [x1] (anchor -where to point-)
# and [[x1]] (x-reference -point to what-).
46,32 → 47,18
# <>
declare -r VERSION="1.0.11"
declare -r VERSION="1.0.12"
# History (The full changelog can be found at <>).
# 1.0.11: (2008-04-08)
# * BUGFIX: (brown bag bug) Corrected typo in variable name that made vcs
# fail when setting the default timecode derivation to number of
# captures instead of interval (i.e. when including timecode_from=8 in
# the config file) (thanks to Chris Hills for the bug report)
# * WORKAROUND: Fix for all-equal captures (seems to be a known problem
# with mplayer [M1]) (contributed by Phil Grundig)
# * RETROCOMPATIBILITY: Older bash syntax for appending and initialising
# arrays (contributed by Phil Grundig)
# * COMPATIBILITY: Support alternative du syntax for compatibility with
# busybox (based on Phil Grundig's contribution)
# * COSMETIC: Don't print milliseconds when using mplayer as capturer
# (they're not really meaningful then) (suggested by Phil Grundig)
# * COSMETIC: Align the extended set captures (-e) and the standard set
# (bug pointed by Chris Hills). Seems to fail at some (smaller?)
# sizes.
# "Funky" modes aren't correctly aligned yet.
# * DEBUGGING: Added optional function call trace (by setting variable DEBUG
# to 1)
# * Added FOURCC for VC-1
# * COSMETIC: Fixed captures recount with multiple files (prompted by a
# bugreport from Dougn Redhammer)
# 1.0.12: (2008-0?-??)
# * BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Corrected 0ms timestamps
# * COSMETIC: Re-added the (disabled for long) black border after highlights
# * BUGFIX/COSMETIC: Corrected the count of captures in manual-only mode (-m)
# * FEATURE: Added a minimun length to use the end offset
# * BUGFIX: Fixed the regression on highlights from the last version (extra
# padding was being added my IM automatically)
# * INTERNAL: Simplified use of IM's identify
set -e
190,6 → 177,8
declare shoehorned=
# See -E / $end_offset
declare -i DEFAULT_END_OFFSET=60
# If the video is less than this length, end offset won't be used at all
# This can only be changed in the configuration file
# Change it to change the safe renanimg:
# When writing the output file, the input name + output extension is
347,6 → 336,7
555,13 → 545,13
# Get Image Width
# imw($1 = file)
imw() {
identify "$1" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'x' -f1
identify -format '%w' "$1"
# Get Image Height
# imh($1 = file)
imh() {
identify "$1" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'x' -f2
identify -format '%h' "$1"
# Prints a number of seconds in a more human readable form
571,6 → 561,7
if ! is_float "$1" ; then return $EX_USAGE ; fi
local t=$1
#local h=$(( $t / 3600 ))
# bc's modulus seems to *require* not using the math lib (-l)
local h=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 3600")
577,8 → 568,15
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 3600")
local m=$( bc -q <<<"$t / 60")
t=$(bc -q <<<"$t % 60")
local s=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<$t)
local ms=$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<<$t)
local s ms
if grep -q '\.' <<<"$t" ; then
# Have ms
s=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<$t)
ms=$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<<$t)
local R=""
895,9 → 893,13
local runlen=$( bc <<<"$end - $st" )
if fptest "($end-$eo-$st)" -le 0 ; then
if fptest "$runlen" -lt $(get_interval "$MIN_LENGTH_FOR_END_OFFSET") ; then
# Min length to use end offset not met, it won't be used
inf "End offset won't be used, video too short."
elif fptest "($end-$eo-$st)" -le 0 ; then
if fptest "$eo" -gt 0 && fptest "$eo" -eq "$DEFAULT_END_OFFSET" ; then
warn "Default end offset was too high, ignoring it."
warn "Default end offset was too high for the video, ignoring it."
error "End offset too high, use e.g. '-E0'."
930,7 → 932,7
local stamp=$st
local -a LTC
local -a LTC
while fptest $stamp -le $(bc -q <<<"$end-$eo"); do
if fptest $stamp -lt 0 ; then
error "Internal error, negative timestamp calculated!"
1167,7 → 1169,6
# This produces soft-shadows, which look much better than the montage ones
convert \( -shadow 50x2+10+10 "$output" \) "$output" -composite "$output"
#convert \( -shadow 50x2+10+10 "$output" \) "$output" -composite "$output"
# FIXME: Error handling
echo $output
1366,8 → 1367,13
# Compute the stamps (if in auto mode)...
if [ $manual_mode -ne 1 ]; then
if [ $manual_mode -eq 1 ]; then
# Note TIMECODES must be set as an array to get the correct count in
# manual mode; in automatic mode it will be set correctly inside
# compute_timecodes()
TIMECODES=( ${initial_stamps[@]} )
compute_timecodes $timecode_from $interval $numcaps || {
return $?
1605,9 → 1611,14
# If there were highlights then mix them in
if [ "$HLTIMECODES" ]; then
#\( -geometry x2 xc:black -background black \) # This breaks it!
convert \( -background LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -flatten \) \
\( "$output" \) -append "$output"
# For some reason adding the background also adds padding with:
# convert \( -background LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -flatten \) \
# \( "$output" \) -append "$output"
# replacing it with a "-composite" operation apparently works
local geometry=$(identify -format '%wx%h' "$hlfile")
convert \( -size "$geometry" xc:LightGoldenRod "$hlfile" -composite \) \
\( -size "$(cut -d'x' -f1<<<$geometry)"x1 xc:black \) \
"$output" -append "$output"
# Extended captures
if [ "$extended_factor" != 0 ]; then
1628,7 → 1639,7
signature="Created with $PROGRAM_SIGNATURE"
local headwidth=$(identify "$output" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'x' -f1)
local headwidth=$(imw "$output")
# TODO: Use a better height calculation
local headheight=$(($pts_meta * 4 ))
local heading=$(new_temp_file .png)
2232,6 → 2243,7
-D) # Repeat to just test consistency
if [ $DEBUGGED -gt 0 ]; then exit ; fi
inf "Testing internal consistency..."
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
Property changes:
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
Merged /video-contact-sheet/branches/1.0.12:r347-350