Subversion Repositories pub

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 102 → Rev 103

0,0 → 1,7
// Default Syntax Highlighter theme.
@import "_theme_template.scss";
.syntaxhighlighter {
.keyword { font-weight: bold !important; }
0,0 → 1,48
// Eclipse IDE SyntaxHighlighter color theme
// (C) Code-House
// :http//
$background: #fff !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #c3defe !default;
$line_highlighted_number: #fff !default;
$gutter_text: #787878 !default;
$gutter_border_color: #d4d0c8 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #3f5fbf !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #aa7700 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a: #a0a0a0 !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: red !default;
$code_plain: black !default;
$code_comments: #3f5fbf !default;
$code_string: #2a00ff !default;
$code_keyword: #7f0055 !default;
$code_preprocessor: #646464 !default;
$code_variable: #aa7700 !default;
$code_value: #009900 !default;
$code_functions: #ff1493 !default;
$code_constants: #0066cc !default;
$code_color1: gray !default;
$code_color2: #ff1493 !default;
$code_color3: red !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
.syntaxhighlighter {
.keyword { font-weight: bold !important; }
.xml {
.keyword {
color: #3f7f7f !important;
font-weight: normal !important; }
.color1, .color1 a { color: #7f007f !important; }
.string {
font-style: italic !important;
color: #2a00ff !important;
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeDjango.scss";
0,0 → 1,32
// Emacs SyntaxHighlighter theme based on theme by Joshua Emmons
$background: black !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #2A3133 !default;
$line_highlighted_number: white !default;
$gutter_text: #d3d3d3 !default;
$gutter_border_color: #990000 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #ebdb8d !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #ff7d27 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: black !default;
$toolbar_a: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #9ccff4 !default;
$code_plain: #d3d3d3 !default;
$code_comments: #ff7d27 !default;
$code_string: #ff9e7b !default;
$code_keyword: aqua !default;
$code_preprocessor: #aec4de !default;
$code_variable: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_value: #009900 !default;
$code_functions: #81cef9 !default;
$code_constants: #ff9e7b !default;
$code_color1: #ebdb8d !default;
$code_color2: #ff7d27 !default;
$code_color3: #aec4de !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeMidnight.scss";
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeRDark.scss";
0,0 → 1,36
// Fade to Grey SyntaxHighlighter theme based on theme by Brasten Sager
// :http//
$background: #121212 !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #2C2C29 !default;
$line_highlighted_number: white !default;
$gutter_text: #afafaf !default;
$gutter_border_color: #3185b9 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #3185b9 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #d01d33 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: black !default;
$toolbar_a: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #96daff !default;
$code_plain: white !default;
$code_comments: #696854 !default;
$code_string: #e3e658 !default;
$code_keyword: #d01d33 !default;
$code_preprocessor: #435a5f !default;
$code_variable: #898989 !default;
$code_value: #009900 !default;
$code_functions: #aaaaaa !default;
$code_constants: #96daff !default;
$code_color1: #ffc074 !default;
$code_color2: #4a8cdb !default;
$code_color3: #96daff !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
.syntaxhighlighter {
.functions { font-weight: bold !important; }
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeMDUltra.scss";
0,0 → 1,36
// Django SyntaxHighlighter theme
$background: #0a2b1d !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #233729 !default;
$line_highlighted_number: white !default;
$gutter_text: #497958 !default;
$gutter_border_color: #41a83e !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #96dd3b !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #fff !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: #000 !default;
$toolbar_a: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #ffe862 !default;
$code_plain: #f8f8f8 !default;
$code_comments: #336442 !default;
$code_string: #9df39f !default;
$code_keyword: #96dd3b !default;
$code_preprocessor: #91bb9e !default;
$code_variable: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_value: #f7e741 !default;
$code_functions: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_constants: #e0e8ff !default;
$code_color1: #eb939a !default;
$code_color2: #91bb9e !default;
$code_color3: #edef7d !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
.syntaxhighlighter {
.comments { font-style: italic !important; }
.keyword { font-weight: bold !important; }
0,0 → 1,32
// RDark SyntaxHighlighter theme based on theme by Radu Dineiu
$background: #1b2426 !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #323E41 !default;
$line_highlighted_number: #b9bdb6 !default;
$gutter_text: #afafaf !default;
