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Ignore whitespace Rev 104 → Rev 105

0,0 → 1,175
/* $Id$
* Less intrusive loading and usage of SyntaxHighlighter.
* REQUIRES jQuery.
* To define a block of syntax highlighted code use the same method as in
* plain SyntaxHighlighter, i.e.:
* <pre class="brush: css">
* body {
* color:black;
* }
* </pre>
* When shLoader is initialised it will look for the "brush:" class and load
* the appropriate shBrush.
* Initialisation:
* shLoader.init() // Only if located at the root of the server
* shLoader.init({path: '/mydir/wp-content/plugins/js-syntax-highlighter'})
* A theme can be set either from the initialisation or later on, as long
* as shLoader.load() hasn't been triggered (will be run when a DOMReady event
* is triggered).
* E.g.:
* shLoader.init({path:'/mypath/...', theme:'Django'});
* OR
* shLoader.theme = 'Django';
if ('undefined' == typeof(jQuery)) { // Autload jQuery
var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
s.src = '';
s.type = 'text/javascript';
// Global object
var shLoader = {
/** {{{ // init() Schedule shLoader to initialise on DOMReady
* init([path = '/wp-content/plugins/js-syntax-highlighter'], [initObj])
* initObject, if provided, can have the fields:
* path
* theme
* configObj
* defaultsObj
* Use of other fields may produce unexpected behaviour
init: function(initObj) {
if (initObj) {
for (var p in initObj) {
this[p] = initObj[p];
$(document).ready(function() { shLoader.load(); });
}, // }}} // init()
/** {{{ // load() Actually load SyntaxHighlighter, if required
* Only if some code block is found it will be loaded.
load: function() {
if (!jQuery) { return; }
var cssPath = this.path+'/sh/styles';
var jsPath = this.path+'/sh/scripts';
// SyntaxHighlighter has now its own autoloader BUT it must
// receive a list of possible languages.
// When used in blogs it might mean having to enable autoloading of all
// possible languages. I'm unsure of the penalty of such approach but
// I prefer detection.
if (0 == this.loadURLs.length) { // No need to load sh
// Load the CSS
$('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+cssPath+'/shCore.css" type="text/css">').appendTo($('head'));
$('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+cssPath+'/shTheme'+this.theme+'.css" type="text/css">').appendTo($('head'));
// Load sh Core
$.ajax({ // Like jQuery.getScript() but in synchronous mode
url: jsPath+'/shCore.js',
dataType: 'script',
async: false, // If loaded asynchronously sh fails. Why? No clue.
success: shLoader.apply,
}, // }}} // load()
apply: function() { // Initialise the SyntaxHighlighter plugin
if ('undefined' == typeof(SyntaxHighlighter)) {
// Something failed...
$(shLoader.loadURLs).each(function (i,e) {
url: e,
dataType: 'script',
async: false,
// Set any configuration and defaults
for (var prop in this.configObj) {
SyntaxHighlighter.config[prop] = this.configObj[prop];
for (var prop in this.defaultsObj) {
SyntaxHighlighter.defaults[prop] = this.defaultsObj[prop];
// FIXME: This used to fail on first load, it seems to fail from time to time now
SyntaxHighlighter.all(); // Actually apply syntax highlighting
}, // }}} // apply()
/** {{{ // setDefaults() // Sets the defaults object of SyntaxHighlighter
* Note the defaults won't be applied until init() is called and SyntaxHighlighter
* loaded.
* Successive calls will overwrite any previously set defaults, to "add" defaults
* first use the getDefaults() method, e.g.:
* shLoader.setDefaults( { auto-links:true } );
* var o = shLoader.getDefaults();
* o['class-name'] = 'someClass';
* shLoader.setDefaults(o);
setDefaults: function(obj) {
this.defaultsObj = obj;
}, // }}} // setDefaults
/** {{{ // setConfig() // Sets the config object of SyntaxHighlighter
* See the setDefaults() notes, everything there applies here too.
setConfig: function(obj) {
this.configObj = obj;
}, // }}} // setConfig
detectLanguages: function() { // {{{ // Find any language used in the page
var detected = [];
var re = /brush: ?(\w+)/i;
//$('.brush\\:') would not match stuff like 'brush:css' (but it will match 'brush: css')
$('[class^=brush:]').each(function() {
var cn = $(this).attr('class');
var lang = cn.match(re)[1];
}, // }}} // detectLanguages()
reqLoad: function(lang) { // {{{ // Request Load
// <>
// XXX: [left over from v0.2] Would create invalid or ambiguous selectors: 'c++', 'c#', ''
var l = null;
switch (lang) { // Map language to brush
case 'cpp': case 'c': case 'c++': l='Cpp'; break;
case 'c#': case 'c-sharp': case 'csharp': l='CSharp'; break;
case 'css': l='Css'; break;
case 'delphi': case 'pascal': l='Delphi'; break;
case 'java': l='Java'; break;
case 'js': case 'jscript': case 'javascript': l='JScript'; break;
case 'php': l='Php'; break;
case 'py': case 'python': l='Python'; break;
case 'rb': case 'ruby': case 'rails': case 'ror': l='Ruby'; break;
case 'sql': l='Sql'; break;
case 'vb': case '': l='Vb'; break;
case 'xml': case 'html': case 'xhtml': case 'xslt': l='Xml'; break;
if (l) {
if (!this.loaded[l]) {
this.loadURLs[this.loadURLs.length] = this.path+'/sh/scripts/shBrush'+l+'.js';
this.loaded[l] = true;
}, // }}} // reqLoad()
getDefaults: function() { return this.defaultsObj; },
getConfig: function() { return this.configObj; },
theme: 'Default',// sh Theme to use (files named shTheme*.css)
path: '/wp-content/plugins/js-syntax-highlighter', // Base path of the plugin
loaded: [], // List of requested languages [lang => bool,...]
loadURLs: [], // List of languages (brushes) URLs to load
configObj: {}, // Syntax Highlighter configutation (see setConfig())
defaultsObj: {}, // Syntax Highlighter defaults (see setDefaults())
// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 smarttab et filetype=javascript foldmethod=marker:
Property changes:
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