$gutter_border_color: #435a5f !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #5ba1cf !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #5ce638 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: #000 !default;
$toolbar_a: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #e0e8ff !default;
$code_plain: #b9bdb6 !default;
$code_comments: #878a85 !default;
$code_string: #5ce638 !default;
$code_keyword: #5ba1cf !default;
$code_preprocessor: #435a5f !default;
$code_variable: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_value: #009900 !default;
$code_functions: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_constants: #e0e8ff !default;
$code_color1: #e0e8ff !default;
$code_color2: white !default;
$code_color3: #ffaa3e !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
0,0 → 1,32
// Midnight SyntaxHighlighter theme based on theme by J.D. Myers
$background: #0f192a !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #253e5a !default;
$line_highlighted_number: #38566f !default;
$gutter_text: #afafaf !default;
$gutter_border_color: #435a5f !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #428bdd !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #1dc116 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: #000 !default;
$toolbar_a: #D1EDFF !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #8aa6c1 !default;
$code_plain: #d1edff !default;
$code_comments: #428bdd !default;
$code_string: #1dc116 !default;
$code_keyword: #b43d3d !default;
$code_preprocessor: #8aa6c1 !default;
$code_variable: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_value: #f7e741 !default;
$code_functions: #ffaa3e !default;
$code_constants: #e0e8ff !default;
$code_color1: #f8bb00 !default;
$code_color2: white !default;
$code_color3: #ffaa3e !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
0,0 → 1,216
@mixin round_corners_custom($top, $right, $bottom, $left) {
-moz-border-radius: $top $right $bottom $left !important;
-webkit-border-radius: $top $right $bottom $left !important;
@mixin round_corners($radius) {
@include round_corners_custom($radius, $radius, $radius, $radius);
.syntaxhighlighter {
table td,
table tr,
table tbody,
table thead,
table caption,
textarea {
@include round_corners(0);
background: none !important;
border: 0 !important;
bottom: auto !important;
float: none !important;
height: auto !important;
left: auto !important;
line-height: 1.1em !important;
margin: 0 !important;
outline: 0 !important;
overflow: visible !important;
padding: 0 !important;
position: static !important;
right: auto !important;
text-align: left !important;
top: auto !important;
vertical-align: baseline !important;
width: auto !important;
box-sizing: content-box !important;
font: {
family: "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;
weight: normal !important;
style: normal !important;
size: 1em !important;
min: {
// For IE8, FF & WebKit
height: inherit !important;
// For IE7
height: auto !important;
.syntaxhighlighter {
width: 100% !important;
margin: 1em 0 1em 0 !important;
position: relative !important;
overflow: auto !important;
font-size: 1em !important;
&.source { overflow: hidden !important; }
// set up bold and italic
.bold { font-weight: bold !important; }
.italic { font-style: italic !important; }
.line { white-space: pre !important; }
// main table and columns
table {
width: 100% !important;
caption {
text-align: left !important;
padding: .5em 0 0.5em 1em !important;
td.code {
width: 100% !important;
.container {
position: relative !important;
textarea {
box-sizing: border-box !important;
position: absolute !important;
left: 0 !important;
top: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: 100% !important;
border: none !important;
background: white !important;
padding-left: 1em !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
white-space: pre !important;
// middle spacing between line numbers and lines
td.gutter .line {
text-align: right !important;
padding: 0 0.5em 0 1em !important;
td.code .line {
padding: 0 1em !important;
&.nogutter {
td.code {
.container textarea, .line { padding-left: 0em !important; }
&.show { display: block !important; }
// Adjust some properties when collapsed
&.collapsed {
table { display: none !important; }
.toolbar {
padding: 0.1em 0.8em 0em 0.8em !important;
font-size: 1em !important;
position: static !important;
width: auto !important;
height: auto !important;
span {
display: inline !important;
margin-right: 1em !important;
a {
padding: 0 !important;
display: none !important;
&.expandSource { display: inline !important; }
// Styles for the toolbar
.toolbar {
position: absolute !important;
right: 1px !important;
top: 1px !important;
width: 11px !important;
height: 11px !important;
font-size: 10px !important;
z-index: 10 !important;
span.title { display: inline !important; }
a {
display: block !important;
text-align: center !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
padding-top: 1px !important;
&.expandSource { display: none !important; }
&.ie {
font-size: .9em !important;
padding: 1px 0 1px 0 !important;
.toolbar {
line-height: 8px !important;
a {
padding-top: 0px !important;
// Print view.
// Colors are based on the default theme without background.
&.printing {
.line.alt1 .content,
.line.alt2 .content,
.line.highlighted .number,
.line.highlighted.alt1 .content,
.line.highlighted.alt2 .content { background: none !important; }
// Gutter line numbers
.line {
.number { color: #bbbbbb !important; }
// Add border to the lines
.content { color: black !important; }
// Toolbar when visible
.toolbar { display: none !important; }
a { text-decoration: none !important; }
.plain, .plain a { color: black !important; }
.comments, .comments a { color: #008200 !important; }
.string, .string a { color: blue !important; }
.keyword {
color: #006699 !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
.preprocessor { color: gray !important; }
.variable { color: #aa7700 !important; }
.value { color: #009900 !important; }
.functions { color: #ff1493 !important; }
.constants { color: #0066cc !important; }
.script { font-weight: bold !important; }
.color1, .color1 a { color: gray !important; }
.color2, .color2 a { color: #ff1493 !important; }
.color3, .color3 a { color: red !important; }
.break, .break a { color: black !important; }
0,0 → 1,32
// MDUltra SyntaxHighlighter theme based on Midnight Theme
$background: #222222 !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #253e5a !default;
$line_highlighted_number: white !default;
$gutter_text: #38566f !default;
$gutter_border_color: #435a5f !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #428bdd !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: lime !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: black !default;
$toolbar_a: #aaaaff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #9ccff4 !default;
$code_plain: lime !default;
$code_comments: #428bdd !default;
$code_string: lime !default;
$code_keyword: #aaaaff !default;
$code_preprocessor: #8aa6c1 !default;
$code_variable: aqua !default;
$code_value: #f7e741 !default;
$code_functions: #ff8000 !default;
$code_constants: yellow !default;
$code_color1: red !default;
$code_color2: yellow !default;
$code_color3: #ffaa3e !default;
@import "_theme_template.scss";
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeEclipse.scss";
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeDefault.scss";
0,0 → 1,120
$background: white !default;
$line_alt1_background: $background !default;
$line_alt2_background: $background !default;
$line_highlighted_background: #e0e0e0 !default;
$line_highlighted_number: black !default;
$gutter_text: #afafaf !default;
$gutter_border_color: #6ce26c !default;
$gutter_border: 3px solid $gutter_border_color !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a: #00f !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_a_hover: #f00 !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_background: #fff !default;
$toolbar_collapsed_border: 1px solid $gutter_border_color !default;
$toolbar_a: #fff !default;
$toolbar_a_hover: #000 !default;
$toolbar_background: $gutter_border_color !default;
$toolbar_border: none !default;
$code_plain: black !default;
$code_comments: #008200 !default;
$code_string: blue !default;
$code_keyword: #006699 !default;
$code_preprocessor: gray !default;
$code_variable: #aa7700 !default;
$code_value: #009900 !default;
$code_functions: #ff1493 !default;
$code_constants: #0066cc !default;
$code_script: $code_keyword !default;
$code_script_background: none !default;
$code_color1: gray !default;
$code_color2: #ff1493 !default;
$code_color3: red !default;
$caption_color: $code_plain !default;
// Interface elements.
.syntaxhighlighter {
background-color: $background !important;
// Highlighed line number
.line {
&.alt1 { background-color: $line_alt1_background !important; }
&.alt2 { background-color: $line_alt2_background !important; }
// Highlighed line
&.highlighted {
&.alt1, &.alt2 { background-color: $line_highlighted_background !important; }
&.number { color: $line_highlighted_number !important; }
table {
caption {
color: $caption_color !important;
// Add border to the lines
.gutter {
color: $gutter_text !important;
.line {
border-right: $gutter_border !important;
&.highlighted {
background-color: $gutter_border_color !important;
color: $background !important;
&.printing .line .content { border: none !important; }
&.collapsed {
overflow: visible !important;
.toolbar {
color: $toolbar_collapsed_a !important;
background: $toolbar_collapsed_background !important;
border: $toolbar_collapsed_border !important;
a {
color: $toolbar_collapsed_a !important;
&:hover { color: $toolbar_collapsed_a_hover !important; }
.toolbar {
color: $toolbar_a !important;
background: $toolbar_background !important;
border: $toolbar_border !important;
a {
color: $toolbar_a !important;
&:hover { color: $toolbar_a_hover !important; }
// Actual syntax highlighter colors.
.plain, .plain a { color: $code_plain !important; }
.comments, .comments a { color: $code_comments !important; }
.string, .string a { color: $code_string !important; }
.keyword { color: $code_keyword !important; }
.preprocessor { color: $code_preprocessor !important; }
.variable { color: $code_variable !important; }
.value { color: $code_value !important; }
.functions { color: $code_functions !important; }
.constants { color: $code_constants !important; }
.script {
font-weight: bold !important;
color: $code_script !important;
background-color: $code_script_background !important;
.color1, .color1 a { color: $code_color1 !important; }
.color2, .color2 a { color: $code_color2 !important; }
.color3, .color3 a { color: $code_color3 !important; }
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeEmacs.scss";
0,0 → 1,14
environment = :production
project_type = :stand_alone
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "../styles"
sass_dir = "."
images_dir = "images"
sass_options = {
:line_numbers => false,
:debug_info => false
# output_style = :compressed
# output_style = :compact
output_style = :expanded
0,0 → 1,2
@import "shCore.scss";
@import "shThemeFadeToGrey.scss";